[x] Chappy's Ban Appeal

I redid some math.

I calculated the probability of getting head shots at 112 blocks (7/8ths view range).

It’s 43.33%, exactly 10% lower than that at 96 blocks (3/4ths view range).

The height of the esp block in topovl at 112 blocks 15px and 7px for standing and crouching. Scaled to 480p (80%) this is 12px and 5.6px. (Images I used are in the same gallery as my OP).

Going off my old list, there are 5 shots that absolutely meet my criteria. I could argue for 2 more of them, but in giving the benefit of the doubt, I’m using 5 instead of 7. The 2 misses were both at targets at ranges of 112 blocks or greater.

The probability of getting the 5 kills at 96 blocks (all of which were no misses) is 0.5333^5, or 4.31%.

The probability of getting the 5 kills at 112 blocks with 2 misses is calculated with binomial distribution by taking the sum of all probabilities of 5 or more headshots (like I did before):

This is 13.2118%.

The probability of committing both streaks simultaneously is both multiplied together, or 0.569%. About 0.6%. The odds of this are 174 to 1.

Therefore, being conservative, I’m 99.4% sure you were using no spread for this particular streak.


I would like to add to ei8htx’s post that in statistics, those percentages are usually considered to be a solid confirmation of no spread. Math and statistics don’t have to be used on computers either. They can calculate human chances of achieving long distance kill streaks too.

Sorry, I think you’re going to have to do some more math.

I went over the video frame-by-frame, and at 12:25 I shoot at ‘widgets240’. It’s hard to see, but if you heavily analyse it I’m sure you’ll see what I do at that point in time. I don’t exactly know why there’s no bullet, but I do know, though, that when spectating people I’ve seen (and obviously heard) ‘silent kills’. The ‘bullet being fired’ packet isn’t sent over to color’s side, but the kill still is broadcasted across the server. Another tell-tale sign that I fired was the recoil, because aiming and movement packets were still received on your end.

Even if you don’t count that one, you have to see the miss at 12:57. With the quality of the video I don’t know who it was, but slowed down you know there’s someone there.

http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=binomialdistribution[8%2C0.4333 (Counting 1 miss)
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=binomialdistribution[9%2C0.4333 (Counting both misses)

I don’t know the rest, I’m just a 14 year old attempting to modify something he has practically no idea about. :stuck_out_tongue:

Those are nice arguments, if they were true. You’re right when you say It’s a trap said: ‘try find me :P’, but in fact he said that about three minutes after the video that Colorpinpoint posted ended. He didn’t give any sign or signal in chat before you walked straight to him, nor did he make any noise, which makes your story quite unbelievable. There really was no way you could know that there was someone hiding and who it was. Watching the killfeed makes no sense if you don’t know who to look for.

You walk straight to it’s a trap after he disappears behind the tree/hill and when you arrive at the place you last saw him instead of looking left to see where he went you look straight to the place he is hidden under the ground. You say you didn’t see him run anywhere else, but from watching the video closely it looks like you didn’t even look around at all.

There was no shot at 12:25. There’s no tracer on the minimap. If you did shoot, you hit the wall, which wouldn’t count anyway as you weren’t aiming at your target.

Accommodating 3 shots makes the total probability of you pulling this off 0.9%.

Watch this video of an aimbotter I caught quite a while ago:

At 0:38, he fires a shot. The packet isn’t received on my end, and there’s no tracer where the bullet would’ve been on the map. Nothing at all. It doesn’t look like a shot was fired. The only proof is a kill. This has happened multiple times with topovl and ingameovl on different occasions while spectating people. I’m sure some admins will have to at least agree on that.

You can see there’s a freeze where I could’ve adjusted my aim. The only proof I fired a shot is the jerky recoil after I crouch again.

Seeing as no one is replying, I’ll continue.
I’m sure you will agree (after looking at my rebuttal) that I did in fact shoot ‘widgets240’

So, with binominal distribution:

Nevermind, found a Binominal Distribution Calculator to do the work for me.

Using ^ that ^, I got 19.8% with 5 successes and 9 attempts.

That’s as far as I got before I got completely confused. Sorry! I multiplied the other streak together, but got 0.8% somehow…


Before I start this, I’d like to make an announcement: If you aren’t a staff member, please do not post in this thread unless you have relevant insight that hasn’t already been made by another user posting in this thread. Thank you.

Alright, it’s my turn to say what I have to say. Just as a note, I don’t really have a solid opinion about Chappy (I’ve never actually met the guy, to my knowledge), so what I’m going to say is just what the facts tell me.

Let’s go in chronological order. In January, someone posted on your application that you had recently gotten 21 kills and 3 deaths on arena top 10, with 90% accuracy. Color pointed this out earlier, and you replied.

That would be a good point, except your only used weapon at the time was the rifle. Granted, the map was indiaarena, a rather small map, but even so it’s extremely difficult to get such a high accuracy and ratio with such a low amount of deaths, especially on a map where the rifle is probably the worst weapon to use.

Fast forward to February 15th, where this happened.

The nospread portion of the banhammer script has (as far as I know) never falsely kicked anyone on any server for as long as it’s been around. By the way, lag doesn’t affect this script whatsoever, so that’s not really an argument that can be presented. I remember topo was testing it, and was playing around with the shotgun for 1+ hour, attempting to trigger a single detection. He put on nospread hacks, and was banned in 3 shots. Basically how the script works is that 1 detection equals a shot with the shotgun from at least 23 blocks away, in which every single pellet hits the exact same part of the body. If this happens 3 times in a row, the player is automatically kicked by the server. However, if any of the following shots have spread, from no matter how far away, the counter is reset, and the detection is either dismissed as a false positive or a player who has turned off his/her hacks. There are players all across the spectrum, ones who lag more than you, lag less than you, have better aim, have worse aim, the list goes on and on. Throw in every variable you can think of, I don’t really care, as only one affects whether or not you get kicked by it. So why is it that you get kicked “falsely” and none of them do? Why are you the special exception? My guess is that you aren’t.

By the way, people are less likely to accuse you of actually cheating if you immediately dismiss your detections as a false positive, as you did.

(I’d also like to point out that this was directly after we assured you that nospread isn’t really that visible with ovl, at least not any more visible than already it is without it, although this isn’t terribly damning or relevant.)

Something that /is/ relevant, however, is that you posted a while before that, claiming that you record every single gameplay just in case. When you were asked for the recording, you claimed that you had lost it. That’s incredibly suspicious, and I don’t think I need to delve into why.

Furthermore (this is just a general statement), you apparently had a hobby of being extra suspicious of any players in spectator, asking them multiple times who they were to the point where you wouldn’t play until you found out who it was. This is very interesting behaviour in my eyes, and one that has some not-too-nice implications behind it.

Now, let’s skip ahead to mid/late July (I don’t know the exact date, around the 20th if I remember correctly), when you were autobanned by the SMG snap script on IceCraft’s server. This is a script that is rarely wrong, not to mention it is harder, not easier, to trigger when the player is lagging. In order to trigger, you need to be using the SMG, kill a player in body part X, move your mouse at least 10 degrees to body part X of another player, and shoot them too, all while maintaining your rate of fire and not letting go of left click. This results in one detection. You need 7 to be autobanned by the server. This script usually bans only the most obvious aimbotters. So again, why are you different?

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter, the video footage. Let’s start with color’s video. Although the entire video is sketchy, I didn’t exactly see the entire problem until 11:52. Basically, what happens is that topo leaves the game. You are in the middle of aiming at someone. A few seconds later, you dig a trench at your wall, so that you can do something without getting killed. By the point you start doing whatever it is you were doing, the message “towers disconnected” had already been gone. Eventually, you come back, and immediately start playing again, at which point you go full rambo. I’d also like to note that in the video breakdown you sent us (on August 1st), you pretty thoroughly break down the first ten minutes of the video, but completely avoid the entire second half, the part we agreed was suspicous. Let’s look at your explanation for this phenomenon.

[12:12] <Chappy|URIP> No, I was afk and I went outside to grab the cat because he ran out.
[12:13] <Chappy|URIP> Like, I came back before the chat cleared the leave message up[.

