Zeldo - Ban Appeal

That’s the thing. The admins have no proof of a bannable offence occurring, so why was there a ban?

Seriously? These are the only servers that have any players on them. After Goonhaven went down, all that’s left is this. That’s like saying “Why not just not steal, and if you did/didn’t, don’t get mad?”
It’s not that he’s mad because his image is being tarnished, you guys are ruining his experience in game by limiting his server list to 3 servers.
that would be unfortunate, wouldn’t it.

God damn, you guys are dense.
Why have appeal threads if there is literally NO way to get a ban appealed because the site community is full of “no, I don’t want to be fair, or actually contribute anything but the word no”

And it’s the principle of giving people second chances and not being power grubbing morons.

…Because they saw it with their own eyes. They don’t need to prove anything, especially not to some chumps from 4chan.

Uh, because some people don’t deserve them? It’s not a “get out of ban free card”.

Cant we just lock this thread,perma him and problem solved.

So this all breaks down to the argument that “Whatever the admin says, goes”

Why even have an appeal center if it all boils down to totalitarianism from the admins?

So you’re saying that it’s better to say “The admins said it so it’s true” other than “There’s no proof”. Admins word > Proof?
So far the defenses for the admins/mods are this:
“THE MOD SAID IT, so it must be true.”
“The mod has proof but he doesn’t want to show it.”
“The mod did this so I believe him because he’s the only one I can trust no matter what because he’s a mod forget all other arguments. You just got logix’d.”
None of this was said by Colorpinpoint. And for that, I feel bad for him.
And now, presenting real arguments makes us the wrong ones?
Like a lack of evidence? Saying that it’s bad for an admin to ban without giving evidence besides their word?
Well, alright then. Nice to know how these servers work.

How could he possibly do that?
The Admin says that he was “looking” through walls, yet said admin cannot provide any sort of evidence that he did so. No outrageous k/d. No video. Nothing.
How do you refute an argument without a solid base?

And then there’s this guy

Zeldo, stop trying to hide yourself as Nein. We know that you are the same person.

I’m not even trying to flame anyone, this site is just full of morons, and it’s hard to not point out stupid flaws in their arguments.

Is it really this hard to just give someone the benefit of a doubt, and see if he’s really hacking?

Like, christ.

It’s super easy to just look down and see people through blocks. Some people are GOOD at a game. And last I checked, one person thinking someone is banning != proof that he’s banning.

Can I at least compare this game to the Salem Witch Trials case?
“She’s a witch!”
“How is she a witch!?”
“Someone told me that they saw her being a witch!”

Read The Crucible, I read it like in sophomore year of high school, and it touched on this ideology really well.

Would you please just go away if all you’re going to say is “B-but the admins are always right!”.

Nope, the mods can see IP’s so they can vouch for that. I’m watching from the sidelines. Didn’t mean for everything to explode but that’s just how things turned out.

That’s one flimsy, baseless strawman you got there.

Sure you did, bro. Why else post it on 4chan?

This isn’t going to end well.
Sorry, man.

I don’t see this thread going anywhere productive.

If you would like to talk this out with Color through PMs or IRC, feel free at #aloha on irc.quakenet.org.

Why is this ruban fellow spamming shitposts on /v/ bragging about griefing the /v/ AoS server?

Is this how AlohaPK conducts itself?

You guys used to be cool…

I had to reply to you because your post bugged the living daylights out of me.

You can put a video through windows movie maker which will make the video around 10+mb while keeping the quality.

No excuse, if you moderate then you should be ready to provide proof when you hand out a ban and in this day and age you have no excuse to not have proof.

Wow, really, Aloha?