[x] Chappy's Ban Appeal

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?

I (as well as most other staff members) have been keeping this undercover up until very recently. By that I mean I’ve been banned for 3 weeks.

  1. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.

Chap. Chapster. The Dubstep Mod. At the time of banning my name was just ‘Chappy’.

  1. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.

I was playing on Babel at the time of my ban. All other recorded footage was also taken on Babel.

  1. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.

Well, here’s the specific reason:
{“ip”: “”, “reason”: “: [IGN: Chappy] [By: topo] [Time: Sat Jul 27 23:09:04 2013] [Duration: Permanent] [Offense: aimbot] [Server: babel_aloha]”}]

I have access to the ‘evidence’ that was shown against me. Both Color and Topo went under aliases to record and just hid there, watching me because they didn’t believe I could repeatedly pull off some fog-line headshot streaks. While topo is the one who holds the pride (or guilt) of the ban, Color was watching me for about 2 months, which I find quite disturbing and hurting. Not only did Color not believe I could combine logic, photographic memory, legal z-block glitching, ‘guestimation’ and sound to find players beneath me, but he also believed I couldn’t aim, shoot, hear, guess, click, strategize, or even just watch my screen properly to get kills.

Here’s a run-down of what’s happened from MY POV (so expect to get things one-sided):

About, 2 and a half months ago, when all my favourite arena servers were down, I decided to play on some other servers, wanting to know how they were going, and to also see if I could improve my skill on arena. Turns out it was opposite: Playing on arena for so long, with all the one-chance strategizing and carefulness, I found it so easy to camp near the opposition’s spawn while they were building a tower at the start of a babel match. After eradicating the server from hackers, there was nothing stopping me from crouch-camping near the opposition’s spawn while back at the base, builders were having a lovely time grabbing the intel.

So, after some time, if I managed to come on with the right scenario, I’d just do what I said before. It felt awesome racking up those kills and I wondered why I had never tried babel enough to like it. So everything was going well, until one day when Color thought I wasn’t legit.

So he came on under an alias and tried to use ESP traps against me with someone else who’s name I cannot confirm. I found his ESP traps because, to be as legitimate as possible, neither of them logged in to invisibly walk over somewhere. So they had to do it the hard way, which meant that at times, I saw a little green (or blue) head dash past a 2-high wall over to my left or right. I would shoot, and sometimes, I got him. One time, I missed, and the player successfully dug a hole and covered it up with matching blocks so I shouldn’t have been able to find the player. I attempted to listen for digging (because I had heard a bit while walking over) to locate the pest, but to no success. After a while I walked off thinking “Must’ve been killed by someone else or something.” But then, after scoping out a few more players attempting to build a tower, I heard a faint sound of a shovel hitting a block. So I went back over to where the player had disappeared (which was marked by a tree) and attempted to z-block glitch (look straight downwards) to find the player.

I found out that my speed while walking forwards and backwards was severely hindered when looking straight up or down, but moving left and right wasn’t. So I zig-zagged until I found the player. After spading the player, I found out the player’s name was “it’s a trap!!!” which I then kinda thought “Heh, trying to ESP trap me? Well I found you out legitimately, biatch. :P” “Yeah! Imma mother fucken detective!” And so on. After a short celebration I continued to play until I decided to log-off and get some fresh air and food, you know, because I’m human.

Anyway, so after about a month, I was playing on babel whenever I could. All I cared about was whether their spawn was relatively flat (Which makes sense if you need to build a tower) and whether there was a place to crouch camp with not much difference in movement from my perspective. This basically means, it wasn’t to the side; it was easier front-on because people often rubberband because of my ‘perfect’ 200ms ping. If they are walking towards me, more often than not, people will just stutter forwards and backwards, which is easier to compensate for.

One night, I decided to hop on to my favourite Babel and pwn some noobs. The map was holes, which was perfect since the holes could be used as a bunker and a place to shoot, since to jump out of most holes you need to jump 2 blocks. After a bit I was just running forwards and jumping in a hole, but then I found this 2-high red wall which was so perfectly placed it was like God from heaven himself had placed it down. After getting massive streaks, ratios, and (what would’ve been) awesome bragging rights, I decided to leave and do something else. But I was cut short.

You see, color had been watching me for almost the whole time I was playing on the holes map, attempting to get evidence because he didn’t believe I was skilled and had improved. I’m guessing he asked Topo to back him up and record his version (Maybe for some extra evidence, better video quality, he was too scared, I don’t know). All I know is that Topo was aliased as ‘towers’ and he was also logged in, because I checked with one of my commands. I was logged in so I didn’t get votekicked. Topo PM’d Color – Knowing that it was him – agreeing that some of my kills were ‘weird’, but they weren’t enough to check him, at least not up until now.