How incredibly convenient that your cat just happened to leave at that time. That would be a good explanation, if it were true. Topo leaves at 11:52. You begin digging your rut at 11:58. The text is gone at 12:01, at which point you are still moving. The message was gone before you even left. Your story has a gaping cat-sized hole in it.

Not sure how you had time to see that he left, as when you come back you immediately fill up the whole and start shooting people. No room for tabbing after you got back, so I’m sure your explanation will be “I tabbed before I started moving” which is definitely sensible and something every single player does.

Then on to the grenade thing. You had multiple explanations for this one too.

[12:06] <Chappy|URIP> Someone team-chat and told me.
[12:06] <Chappy|URIP> He said “Chap, digging below behing you”
[12:07] <Chappy|URIP> then “he just acme out and kill me, behind u”

This was proven untrue, by Drebbel.

Interesting how only then you realized it was something completely different, and at that, happened before color started recording, ensuring that there’s no way to prove if you’re correct or incorrect.

Then your story regarding which server the incident took place changed again, this time to read that it was a different server entirely, one out of our domain.

Weird, you just said it was on that server, earlier that game. When we confronted you about that, you screamed at us, saying that you wouldn’t lie about something like that if you knew that we could see all of those things. My guess is that you didn’t know we could see teamchat, because the IRC channels that are open to all staff don’t display teamchat, so it would be safe to assume that we couldn’t see it.

Then comes the math. 8x showed that there’s a .8% chance that you were playing legitimately, or 1 in 125. Those are some pretty low odds. It matches up perfectly with the video, as I’ve been playing the game for almost a year now, and I’ve never hit that many consecutive fog shots in my life. The probability of getting a headshot from full fog is 33%, yet that just doesn’t seem to be the case for you. The rifle has never been that accurate for me, or anyone else, judging by the tone of the thread.

Next, let’s take a look at the ESP trap video, which you so conveniently left out of your original post. When you first spot CapRex and he hides, you run straight towards exactly where he was. You don’t even consider looking anywhere else. Had he been a normal player, he probably would have ran either to the left or right. Why do you stare intently at the tree which he was hiding behind, and not at anywhere else? That would get you killed if he had not been exactly where you thought he was. You also hover around him for quite a while in an unnatural manner, akin to what I’ve seen from some hackers in the past (see xEthanol’s ban appeal, it’s the stickied one). In addition, your explanation for some of the events regarding this changed as well.

<Chappy|School> That guy had came around the base before, so I was looking for his name.
<Chappy|School> Yes, beause he had done it before.
<Chappy|School> I was seeing if he was actually somewhere else.
<Chappy|School> The guy, “It’s a trap!!!” was always attempting (when ever he was on) to dig a tunnel and grief the tower the other side was building.<Chappy|School> Before this recording!
<Chappy|School> It was his playing style.
<Chappy|School> Like, a week earlier?
<Chappy|School> He always dug around.

That was then disproved, as Color noted that it was the first time CapRex had joined the server under that alias.

This was then disproved by Drebbel’s response in your appeal (which you still haven’t acknowledged, that’s interesting). In addition, CapRex established that he wasn’t moving because he was spectating you, so he’s not sure how you would have turned back because you “heard” something. The reasoning then changed to accommodate this.

<Chase_UC> Did you know that the trap guy was there?
I suspected he was around that area, yes.
Before that, I didn’t know.
<Chase_UC> what made you suspect the trap guy being there?
I saw him run past. I shot him multiple times but missed.
<Chase_UC> I wonder if that was recorded in the video
…It was.
<Chase_UC> Could you find the timestamp?
Went over to find the bastard where I most recently saw him and looked for tunnel entrances.
I see him at 2:09 because I was trying to find a new camping spot.
[13:14] <Chase_UC> So, he ran to the tunnel
[13:14] I didn’t know there was a tunnel there…
[13:14] <Chase_UC> Until then?
[13:14] yeah.
[13:15] I thought he’d just dug it, tbh.
[13:15] Well, when I saw color’s video.
[13:15] <Chase_UC> You didn’t know he was there?
[13:15] <Chase_UC> just suspected?
[13:15] Yeah.

[13:17] <Chase_UC> at 5.00
[13:17] <Chase_UC> It seems like you are searching for him
[13:17] <Chase_UC> How did you know that he was still alive?
[13:17] I didn’t, I suspected.
[13:17] <Chase_UC> So you just went there to check the tunnel using the Z-glitch?
[13:18] Yeah.
[13:19] <Chase_UC> So, you checked the tunnel
[13:19] <Chase_UC> and you found him
[13:20] <Chase_UC> that’s basically everything that can be said about that
[13:20] Pretty much.
[13:20] Like I said before, if I hadn’t found him I would’ve kept on searching closer to spawn.

[13:35] Oh, just remembered…
[13:35] <Chase_UC> Hm?
[13:35] I also saw the colored blocks were slightly different.

I noticed how these explanations had absolutely nothing to do with “try to find me” or hearing the player dig, despite the fact that the explanation you gave before rested heavily on those two things. In addition, I like how at the last second, you throw in something that you “just remember”. The more your story changes and the more you “just remember” things, the less credible you’re going to be.

Moving on, the video you took yourself while 8x was recording had a vast drop in skill compared to the videos that color and topo took, particularly color’s 21 minute one. I remember barron did some analysis, and in a life’s worth of bullets (60), you got nearly 3 times as many headshots in color’s video in one life (without refilling) as you did in the video you recorded yourself, and in the video you recorded yourself the players were much closer. The skill disparity almost made it as if I was watching two different players.

I’d also like to bring up the screenshot incident (here it is, for those who can’t see it): http://i.imgur.com/QJZ4pe6.png

It strikes me as particularly awkward/odd that before you took your screenshot, you ran all the way to the back of your spawn and turned around and stared at the ground. There’s no logical reason for doing so, because could just as easily set up gray blocks (for the “contrast”, as you claimed) right by your camping spot and take the picture while on the battlefield and looking ahead at the enemy team. I’ve seen this before, where someone gets great stats and takes a picture but they aren’t looking at the enemy. It reminds me of this.


This was someone who was indeed a hacker, and tried applying. Notice how he never followed up on Dakeku’s request for him to take a screenshot facing forward. The oldest trick in the book for someone who’s hacking is to go back to spawn, turn around/look at the ground, and take a screenshot, because that way you can’t see if they’re using ESP or not. There’s no valid reason to do it if you’re innocent, and every reason to do it if you’re guilty.

I also found it interesting how during the same session as one of Color’s recordings, you banned someone, but never uploaded the video to most wanted like you usually do. Why’s that? That really isn’t like you to just slack and not upload a video you took, assuming that you even took a video (the ban reason seems to hint at a different conclusion). There’s too much that doesn’t make sense.

Let’s wrap things up here, shall we?

-Admins have been suspicious of Chappy for over half a year now.
-He got autokicked by a script that has never wrongfully kicked someone before.
-He was autobanned by a separate script that is rarely, if ever, wrong.
-He just didn’t feel ‘clean’ to probably our two most experienced admins in terms of banning people.
-He goes absolutely full rambo when the admin leaves, and his story regarding this is untrue and flawed.
-He changes his story regarding an ESP-ish event multiple times.
-The mathematical chances of him not using nospread are 1 in 125.
-For weeks he had been pulling off triple digit kills and single digit deaths with accuracies such as 75%, 60%, etc.
-He gets jumpy and disconcerted when people are in spectator.
-His story regarding CapRex’s ESP trap changed multiple times.
-His rifle accuracy from fog range in Color’s video is unreal.
-He normally would have uploaded any video of someone hacking immediately, but decided not to report someone who was hacking during the same session that Color recorded.
-In his screenshot of him doing well, he’s at spawn facing backwards and staring at the ground, a move made by many a hacker trying to get into a clan.
-The skill disparity between the video he recorded and Color’s 21 minute video is astounding.
-He “lost” the recording of himself playing when he got kicked for nospread.

