I just had to pop in and make a quick post about this after stumbling across it.
And I notice how this isn’t happening…I thought you had to do the stuff listed in the job description as it were? Not just go “You did it” and that’s that…which is what’s going on…
For all those people saying “The mods don’t need to prove anything to you” are just being tools. Think of yourself in Zeldo’s position, if you were accused then immediately punished for doing something without proof of you doing it being shown to you…how would you feel? ESPECIALLY if you are innocent.
I don’t know if Zeldo was hacking or not…there’s no evidence of it. Also it would be a bit pointless to ban him just cus they felt like it…but then again, how do we know that this isn’t the case? There’s no proof…All we are getting is mindless squabbles because nobody can bring up solid proof of what went on.
Abusing power is abusing power…it doesn’t matter if it’s a court of law or a video game sever/forum…it’s the accusers job to show proof of their claims because then how do we all know if they are right or not? Because of their word?..anyone can make up their word and be lying through their teeth…no matter what authority position they hold
It’s only fair if they can provide evidence of Zeldo hacking, then giving Zeldo the chance to defend himself against it, maybe the video or image looks like he is hacking but he isn’t and he gets the chance to prove why, maybe he is and gets rightfully banned.
This seems to be a no fair trial area here. I know people bang on about the servers being a privilege and not a right, but still the system doesn’t properly account for if any innocent people actually do get banned by it. Especially regarding in the first page about colorpinpoint effectively saying he doesn’t gather evidence for all his bans…he might THINK somebody is hacking…but does that mean they really are? People are never right 100% of the time.
If Zeldo was hacking, then it’s great he got banned, but it’s not great that he got banned with no proof of it.