Topo watched me for 8 minutes, certain that I was hacking, even calling be a “blatant idiot”, wondering “how does he think he can get away with this”. Topo was sure that he had collected more than enough evidence and banned me.

After being banned, I realised I hadn’t joined the IRC – So I did, and checked my name. Sure enough, written in orange high-lighted letters (because that’s what I set ‘Chappy’ to in case someone bugged me on IRC) was the ban. Shocked and broken-hearted, I asked him “Why!?”. I couldn’t believe what had happened. Everything seemed to fall into a black abyss. I asked him for evidence, and he said he was certain I was hacking, he had evidence, and he was going to upload it. What’s even more distressing is that Color played it out like he hadn’t been there for almost half an hour, like he had no idea what had been going on undercover for the past fucking month.

I asked topo to query me the link first to take a look at it. As many other admins woke up, they too were all shocked to see what had happened. In my mind, I saw some people slowly edging towards Topo’s side of the argument, just because he’s “well trusted” and also “well known”. After watching the whole video, I saw nothing which would’ve triggered a ban. I saw some recoil at certain points, but nothing constant to point anything out. Topo also accused me of using No Spread on a rifle, which:

[ol]- Would barely make a difference because the rifle is so accurate (It’s not 100 like in .70, but it’s not as bad as an SMG)

  • Wouldn’t make much of an ‘improvement’ because I still had recoil.
  • Is impossible to tell because you can never know if someone has no spread, unless it’s blatant with a shotgun.
  • Is just plain stupid. If I was going to use hacks (which I never have used, never will use, and will never want to use), I’d be putting on something else as well because, like I said before, No Spread on a Rifle which still has recoil is like putting an extra 2 millimetres of milk in to make a pancake. It’s still going to turn out as a pancake, and unless you were a robot which could study the contents of something so precise like a bloody quark, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.[/ol]

Things after the line may be still past tense, but unlike above, this shouldn’t be ignored.

I attempted to debate my innocence time and time again, with no explanation for what some people saw as ‘snaps’. All I saw of them was a combination of quick movements, Australian lag and topovl’s imperfection. Remember Shado? How both Drebbel and I thought he was tapping E, but it was just a high sensitivity? My sensitivity in-game is 25% higher than normal, and my mouse sensitivity outside of AoS is about 12% higher. Topo and Color thought I was tapping ‘E’ and then firing, but Monstarules agrees, in both Topo and Color’s evidence, there are a few frames where you can see me moving my mouse.

After the ban and the evidence shown (and Color coming out of the shadows to reveal his evidence), most agreed that I was a hacker and deserved to stay banned (and in some cases, rot in hell). A few admins who had seen the evidence, but didn’t agree it was enough, stuck to my side. One of them was SnIpEr, who suggested me to try a ‘PABH’ and record myself playing and pulling off the streaks I did in T&C’s videos. I couldn’t find a server which met all these little ‘rules’, though:

  • Had me at a ping below 250, with no more rubber banding than I would have had to put up with on an aloha server.
  • Was free of hackers. All the servers I tried to play on had some bastard holding their E key down for the whole time they were playing.
  • Had a map that was flat, similar to a babel-type gamemode.
  • Included the ability to crouch-camp and pull off headshots from the opposition’s spawn.
  • Had a good game mode to attempt to recreate the original scenario.

After whining about it in the IRC staff channel, with some wondering why I’m still allowed in, and some others telling me them the judgement to keep me banned hadn’t gone ‘official’ yet, BR came up with an idea: Give me a timed unban onto aloha.pk’s babel gamemode to attempt my ‘PABH’. Ei8htx offered to come along and record with topovl along my side, so we could see from both points of view.

I will show you the points of view below. But I want you to firstly, watch 8x’s topovl version. Decide whether I’m hacking or not and whether you would ban me. Then have a look at mine to see what’s missing in 8x’s. For even further comparison, 8x has merged the two together for you. It does take some time to get used to the different resolutions and aspect ratios, but when your brain adjusts, you’ll be able to see how much of a difference the two have.

Ei8htx’s topovl version:

My POV version:

The two combined:

  1. Why should you be unbanned?

Because I wasn’t hacking, and I never will. I’ve never known the reason to hack, because you don’t get anything out of it. If I did hack, I would feel guilty as hell and I know about the punishments that apply being caught hacking, since I have issued many before this one. Like Kangaroo said in his little rant, it would be stupid for me to hack because I am (well, was) a well-known player in the community, as well as a friendly player and best of all; I had no enemies. It was easy sailing everyday, doing my work, helping out others. Volunteering and helping out. The reason I stuck to AoS 0.75 was because of you guys. You were the people who made AoS so special and you always will. The dedication you all put in was the reason I submitted my guard app: Because I wanted to be like you.