The list goes on and on, but those are just the ones I can think of off of the top of my head. I would go into further depth regarding how I feel about the suspicious moments in the videos, but everyone who’s replied thus far has already done a very good job of that, and nothing that I have to say regarding those specific events hasn’t already been said.

In conclusion Chappy, I have nothing against you as a person, and I don’t mean any offence by what is written in this post. All I know of you besides what I’ve posted here is that you did a fairly good job as a staff member. However, that’s not a good explanation for all that’s gone on here. Based on the piecing together of the evidence, I seriously find it impossible to believe that you weren’t cheating in these videos and at other aforementioned times. If you have logical and rational arguments for every single point I’ve made, then I invite you to please present them. If/when you do, I’ll change my mind and believe you to be innocent. I’d sure love to believe this, I really would, but I haven’t seen anything to make me think otherwise. All the things I listed above, when combined together, only point to one thing, and that one thing isn’t innocence.

I await a timely response.

Nope. I just give up. I can’t argue with magic bullets that don’t appear.

Using ^ that ^, I got 19.8% with 5 successes and 9 attempts.

That’s as far as I got before I got completely confused. Sorry! I multiplied the other streak together, but got 0.8% somehow…

If you were to pull up aimbot and shoot at a target 8 times, it would be harder to get exactly 5 headshots than it would be to get at least 5. So you expand out the table and take the sum of all probabilities of 5 or more headshots (you add them all together). It wouldn’t be fair to count shots against you for a forced miss.

Anyways, I’m done with this thread. I posted my evidence, it’s been questioned and reanalyzed, I don’t think there’s much more here for me to do. If there’s a math related question I’ll be happy to answer that.

This appeal has been going on for too long. In the end of all of this, we only proved more that you were cheating Chappy. I think Spring pretty much wrapped up this appeal and I will now be awaiting the final and quite obvious decision of this appeal, as it has drawn too much unnecessary work, time, and attention from everybody.

Remember aloha.pk.com, the NSFW site? Also, we’ve talked a few times and met each other a few times in IRC, but yes, compared to other staff members we haven’t seen much of each other.

Let's go in chronological order. In January, someone posted on your application that you had recently gotten 21 kills and 3 deaths on arena top 10, with 90% accuracy. Color pointed this out earlier, and you replied.

That would be a good point, except your only used weapon at the time was the rifle. Granted, the map was indiaarena, a rather small map, but even so it’s extremely difficult to get such a high accuracy and ratio with such a low amount of deaths, especially on a map where the rifle is probably the worst weapon to use.

So what if I use the rifle? That was in January where the map was a lot smaller and just considered of hallways. I’d obviously just recently joined the game and was going well. And, no. It’s not difficult to get that on a close-quarters map, I’ve known others who’ve gotten things like, 35 kills and 2 deaths, with 86% accuracy on a rifle. And that was on the updated map, where it’s quite a bit more open. So, no. It’s not hard, and I don’t like using the shotgun now because the spread can be way off, to the point where I shoot someone right in front of me and 5 of the pellets miss. It also takes too long to shoot again in my opinion. It would be the worst weapon to use if I was used to the SMG, but I use the rifle a lot.

Fast forward to February 15th, where this happened.

The nospread portion of the banhammer script has (as far as I know) never falsely kicked anyone on any server for as long as it’s been around. By the way, lag doesn’t affect this script whatsoever, so that’s not really an argument that can be presented. I remember topo was testing it, and was playing around with the shotgun for 1+ hour, attempting to trigger a single detection. He put on nospread hacks, and was banned in 3 shots. Basically how the script works is that 1 detection equals a shot with the shotgun from at least 23 blocks away, in which every single pellet hits the exact same part of the body. If this happens 3 times in a row, the player is automatically kicked by the server. However, if any of the following shots have spread, from no matter how far away, the counter is reset, and the detection is either dismissed as a false positive or a player who has turned off his/her hacks. There are players all across the spectrum, ones who lag more than you, lag less than you, have better aim, have worse aim, the list goes on and on. Throw in every variable you can think of, I don’t really care, as only one affects whether or not you get kicked by it. So why is it that you get kicked “falsely” and none of them do? Why are you the special exception? My guess is that you aren’t.

As far as I know, someone said topo had been kicked twice before for it on two separate occasions. Other than that, no one I know of has ever been falsely kicked, but that could be proven wrong. Maybe in the future, or maybe it has already happened? I don’t know.
And yes, I have already had multiple lectures about the No Spread detector, you don’t need to explain it to me also. I know that topo was testing it for ages, I read the thread.

Also, I’ve watched people before for No Spread, and they’ve missed shots, yet the counter isn’t reset. I was watching one guy for about 20 minutes, and three detections were taken over that amount of time with many more shots fired in-between.

By the way, [b]people are less likely[/b] to accuse you of actually cheating if you immediately dismiss your detections as a false positive, as you did.

Sorry, what? I don’t understand what you mean. I’m guessing you made a typo, but I won’t jump to conclusions.

(I'd also like to point out that this was directly after we assured you that nospread isn't really that visible with ovl, at least not any more visible than already it is without it, although this isn't terribly damning or relevant.)

I’m confused with this as well.

Something that /is/ relevant, however, is that you posted a while before that, claiming that you record every single gameplay just in case. When you were asked for the recording, you claimed that you had lost it. That's incredibly suspicious, and I don't think I need to delve into why.

It was lost, but even if it wasn’t corrupted after a bad backup, here are (well, were) some reasons why I started to stop recording.

[ol]- Slows my frame rate to 30% or even 40% of what it usually would be. Means that the SMG fires slower due to slight lag, as well as the rifle.

  • It takes up an enormous amount of memory. I’d record at 60 FPS sometimes, but my drive would be full in under a week.
  • Too messy. If I went to delete some recordings, I wouldn’t want to accidentally delete an evidence video. Maybe I forgot to restart recording after I started to spectate a hacker. I’d be sitting there for 3 hours just watching me play, attempting to see if the video could be deleted or not.
  • I trusted you guys to make the right decision and figure I wasn’t hacking, seeing as I always looked up to you.[/ol]
Furthermore (this is just a general statement), you apparently had a hobby of being extra suspicious of any players in spectator, asking them multiple times who they were to the point where you wouldn't play until you found out who it was. This is very interesting behaviour in my eyes, and one that has some not-too-nice implications behind it.

No… When we used ingameovl and had to always go into spectator, I would ask, but so I could give my opinion on how he’s been behaving, if they’ve been spamming, my thoughts, etc. To help out. And I would still play, I don’t know what you mean by not playing. It might’ve taken 10 seconds to type a PM, or I could’ve gone AFK, but I wouldn’t just sit there. That’s stupid.

Now, let's skip ahead to mid/late July (I don't know the exact date, around the 20th if I remember correctly), when you were autobanned by the SMG snap script on IceCraft's server. This is a script that is rarely wrong, not to mention it is harder, not easier, to trigger when the player is lagging. In order to trigger, you need to be using the SMG, kill a player in body part X, move your mouse at least 10 degrees to body part X of another player, and shoot them too, all while maintaining your rate of fire and not letting go of left click. This results in one detection. You need 7 to be autobanned by the server. This script usually bans only the most obvious aimbotters. So again, why are you different?

You said rarely wrong, meaning that others have tripped it up. Why am I not different from the ‘legitimate’ players who’ve gotten falsely kicked? And yes, it would he harder to get noticed if I was holding a ping of 400 or 500, but, if you’ve been reading my other posts, I said “It was like a seismometer. Going up and down and up and down at enormous rates.”. As for the reason I used the SMG, I found that it was weird using the rifle and it derped out a few times when I was trying to shoot with it.

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter, the video footage. Let's start with color's video. Although the entire video is sketchy, I didn't exactly see the entire problem until 11:52. Basically, what happens is that topo leaves the game. You are in the middle of aiming at someone. A few seconds later, you dig a trench at your wall, so that you can do something without getting killed. By the point you start doing whatever it is you were doing, the message "towers disconnected" had already been gone. Eventually, you come back, and immediately start playing again, at which point you go full rambo. I'd also like to note that in the video breakdown you sent us (on August 1st), you pretty thoroughly break down the first ten minutes of the video, but completely avoid the entire second half, the part we agreed was suspicous. Let's look at your explanation for this phenomenon.

