Zeldo - Ban Appeal

Taylor Swift,are you Zeldo.Sounds very like it with you just coming in this thread and posting something considering about this thread.

No I don’t even play this game I just had to post that.

No, we’re all just people following the thread who occasionally come out of the woodwork just 'cuz

What do you mean by You had to reply?You just registered how can you reply before and that was your first post.Stop talking shit.

You’re visibly mad.

And yes I had to reply.

C’mon guys, I unlocked this thread with higher hopes than this! Where are your debates? Rants? Thoughts?

I reckon we should just Ban all of them from the fourms except Zeldo and instead of other people helping him,He should just do it himself.

No one cares, Reki.
This thread is shit, and people just don’t like pk servers anymore even if izzy is cool.
It’s kinda just a train that crashed into a wall.

And Ryu, you’re a moron with that argument.
“These guys are complaining about us banning people and abusing our power… LET’S SHOW THEM BY ABUSING OUR POWER LOL”

In the new thread Reuben agreed with a post that said the admins for this server were essentially fuckups https://boards.4chan.org/v/res/168813394

Saying that /v/ is getting upset at him for literally no reason doesn’t mean he agrees that the mods are all cunts.

Look at how mature the admins are, guys!

Enjoy your ban

Unban Zeldo and use this thread for future reference.

Record everything and upload it for proof then hackers/griefers have ZERO legs to stand on.

Have you read anything in this thread at all? If the whole thing started with my ban appeal, how will banning EVERYONE solve anything?
Honestly, it’s not about being unbanned anymore, it’s about the abuse of power and inequality in terms of treatment. This could have been solved in a much better way, and now even the mods are pouring gasoline on the fire. It’s absolutely hilarious, all of this, but it shouldn’t have happened if there was even a little bit of decency and thinking involved. Some of it is my fault, of course, but come on. We can all act like adults here, yet you choose not to.

Dis be messed down. Mods gots no proof yet sucka’s plum snatch deir wo’d fo’ it. Man! It’s likes when some honky joker says some black joker robbed some honky honky chicks. Dey plum snatch his wo’d fo’ it. Man! Damn. ‘S coo’, bro.

I was agreeing to the “why do you people care about me” bit.

I said you weren’t and I am a pretty trustworthy person

Some uh ya’ need t’start actin’ likes Adults instead uh bickerin’ back and fo’d.

Look, the way I see it, he’s gone through hell to get himself unbanned. As of now, he may or may not have hacked. Either way, he’s here now making him argument on an 11 page thread. I say if he’s gone through this to fix the situation, you should unban him.

Keep in mind, Zeldo, if they do unban you, you must know not to hack again (If you did previously). If you are unbaned, I see no reason as to why you would risk going straight to ban-land after this much trouble.

If you are let free, it’s a simple matter of staying out of trouble. If not, then there is really no harm done. As the moderators and admins have said before, these servers are given to you as privilege, not right.

Lastly, if you are caught doing something like this again, you have one, made yourself a liar, cheater, and a complete fool. You’ve wasted your time and these moderators time. You screwed yourself good. But then again if you didn’t hack, no harm done, right?

Think on it.