I don’t want to intimidate anyone. Like I said before, I have no enemies and never want any. I’m a neutral person, so I never try to start on the wrong foot. It’s sad to be leaving so early, because (this is so corny, but true:) I was just getting to know you guys. I’ve never had a best bunch of friends like you. Even though you were all hidden, aliased, under a username, I still felt as comfortable around you guys as I would with a bunch of friends.

This is going to get a bit personal, but this is why it is so hard for me to get out of my chair and continue with my life. This also explains why you guys mean so much to me:

At my school, we have an ‘accelerated’ class. You have to apply for it in Year 7… after being accepted as a student applicable to take the test. You go through a Math, English, Writing, and ‘Personal Repsonse’ Test. If you get good marks, you’re in. A maximum of 26 students are able to go in one class. Some of you know I have a twin sister: She got in too.

Every student in the class is friends with one another. When there’s a birthday party, everyone gets an invite. Everyone in the class helps out one another when help is needed. Everyone in the class has this super strong ‘friendship shield’ around one another. Everyone’s best friends with everyone else… Except for me.

I’m the one that’s excluded from birthday parties. I’m the odd one out when it comes to group work. I’m not bullied in class, just not accounted for. In anything. Even while my sister is having a wonderful time, dressing up for a party which is going on from midday ‘till 10 at night, with trampolines, a bouncy castle, a PS3 and X-Box 360 for the gamers, and their own mother fucking DJ to mix up some wicked tunes, no one thinks about me.

This is why I was depressed. I had no friends in school. No one to talk to or even just hang out with. But when I met you guys, and applied for guard (and got excepted), I didn’t care about the class anymore, I wasn’t jealous or depressed; Because I had my own best bunch of friends. Every night, I’d come on and talk to you guys because I had no one else to talk to. As soon as I got a reply from someone I’d feel 3 times happier than I was when I got home. Please don’t think I’m trying to kiss your asses to let me back in and make you guys feel sad, because I don’t want you to.

Now that I’ve lost that tightly wound bunch of friends, I have nowhere else to go. I’m just stuck in a dead end in a maze. And I had a map to guide me, but it’s blown away in the wind so I’m stuck now, lost. Of course I’ll get out in the end, but it’ll be a lot harder and longer than it would’ve been. I’ll probably give up at times, but then I’ll try again and I’ll eventually make it out. Maybe someone will see that I’m lost and will share me their map, but right now I see no one else in the maze to help me.

So, there’s my little story. I hope you read this all, because it was a bitch to write. It took me 5 straight hours and is just over 3,000 words. Please note that the reason I’m putting so much effort into this ban appeal is because nothing else seems to be getting through to you guys, and I’m also very desperate and want you guys to see how much you mean to me.

  1. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

July 27th, 2013, 4:31 PM Local Time. (AEST)

The poll above is based on the videos below this text. Watch them all and make your verdict. I know that all the admins will be voting 110%, but I want everyone to vote. It’s a simple opinionistic survey for everyone’s benefit.

The first recording taken about 3 months ago by Colorpinpoint: (No sound, ‘half 480p’)

Another recording which was taken at the same time as the other, only thing is I forgot Color had more than one video for that map. This also includes my explanation of the ESP trap:

The recording taken 3 weeks ago when I was banned by Topo from Colorpinpoint’s Point of View: (No sound, ‘half 480p’, 21 minutes long)

The recording taken by Topo from the day I was banned: (Sound, 1080p, but only 7 minutes long. Footage taken from Topo’s Point of View is also included in Colorpinpoint’s, so I suggest you watch this one first to save yourself some time.)

There was other footage taken by Colorpinpoint, but Color agrees that these 3 videos above are the most ‘convincing’.
So, that’s it. Please vote on the poll above, and if you’re an admin who agreed with my dismissal, then vote anyway. I want everyone to. I will be happy to chat and answer any questions you want to ask me.