[12:12] <Chappy|URIP> No, I was afk and I went outside to grab the cat because he ran out.
[12:13] <Chappy|URIP> Like, I came back before the chat cleared the leave message up[.

How incredibly convenient that your cat just happened to leave at that time. That would be a good explanation, if it were true. Topo leaves at 11:52. You begin digging your rut at 11:58. The text is gone at 12:01, at which point you are still moving. The message was gone before you even left. Your story has a gaping cat-sized hole in it.

Yes, the video is pretty sketchy. Though, I thought it was sketchy the entire way through until someone pointed out the timeframe.
And, have you ever heard of something called ‘Human Factor’? Like, I got back, cracked my knuckles or something. You know, pumped myself up? That’s the reason for going ‘full rambo’.
I didn’t complete the video breakdown because I needed to do some other stuff. No one had asked so I decided to not complete it as it would’ve been just a waste of my time.
And I’m not sure if it can be proved, but I KNOW that the message ‘towers disconnected’ was still there when I came back for a split second. Why? Because I tabbed out of the game. When you come back into a game, there’s a few frames where the message is still there, and I saw it. I’m not sure if this is only with my computer, though. If you want me to, I could prove it for you.

Not sure how you had time to see that he left, as when you come back you immediately fill up the whole and start shooting people. No room for tabbing after you got back, so I'm sure your explanation will be "I tabbed before I started moving" which is definitely sensible and something every single player does.

No, I didn’t TAB, but, you obviously don’t know this: You can check the players list while doing everything else, including firing. I could’ve held it down while I filled the little trench back up.

Then on to the grenade thing. You had multiple explanations for this one too.

[12:06] <Chappy|URIP> Someone team-chat and told me.
[12:06] <Chappy|URIP> He said “Chap, digging below behing you”
[12:07] <Chappy|URIP> then “he just acme out and kill me, behind u”

This was proven untrue, by Drebbel.

That happened on another server and I got confused. If you read my other posts, I already said that. I also said Why would I lie about something that was said in chat when I know you guys would check? How can you think I’d be a dumbass like that!?

Interesting how only then you realized it was something completely different, and at that, happened before color started recording, ensuring that there’s no way to prove if you’re correct or incorrect.

Then your story regarding which server the incident took place changed again, this time to read that it was a different server entirely, one out of our domain.

Yeah, notice how I said I was tired? I also said in the PM “(MOST LIKELY)” BECUASE I WAS UNSURE.

Weird, you just said it was on that server, earlier that game. When we confronted you about that, you screamed at us, saying that you wouldn't lie about something like that if you knew that we could see all of those things. My guess is that you didn't know we could see teamchat, because the IRC channels that are open to all staff don't display teamchat, so it would be safe to assume that we couldn't see it.

It could’ve been seemed as screaming, but it wasn’t obviously getting into your heads. I was also offended you’d think that. And I knew you could see PMs. Why the fuck would I think you couldn’t see teamchat!?

Then comes the math. 8x showed that there's a .8% chance that you were playing legitimately, or 1 in 125. Those are some pretty low odds. It matches up perfectly with the video, as I've been playing the game for almost a year now, and I've never hit that many consecutive fog shots in my life. The probability of getting a headshot from full fog is 33%, yet that just doesn't seem to be the case for you. The rifle has never been that accurate for me, or anyone else, judging by the tone of the thread.

I read what 8x said, and it makes a bit more sense now, I’ll get the final percentage with you later.

Also note, that Ei8htx shot 60 times to make a solid percentage. I didn’t. If I had have lived after that guy came jumping over the wall, I could’ve missed the next five for all we know.

Next, let's take a look at the ESP trap video, which you so conveniently left out of your original post. When you first spot CapRex and he hides, you run straight towards exactly where he was. You don't even consider looking anywhere else. Had he been a normal player, he probably would have ran either to the left or right. Why do you stare intently at the tree which he was hiding behind, and not at anywhere else? That would get you killed if he had not been exactly where you thought he was. You also hover around him for quite a while in an unnatural manner, akin to what I've seen from some hackers in the past (see xEthanol's ban appeal, it's the stickied one). In addition, your explanation for some of the events regarding this changed as well.

Ok, now you’re starting to piss me off. You say that you’re only going to show the evidence, but you’re adding in conspicuous words, bending the evidence. So either just shut the fuck up and only give the evidence, or stay out of it. Notice how I included the other video in my very first appeal? Yeah, I thought that that was the video with the trap in it. Sorry for not wasting another hour making sure everything was 110% perfect.

That guy had came around the base before, so I was looking for his name. Yes, beause he had done it before. I was seeing if he was actually somewhere else. The guy, "It's a trap!!!" was always attempting (when ever he was on) to dig a tunnel and grief the tower the other side was building. Before this recording! It was his playing style. Like, a week earlier? He always dug around.

That was then disproved, as Color noted that it was the first time CapRex had joined the server under that alias.

Read my fucking posts god damnit. I already explained it many times before. What, you think I post things just so I can read them over and over again!?

[quote="Chappy"] 2. The ESP trap was set after a suspicious ratio from me was seen by some. Maybe by a votekick displaying the ratio, maybe by a PAD, I don't know. Color and CapRex came on. They both didn't log in so they didn't have powers to '/invisible', meaning they had to go around and hide the hard way. I saw CapRex say "it's a trap!!! (Green): try to fine me :D" and that triggered my suspicions when a green guy came sprinting towards our base from the side. I shot twice and missed both times. Didn't see him run anywhere else and thought I heard some digging. 3. Checked for tunnel entrances, grey blocks, anything out of the ordinary. I checked the killfeed because CapRex had said before-hand he was hiding. It wasn't really to know where he actually was, but instead to know if it was him (for lolz, you know?). 4. Didn't find any entrances and didn't hear any digging. Went back to sniping from the side (which was a lot harder), and then heard the faint sound of a shovel hitting a block. I ran back to where the guy disappeared (next to a tree) and searched again. I looked higher up attempting to find someone, but to no avail. [/quote]
This was then disproved by Drebbel's response in your appeal (which you still haven't acknowledged, that's interesting). In addition, CapRex established that he wasn't moving because he was spectating you, so he's not sure how you would have turned back because you "heard" something. The reasoning then changed to accommodate this.

Now this is just starting to get unfair, Spring. You’re completely modifying the evidence with your own opinion which is really starting to make me mad.

I haven’t acknowledged it yet, because if you haven’t noticed, I was–and still am–above my neck in shit I’m trying to get out of. I’m trying to understand binominal distribution do debate my innocence with ei8htx. One thing at a time, please.

And no, I heard something behind me. How can CapRex be sure? He might’ve just titched the W key, and I could’ve had a little spike. The client took it as someone moving and made the walking sound. Or something else, I don’t know. Could’ve been someone on my own team who dug some blocks.

Did you know that the trap guy was there? I suspected he was around that area, yes. Before that, I didn't know. what made you suspect the trap guy being there? I saw him run past. I shot him multiple times but missed. I wonder if that was recorded in the video ...It was. Could you find the timestamp? Went over to find the bastard where I most recently saw him and looked for tunnel entrances. Sure. I see him at 2:09 because I was trying to find a new camping spot. [13:14] So, he ran to the tunnel [13:14] I didn't know there was a tunnel there... [13:14] Until then? [13:14] yeah. [13:15] I thought he'd just dug it, tbh. [13:15] Well, when I saw color's video. [13:15] You didn't know he was there? [13:15] just suspected? [13:15] Yeah.

[13:17] <Chase_UC> at 5.00
[13:17] <Chase_UC> It seems like you are searching for him
[13:17] <Chase_UC> How did you know that he was still alive?
[13:17] I didn’t, I suspected.
[13:17] <Chase_UC> So you just went there to check the tunnel using the Z-glitch?
[13:18] Yeah.
[13:19] <Chase_UC> So, you checked the tunnel
[13:19] <Chase_UC> and you found him
[13:20] <Chase_UC> that’s basically everything that can be said about that
[13:20] Pretty much.
[13:20] Like I said before, if I hadn’t found him I would’ve kept on searching closer to spawn.

That’s where I stop debating about the first incident. Don’t start to change it. Next time YOU makes sure you know what evidence you’re bringing up before you put it out there, ok?

[13:35] Oh, just remembered... [13:35] Hm? [13:35] I also saw the colored blocks were slightly different.

We were talking about this event, you numbskull.
The blocks I spade at 8:25 are too abnormal to be part of the map. They’re too grey. THAT’S why I only dug out those two.

I noticed how these explanations had absolutely nothing to do with "try to find me" or hearing the player dig, despite the fact that the explanation you gave before rested heavily on those two things. In addition, I like how at the last second, you throw in something that you "just remember". The more your story changes and the more you "just remember" things, the less credible you're going to be.

Spring, stop adding in your opinion, please? You’re being stupid and cocky. And when you screw up it makes you look even more like an idiot.

Why would I talk about something I’ve already said. Why would I say something that hasn’t been asked by Chase?

Moving on, the video you took yourself while 8x was recording had a vast drop in skill compared to the videos that color and topo took, particularly color's 21 minute one. I remember barron did some analysis, and in a life's worth of bullets (60), you got nearly 3 times as many headshots in color's video in one life (without refilling) as you did in the video you recorded yourself, and in the video you recorded yourself the players were much closer. The skill disparity almost made it as if I was watching two different players.

I won’t waste too much energy typing up this one, because it’s not worth it. Read, my other, posts.

I'd also like to bring up the screenshot incident (here it is, for those who can't see it): http://i.imgur.com/QJZ4pe6.png

It strikes me as particularly awkward/odd that before you took your screenshot, you ran all the way to the back of your spawn and turned around and stared at the ground. There’s no logical reason for doing so, because could just as easily set up gray blocks (for the “contrast”, as you claimed) right by your camping spot and take the picture while on the battlefield and looking ahead at the enemy team. I’ve seen this before, where someone gets great stats and takes a picture but they aren’t looking at the enemy.

Notice how I went to the tent, you know, to get some more ammo? I checked my ratio, and I found it funny and kind-of suprising. I found some grey blocks near spawn, took a screenshot, and I thought of posting it up on the Screenshots thread. But, I thought I wouldn’t because it would just create suspicion (well, more suspicion than they’re already was for some).

I also found it interesting how during the same session as one of Color's recordings, you banned someone, but never uploaded the video to most wanted like you usually do. Why's that? That really isn't like you to just slack and not upload a video you took, assuming that you even took a video (the ban reason seems to hint at a different conclusion). There's too much that doesn't make sense.

Which video? And don’t call me lazy Spring, because I don’t see you around often enough to be calling me lazy. I’m always uploading. Maybe I forgot about it? Maybe I accidentally didn’t record? It’s happened to ‘the best’ recently, just look at a few of the previous appeals.

In conclusion Chappy, I have nothing against you as a person, and I don't mean any offence by what is written in this post. All I know of you besides what I've posted here is that you did a fairly good job as a staff member.

Could’ve said that earlier, really. :-\

I await a timely response.

I hope you got one.

Did you even look at my rebuttal?

Oh, no it hasn’t. It’s no where near from rapped up. You’ve proved suspicious events, but there are quite a few which beg to differ that there hasn’t been enough presented.

And now, you’re just tossing me away with “I hope it hasn’t wasted too much time for everyone.”. That’s really offensive and rude, AEM.

Also, I found out that, by using that binominal distribution calculator, I got a 15% chance of repeating that same incident.

I used the calculator, and used (what I think) ei8htx was saying.

I added 0.1984846 (9 attempts, 5 successes) with 0.1111745 (6 successes), 0.0331535, (7 successes), 0.0063373 (8 successes), and 0.0005384. (All headshots)

This gives us a total of 0.3496883, or 35 percent.

Multiply this by 4.31 percent and you get 0.15085, or 15 percent.

Game, set, and match for the No Spread accusations, I guess.

Your cursing, hostility and rudeness were highly unnecessary and offensive, especially because of how I went out of my way to be polite with you and reassure you that I wasn’t making any judgments about you as a person. You decided not to afford me the same luxury, but thank you for at least responding.

In response to your indiaarena thing, stating that someone else has gotten better (which I’m not even sure if that is true or not, I’d like to meet whoever said person is) is not really a valid explanation, but the original statement wasn’t much anyways so it’s not a big deal.

You read his response yourself. This means that he /hasn’t/ been. The “he” in the story was you, aka “Chappy was kicked by it”, not he as in topo.

In addition, I didn’t say that misses reset the counter, I said a shot that has spread will reset the counter, which it will.

Your math is incorrect. The actual chance is 1.5 percent. How could one third (roughly) of 4.31 be bigger than 4.31? It’s an easy mistake though. In any case, that’s 1 in 66.

Your response to the thing with the lost video wasn’t really addressing my point.

In response to the spectator thing, I’ve heard differently. According to the person who first told me about this, you basically didn’t play until you found out who he was.

For the smg snap thing, all I remember is that someone, either you or icecraft, threw out numbers regarding your ping that were in the thousands. And I said rarely because I’ve never actually seen it happen legitimately, but according to others it has happened before.

With the grenade event in color’s video, the part in which you say “most likely” comes after your initial explanation. In addition, where does it say that you were tired? Ctrl+F for tired only shows up once on the page for me (more than that now I guess because now I’m using it). It’s possible though that I just left it out.

With the math part, just because something could happen doesn’t mean it did. “I could’ve missed the next 5 shots for all we know” isn’t a good explanation.

If I were to only give the evidence, then this wouldn’t be anywhere, as we would just have a lot of evidence and nothing else. It’s our jobs to examine events closely and give our personal insight on them, and then tie them together with what we believe truly happened.

And see, I’m not quoting and restating you over and over again because I haven’t read your posts, believe me, I have. I’m doing this to show just how much your accounts of the situation have changed, and only change once it’s pointed out to you that your first explanation isn’t possible. The general mold has been that you gave a first explanation that was proved untrue, and suddenly you give a second explanation that is completely unlike the first one. That in itself is what I’m trying to get at. You never addressed this, and instead attacked me, calling me a numbskull, an idiot, etc., instead of actually responding to what I brought up.

I don’t see how I’m twisting the evidence to wild extents. I’m stating what happens and then offering insight about it, why it’s suspicious, what I personally think about it.

For the tab thing you mentioned with the screen remaining, sure, please do record it. That’s never happened to me, but I’m open to the possibility that it happens to others.

With the 8:25 part, yes I understood it was a different part of the video, please don’t attack me as a person during this appeal. Anyway, I was noting how your explanation for that conversation too had changed at the very end. Sorry for not posting full logs originally.

[13:27] <Chase_UC> Wait till 8.25
[13:28] <Chase_UC> *8:25
[13:28] <Chase_UC> how did you find him?
[13:28] <Chase_UC> that looked very suspicious
[13:30] Thought I heard something. Went to go snipe some tower builders and found the entrance.
[13:30] Saw it was a dead end, and I was like “Wtf? Ah, he’s probabbly patched it up again.”
[13:30] I assumed it was CapRex again of course.
[13:30] <Chase_UC> But how did you dig him out?
[13:31] <Chase_UC> you couldn’t have done the glitch there
[13:31] So, I started to dig around trying to find where he’d patched it off.
[13:31] Going left wouldn’t have worked because he couldn’t have hid there.
[13:31] I actually swung more than once, btw…
[13:31] I don’t know why that didn’t go through. ._.
[13:31] <Chase_UC> hm
[13:32] <Chase_UC> so you dug out taht block
[13:32] <Chase_UC> and noticed a tunnel
[13:32] <Chase_UC> and waited there?
[13:32] Anyway, I saw the tunnel and… yeah.
[13:32] I was going to go in and saw him.
[13:32] I was kinda like “How did he–Ah, heard ME digging this time”
[13:33] <Chase_UC> hm
[13:33] <Chase_UC> however
[13:33] <Chase_UC> you dug just one block
[13:33] <Chase_UC> and found the tunnel
[13:33] Because I was going to use a technique to save time.
[13:33] <Chase_UC> was there anything else that lead you to believe that the tunnel was behind that block?
[13:33] <Chase_UC> Or was it just luck?
[13:35] Oh, just remembered…
[13:35] <Chase_UC> Hm?
[13:35] I also saw the colored blocks were slightly different.

To reiterate, I completely understand everything you’ve wrote in all of your posts so far, please don’t tell me I don’t. I’m trying to point out the discrepancies between your stories, which only seem to come out once you are proven incorrect about the events taking place in your story.

The ban I was referring to was this: [2013 Sun July 21 03:20:58] <34> <babel_aloha> asjhfjsdahfjkds (IP) banned for 1 day: [IGN: asjhfjsdahfjkds] [By: @Chappy] [Time: Sat Jul 20 23:58:01 2013] [Duration: 1 day] [Expires: Sun Jul 21 23:58:01 2013] [Offense: Admitting to hacking, Blatant snaps] [Server: babel_aloha]

It was never reported to most wanted.

Also, I never called you lazy. I just noted that it was very unlike you to not submit a report in a timely fashion. In addition, you don’t see me around because I live in the US, and usually go to bed before you go to school and wake up after you go to bed.

With the tent thing, I’ll give you that as a very plausible situation, although I still find it odd how you’re staring down at the ground facing the other way.

In short, I did read your posts, contrary to what you’ve said and what you believe. However, for me it’s just way too convenient for you. There’s still no explanation for triggering of nospread, there’s still no good reason you should be facing backwards and downwards at your own spawn, there’s still no good explanation as to why the second the admin leaves, your cat does too, and when you come back from whatever it is you’re doing, you are pulling off highly suspicious kills and killstreaks. It’s too convenient that your video of triggering nospread just happened to be lost, and that you just happened to not record that 1 hacker, and that you just happen to be unable to replicate your performance from color’s video. Additionally, it’s hard to believe these accounts that you tell me because they aren’t at all what you state in the first place. Your stories change and twist to meet the nature of the situation.

Sorry, but I hope you can understand I might be a getting just a liiitle pissed over this? I also thought you were purposely bending the evidence, which really made me mad.

In response to your indiaarena thing, stating that someone else has gotten better (which I'm not even sure if that is true or not, I'd like to meet whoever said person is) is not really a valid explanation, but the original statement wasn't much anyways so it's not a big deal.

I already gave a response before, though…
It’s a close quarters map. It’s easy if you’re good with the rifle. I don’t know why I would need to say anymore.

You read his response yourself. This means that he /hasn't/ been. The "he" in the story was you, aka "Chappy was kicked by it", not he as in topo.

Ah, ok.

In addition, I didn't say that misses reset the counter, I said a shot that has spread will reset the counter, which it will.

How many times did I reset it? I surely would’ve done it at least once… ???

Your math is incorrect. The actual chance is 1.5 percent. How could one third (roughly) of 4.31 be bigger than 4.31? It's an easy mistake though. In any case, that's 1 in 66.

Thanks for correcting me. But 1 in 66 isn’t too bad, and if I remember the admin/guard etiquette thread correctly, it said something about only banning if you’re 110% sure. Of course you can’t get 110% chance of not repeating, but that’s still quite a large percentage if you’re going to be banning on it.

Your response to the thing with the lost video wasn't really addressing my point.

I lost it. Do I need to say any more? I tried to recover it but when I tried to get it back it was corrupted. I said that in a_girl’s script.

In response to the spectator thing, I've heard differently. According to the person who first told me about this, you basically didn't play until you found out who he was.

What do you mean by ‘didn’t play’? Do you mean I stayed at spawn or what? Also, like I said, I could’ve gone AFK, or just done something else. I just kind-of dislike aliases, because I never know who it is so I can’t really great them warmly or anything.

For the smg snap thing, all I remember is that someone, either you or icecraft, threw out numbers regarding your ping that were in the thousands. And I said rarely because I've never actually seen it happen legitimately, but according to others it has happened before.

Yes, both of us threw it out there. Also, you want to know something? Ice himself dismissed the auto-ban because of my ping.

With the grenade event in color's video, the part in which you say "most likely" comes after your initial explanation. In addition, where does it say that you were tired? Ctrl+F for tired only shows up once on the page for me (more than that now I guess because now I'm using it). It's possible though that I just left it out.

It was about 10 to 11 PM. I’m 14. Don’t you think I would be tired? Also, I said it to Chase quite a few times, obviously he didn’t copy and paste the whole conversation.

With the math part, just because something could happen doesn't mean it did. "I could've missed the next 5 shots for all we know" isn't a good explanation.

I’m trying to say 14 kills is small compared to the 60+ shots ei8htx did from each range.

If I were to only give the evidence, then this wouldn't be anywhere, as we would just have a lot of evidence and nothing else. It's our jobs to examine events closely and give our personal insight on them, and then tie them together with what we believe truly happened.

And that’s what made me angry, though. You adding little words which seem unfair to be using when presenting evidence.

And see, I'm not quoting and restating you over and over again because I haven't read your posts, believe me, I have. I'm doing this to show just how much your accounts of the situation have changed, and only change once it's pointed out to you that your first explanation isn't possible. The general mold has been that you gave a first explanation that was proved untrue, and suddenly you give a second explanation that is completely unlike the first one. That in itself is what I'm trying to get at. You never addressed this, and instead attacked me, calling me a numbskull, an idiot, etc., instead of actually responding to what I brought up.

It doesn’t seem anything like that to me. I’m adding things in when I have the time. I discuss what I see, and keep on watching it. By the time I go to add something else someone’s already debating what I’ve previously said.

I don't see how I'm twisting the evidence to wild extents. I'm stating what happens and then offering insight about it, why it's suspicious, what I personally think about it.

Well, it really seems like you’re bending the evidence.

For the tab thing you mentioned with the screen remaining, sure, please do record it. That's never happened to me, but I'm open to the possibility that it happens to others.

I’ll get fraps and AoS up as soon as I can.

With the 8:25 part, yes I understood it was a different part of the video, please don't attack me as a person during this appeal. Anyway, I was noting how your explanation for that conversation too had changed at the very end. Sorry for not posting full logs originally.

If you understood, why did you put them in the exact same conversation?
Anyway, I was giving all I could. Like I said, they blocks were greyer. That’s why I kind-of paused. I was puzzled and impressed I managed to find him.

Also, I shouldn’t have used “Just remembered”, “Also, …” would’ve been more accurate to what I was trying to say.

To reiterate, I completely understand everything you've wrote in all of your posts so far, please don't tell me I don't. I'm trying to point out the discrepancies between your stories, which only [b]seem[/b] to come out once you are proven incorrect about the events taking place in your story.

Note how you say “…[b]seem[b] to come out…”. Like I said, it seems that way. But in fact, it’s something entirely different. A lot of things that have been happening have to different points of view. Like this one, where it seems like I’m trying to pull out different things after they’ve been proven wrong. In fact, I don’t get to add my other rebuttals in until it’s too late.

The ban I was referring to was this: [2013 Sun July 21 03:20:58] <34> asjhfjsdahfjkds (IP) banned for 1 day: [IGN: asjhfjsdahfjkds] [By: @Chappy] [Time: Sat Jul 20 23:58:01 2013] [Duration: 1 day] [Expires: Sun Jul 21 23:58:01 2013] [Offense: Admitting to hacking, Blatant snaps] [Server: babel_aloha]

Yeah, that was the one where I forgot to start recording. If you wish to permify that ban, just look that player up in the chat logs. I’m sure I at least told someone about that.

Also, I never called you lazy. I just noted that it was very unlike you to not submit a report in a timely fashion. In addition, you don't see me around because I live in the US, and usually go to bed before you go to school and wake up after you go to bed.

It isn’t, but I’m sure that I told an admin about it.

With the tent thing, I'll give you that as a very plausible situation, although I still find it odd how you're staring down at the ground facing the other way.

Because I checked my ratio before I reached the tent. I don’t see how my orientation would make me suspicious though, because, to be honest, a lot of the stuff you’re pulling out is bullshit.

Well, it really seems like you're bending the evidence.
to be honest, a lot of the stuff you're pulling out is bullshit.

I’m seeing you say this sort of thing a lot, but you’ve failed to actually present any examples. I don’t see why somebody who is innocent should actually get angry and start attacking Spring personally for doing nothing but summarizing the evidence that has been presented so far. His post was entirely objective as far as I can remember and certainly didn’t contain anything that you should feel insulted by. “You cheated” has been present throughout the entire thread and thus shouldn’t suddenly be offensive to you, and you have no right to be offended by it in any case.


Because I checked my ratio before I reached the tent. I don't see how my orientation would make me suspicious though, because, to be honest, a lot of the stuff you're pulling out is bullshit.
... ad hominem much? It IS suspicious, ESPECIALLY considering the circumstances, and you know very bloody well why. Start backing yourself up instead of just dismissing everything as "bullshit". It's not helping you at all. Unless you drastically change the way you're handling this appeal, I'm never even going to begin to consider lifting my ban.

I’m calling a lot of these things bullshit because they actually have no evidence to prove or deny. I would think that you would realise that. For example, the Ice ban. I’ve already said many times that my ping was going mad, and Ice unbanned me because he agrees as well. The No Spread kick I can’t explain, but what I can say is that (from the etiquette thread) is that stuff from IRC is only to be used as a warning. I’m not sure if this is 100% correct, but I remember something about it never to be used as evidence against someone.

See, you guys are explaining past events, but you talk about them like they’re solid evidence, when they clearly aren’t. We’re really going off track with this, and when I mean “we” I mean everyone, including you and I. The reason I submitted the appeal was to debate the evidence, but now it’s just becoming a thread that feels like people are yelling at me, pissing me off, and with me then yelling back.

So, the evidence I would take as ‘solid’ would be the videos taken by everyone. Evidence isn’t me asking someone in spectator who they are or who they are watching, or a kick from a detector broadcasted to an IRC. If you can come up with a good reason why they should be debated, then please say so.

Noting something as suspicious and treating it as evidence are not the same thing. Nobody is saying that you should be kept banned because you took a screenshot facing away from the enemy team, but when even the closest thing you have to supporting evidence for yourself is dissatisfying and unusual it’s certainly worth at least pointing out.
That said, if you think the appeal is going off-topic, put it back on-topic. Tell us why we’re wrong, not just that we are. The first paragraph of the above post was good. I’ve never seen the nospread kicker give a false positive. Ever. I’ve tried for (a total of) several hours to trigger it - I’ve managed one false detection and never come close to a kick. Of course it’s possible to trigger it legitimately, but if I could only raise a single warning in several hours of deliberately trying to trigger it, I’d say the chances of anyone—especially somebody in your particular situation—being flagged three times in a row legitimately are close enough to nil to be disregarded.

You’re the one who decided they were to be debated. Noting something is different to presenting it for discussion.

They don’t have anything to prove or deny but they bring suspicion. IceCraft also used an MB hack on his public server and unbanned himself after being auto-banned. Should that be a reliable source? Shouldn’t hackers be banned? Your ping just happening to go mad when you got auto banned is just too convenient. Also it says not to use it as a basis of decision making which we didn’t since you’ve been banned a long time ago. All this is just noting stuff, no one is saying you hacked because of IT. They are saying that it is just suspicious. Also I read nowhere where it says it can’t be used as evidence against someone.

See, you guys are explaining past events, but you talk about them like they're solid evidence, when they clearly aren't. We're really going off track with this, and when I mean "we" I mean everyone, including you and I. The reason I submitted the appeal was to debate the evidence, but now it's just becoming a thread that feels like people are yelling at me, pissing me off, and with me then yelling back.
No one has said they're solid evidence. They are noting it and saying that it's pretty damn suspicious. And to reply to your observation of this thread, it isn't that. No one is trying to piss you off or yelling. In fact you're the only one doing that. And even to add on to that, your behaviour on IRC.


[2013 Sun August 25 05:41:29] <@Juxta-> Chappy, why do you think you should be unbanned. What have you proven to us?
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:01] <@Juxta-> That photo of you looking down, the circumstances surrounding WHY you're even lookinng down in the first place is why it's important
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:07] <Chappy> I can't prove anything to anyway you because most of you are too stubborn to take in a second oppinion.
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:19] <Chappy> Juxta, it proves NOTHING.
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:22] <Chappy> HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID.
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:26] <@Juxta-> ok
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:29] <@Juxta-> no need to shout
[2013 Sun August 25 05:42:45] <Chappy> It shows nothing but me looking down to some grey blocks.
[2013 Sun August 25 05:43:19] <@Juxta-> w.e. Chappy you won't be unbanned because we're too "stubborn" we just don't think you can explain away your circumstances
[2013 Sun August 25 05:43:26] <Chappy> It's like bringing up a suspected killer's diary which actually has nothing in it about planning a kill.
[2013 Sun August 25 05:43:33] <@Juxta-> done, going for breakfast
[2013 Sun August 25 05:43:41] <Chappy> Hope you choke.

So, the evidence I would take as 'solid' would be the videos taken by everyone. Evidence isn't me asking someone in spectator who they are or who they are watching, or a kick from a detector broadcasted to an IRC. If you can come up with a good reason why they should be debated, then please say so.
They should be debated considering the circumstances. No one is saying "Let's ban Chappy because he got kicked by the no-spread detector and SMG-SNAP" we're just stating it as suspicious activity. If you can't handle that then I have nothing to say. Try restating your entire story and explaining the moments that were pointed out from the videos and not just "Oh I just remembered..." everytime your reason is proven wrong. And frankly, as I've said before, explaining through private conversations is definitely not helping you.

Let him explain everything rather than cursing at people giving their opinion and presenting evidence. Honestly, have you watched the videos as well as seen his explanations for parts of the game play? This wasn’t just one game, this was 2 separate games caught on video as well as players reporting him on other occasions. But he threw those accusations and said “I’m a F*cking Moderator, I don’t hack”. Honestly, this is just Chappy’s attempt to sway other players thinking it will have an affect on the outcome. (As he did with the poll which was completely useless.) There’s a difference between a biased opinion and a non-biased opinion.


Before I say something I’d like you to know that I always thought you’re a good lad, a welcome addition to our staff and you’ve always been a great support doing a good job keeping our servers clean. I never expected you to be capable of misleading us or other players in this great game we all love so much, especially when seeing the effort you put into catching those cheaters.
I must admit I felt sorry for what you’ve been through thus far, and I really wanted to believe in your innocence, even though the evidence against you became stronger and stronger.

After what I’m gonna show now there’s no possible doubt anymore, and I’m certain you did cheat and tried to fool us along the way. I really hope this will get you to tell us the truth, cause even for you it would be better if you did.

You were asked to provide a screenshot showing the ‘properties’ of the injecter you’ve used for your adminduty.
This is the image you showed us:

[11:18] The screenshot you sent me [11:19] Does it mean that you last ever injected something using hinjector? [11:19] On that paricular date? [11:19] Which is June 20th [11:19] I'd say so. [11:19] That's the last time you used hinjector? [11:19] See, that's the thing. [11:20] I told you about how I tested Hooch's a few days ago. [...] [11:22] Yeah, I'd definetly used hInjector after June 20th. [11:22] Not for Hooch's, but for topovl.
I checked it for myself and indeed the date shown in the properties is nto the same as the date of last use. Contrary to what you say you did, according to the videos on your youtube-account however inject hooch after that date, for a couple of more days. You were in fact one of the few who kept on using hooch as admintool even though topo provided an easier and better tool for that use.
[11:24] and you didn't want to switch to topovl? [11:24] Why is that? [11:24] Because I found it confusing to use. [11:24] I tried it once and it derped out massively so I decided to stick with ingameovl.
Yet at one point you did switch to topovl, so did it stop derping out for you?

Anyway, let’s go on.

[11:22] Have you ever used aimbot? [11:22] Or nospread? [11:23] Like, ever? [11:23] Tested aimbot on a private server, but I've never tested No Spread. [11:23] You've never used any of those on a public server? [11:23] No...? Why would I?
The thing is. I looked up the date that the screenshot showed, june 20. This is what happened. These logs are arena10-serverlogs and irclogs combined so it shows all in one timeline. To prevent confusion I converted the serverlogtimes and added your timezone as well, mentioned between the brackets.
[7:49] * Chappy|AFK (~Chappy@Chappy.users.quakenet.org) has joined #AoS.Aloha

2013-06-20 03:03:32-0700 [-] [7:49] Chappy (IP -, ID 16) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:05:34-0700 [-] [7:51] wow
2013-06-20 03:05:43-0700 [-] [7:51] lag :stuck_out_tongue:
2013-06-20 03:07:39-0700 [-] [7:53] Chappy disconnected!
2013-06-20 03:08:24-0700 [-] [7:54] Chappy (IP -, ID 0) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:08:27-0700 [-] [7:54] Chappy disconnected!
2013-06-20 03:09:09-0700 [-] [7:55] Chappy (IP -, ID 25) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:10:01-0700 [-] [7:56] Loading map ‘generator2’…
2013-06-20 03:10:01-0700 [-] [7:56] Map loaded successfully.
2013-06-20 03:11:33-0700 [-] [7:57] Chappy (IP -, ID 25) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:11:50-0700 [-] [7:58] /login Chappy ***
2013-06-20 03:11:50-0700 [-] [7:58] Chappy logged in as guard
[7:58] No Recoil Event(s) Detected: Chappy #25 (-) Weapon: SMG Ping: 482 ms
2013-06-20 03:13:17-0700 [-] [7:59] chappy hakzor
2013-06-20 03:13:25-0700 [-] [7:59] lol
2013-06-20 03:13:28-0700 [-] [7:59] <[K0R]J> maybe
2013-06-20 03:13:28-0700 [-] [7:59] or at least lagzor
2013-06-20 03:13:32-0700 [-] [7:59] <[K0R]J> all hax
2013-06-20 03:13:36-0700 [-] [7:59] I don’t hack.
2013-06-20 03:13:52-0700 [-] [8:00] I’m just really laggy atm.
2013-06-20 03:14:10-0700 [-] [8:00] gg
[8:01] * Chappy|AFK is now known as Chappy
2013-06-20 03:16:05-0700 [-] [8:02] lol
2013-06-20 03:17:19-0700 [-] [8:03] /hackinfo nemes → Nemes #17 (-) has an accuracy of: Rifle: 88% SMG: 0% Shotgun: None. Ping: 234 ms.
2013-06-20 03:18:15-0700 [-] [8:04] /votekick → Invalid parameters
2013-06-20 03:18:25-0700 [-] [8:04] <[K0R]J> /votekick nemes hax
2013-06-20 03:18:27-0700 [-] [8:04] /from nemes → Nemes is from Brazil, Curitiba
2013-06-20 03:18:54-0700 [-] [8:04] /hban Nemes Aimbot/ESP/No reocil
2013-06-20 03:23:16-0700 [-] [8:09] Chappy disconnected!

So, what do we see. At 7.49 you enter arena10 for the first time, but you experience lag issues and a couple of disconnects and reconnects happen. At exactly 7.57 you enter the game, login and start to play. Note, that this the exact time that you used hinjector according to the screenshot.
I’m gonna ignore the no-recoil-alert here, cause we know how reliable that is. However someone does accuse you of being a hacker. And no matter if that guy was right or not it shows that you were playing the game at that time.
After playing one or two rounds you notice there’s a suspicious character in the game, Nemes, and you decide to watch him and a little while later you ban him.
As evidence you upload a vid to youtube:

Remember when you said you never used NoSpread?
A few seconds into this video we see this:

While activating the ESP, 16 seconds into the video, to catch the hacker we can see both aimbot and No Spread are enabled.

[11:31] I've never used No Spread, I've never fucking touched it. [11:31] Then how is it enabled there? [11:31] Yeah, 'testing'? [11:31] You were testing nospread on a public server? [11:31] No. [11:31] Then how is it enabled? [11:31] Any excuse? [11:31] Explanation? [11:31] I have never touched it. [11:31] I can't explain it. [...] [11:45] You having nospread and aimbot enabled in one video is a huge detail [11:46] Hooch stores settings. [11:46] So it should have stored you enabling nospread? [11:46] Hooch stores anything turned on or off. [11:46] And you had to turn on nospread [11:47] For all I know I could've downloaded it with it already being used! [11:47] Not noticed a thing! [11:47] I've tested aimbot several times. [11:47] As far as I can remember, I've never tested No Spread. [11:47] But the video says otherwise. [...] [11:49] You know that Hooch stores settings. [11:49] Yes [11:49] I know that I've tested aimbot. [11:49] but what are the chances of you getting a hooch with pre-set settings? [11:49] I don't know! I got it ages ago!

As an active and dedicated staff member you uploaded a massive amount of video’s, many of them using hooch to gather evidence.
In a few other of those video’s we can witness you bringing up the hooch-menu and in a few of them we can clearly see aimbot activated:
june 22

This is two days after the video I posted earlier. Aimbot is still on, NoSpread is turned off.

[11:52] You say 'No spread' is off. I could've noticed and gone "Oh, shit! Better turn it off before I forget to re-join and accidentally use it"
If that is so, why turn only NoSpread off and leave the aimbot on? Anyway, your point is moot, as we also found these video's both with aimbot enabled and NoSpread disabled, both happened [b]before[/b] june 20 february 02 http://youtu.be/OinlUG17A9c march 24 http://youtu.be/I-gsomFfcXw So at least at one point you have both enabled NoSpread and disabled it.
[11:53] That would imply taht you turned on nospread [11:53] No, it dosen't. [11:53] And you said that you never tested it [11:53] How so? [11:54] To clarify: I never remember testing it. [11:54] How would you turn off nospread if nospread is disabled? [11:54] The video says otherwise [11:54] I never REMEMBER. [11:54] I could've happened.
Aha. A guy your age shouldn't have to worry about a bad memory.

There’s also a video showing the hooch menu with aimbot disabled on april 3:

These settings don’t change without you doing it yourself.

[11:52] Because I've tested it several times! [11:52] You tested nospread? [11:52] No. [11:52] Aimbot. [11:52] I've tested it several times because I've never wanted to wrongly ban.
Note that these video's with aimbot enabled vary from february to june. That's a long period to test something. You were aware of it, since you at least disabled and enabled it once in april. As I said you've uploaded a massive amount of video's with hooch in it in this period, with only a couple that I know of where you made the mistake to show the hooch menu. Is it a weird coincidence that these videos, spread over a five months period, were all accidentally around the time of you 'testing' stuff?

Side related, while scrolling through your vids we also stumbled across this:

[11:24] Have you ever used wtfaos? [11:25] I've seen screenshots, but I've never used it myself. [11:25] Alright [11:25] One sec [11:25] Well, I used wtfaos for ESP first. [11:25] But I haven't used it for hacking. [11:26] If that's what you mean by 'used'.
Changing your story within one minute. It's confusing to say the least.

Anyway, bottom line, what have we got.

  • We have proof of you having hooch injected, with aimbot and NoSpread activated while playing on arena, before spectating a suspicious player.
  • We have proof that you had aimbot activated at least a couple of times within a period of five months
  • We have proof you at least once activated and deactivated aimbot during that period.
  • We have proof you at least once activated and deactivated NoSpread during that period.
  • Your excuses are: it was activcated by default, which doesn’t explain why it was deactivated and reactivated at least once.
  • You have tested aimbot, and either forgot to deactivate it, or tested it multiple times, and with a weird coincdence around the times of the video’s we found.
  • You did test NoSpread but can’t remember it.
  • You change your story regarding the use of wtfaos within one minute from knowing it from a screenshot to having used it for adminduty.

Well, I can say, my doubt is gone. Sorry Chap.


…unfortunately, my doubt that Chappy didn’t hack is increasing. I’m starting too see more one sided events, and he even has videos with the hacks on. Sorry Chappy…I think you’re hacking.