-Daniel Summer. (Chappy)



your ban has been discussed a lot in the staff section. i’ve read all of what has been said in the staff section and after reading your appeal, it’s basically the same thing as all of what you’ve already said in the past. you’re whole appeal is basically attributed to lag, crazy luck, skill, flowered up blanket statements, and sob stories from your personal life. almost all of the staff has the general consensus that you were hacking based on the evidence you gave to us and nothing you’re saying now has really differed from what you’ve said a month ago when topo banned you.

color has given a lot of justifiable evidence in the staff section as to why he’s extremely sure as to why you’re hacking. this evidence is really effective in rebutting your claims which is why i personally don’t believe you. i don’t know if color wants this to be public or private so i won’t say what it is but if you want to hear it i’m sure you can ask color and he will clarify.

although i personally can’t make the decision to ban or unban you, i’m just going to say the future doesn’t look to bright for you. i’m not trying to be cruel or anything but i’m tired of hearing you sob stories. go out and do something with your life. find a new hobby, make new friends, go outside. out of everything we’ve discussed no one has spoken of your sob stories so please, if you don’t get unbanned do something else with your life. if you think that it’s hard you’re damn right it is but that’s life and it’s a bit of a bitch sometimes. i personally think you’re beating a dead horse but that’s just my opinion.

Exactly what Craft said is exactly what my whole feeling has been since this started. You have no real proof chappy. You think you do but all you have is: circumstance and obscurity. You hope this will explain the anomalies away - but nope. If you cover a stain with a rug is the stain gone? I still render the videos submitted of you playing AFTER you were banned to be worth nothing in deciding whether you hacked that day and if the ban was justified - which the whole reason why we’re here now, and the reason why it’s sparked so many arguments n private. That’s the one thing you have not been able to effectively demonstrate because it has already happened. I’ve said to you and other staff members that if you had POV footage from the same game, then that is evidence. You’ve provided video and that’s it, just a video of you showing you not hacking that day and leaving even more room for obscurity and vagueness and creating holes in the whole thing that only exist because you keep inventing them.

As for things like your name in IRC “URIP” (Unfairly Resting In Peace, really come on now) you’ve done nothing but try and guilt trip me and others to make us feel sorry for you and don’t get me wrong I do feel bad about this whole thing and yeah it must be kind of rough but not cool you could of protested your innocence in a less self pitying fashion imo. Did you not think that every word you said public or private would be scrutinised and your actions and behaviour also? Your appeal is basically a lengthier and more fluffed version of: it was lag and my skills. Now that I guarantee is a analogy a lot of staff used for your case. Didn’t Lawliet use the same argument?

Whether you’re entitled to a second chance, your behaviour and demeanour say you’re lying about something and trying desperately to cover it up with weak evidence and lot’s of words. Sorry, I’m voting no.

I have been awfully quiet about your case both publicly and privately Chappy. I have to agree with Craft that this is beginning to look repetitive, and I mainly believe that this is because you were a staff member. People just can’t get over it and want to stand their ground and blame something else. The evidence is going against you, as the videos provide solid evidence along with ratio differences. However, this does not mean we are 100% sure that you were cheating or as a matter of fact anybody we ban was cheating. Even if you were lagging and/or were just an unlucky person who just had the best kill streak that happened to look like an aimbot, the bottom line is that life is as Craft said it was, and will not always work the way you want. Men have been wrongfully committed for murder and imprisoned for 30+ years and later freed just to give you an extreme example. Sometimes when a door closes, another door opens. You do not have to write sob stories about your life just because you got banned in a game. If we did make a mistake then I personally am sorry for the error, but most of the staff do believe you cheated.

I have access to the 'evidence' that was shown against me. Both Color and Topo went under aliases to record and just hid there, watching me because they didn't believe I could repeatedly pull off some fog-line headshot streaks. While topo is the one who holds the pride (or guilt) of the ban, Color was watching me for about 2 months, which I find quite disturbing and hurting.

First video uploaded 21 July, last video uploaded 28 July. 7 days != 2 months with 2 actual days I watched you.

Not only did Color not believe I could combine logic, photographic memory, legal z-block glitching, 'guestimation' and sound to find players beneath me, but he also believed I couldn't aim, shoot, hear, guess, click, strategize, or even just watch my screen properly to get kills.

Ahem, that was what you said.

[2013 Mon July 29 02:19:06] <Chappy|School> Like, I’ve just paused, fired and somehow killed someone when I’m not looking at them.

Pretty much telling me people are magically dying.

So he came on under an alias and tried to use ESP traps against me with someone else who's name I cannot confirm. I found his ESP traps because, to be as legitimate as possible, neither of them logged in to invisibly walk over somewhere. So they had to do it the hard way, which meant that at times, I saw a little green (or blue) head dash past a 2-high wall over to my left or right. I would shoot, and sometimes, I got him. One time, I missed, and the player successfully dug a hole and covered it up with matching blocks so I shouldn't have been able to find the player. I attempted to listen for digging (because I had heard a bit while walking over) to locate the pest, but to no success. After a while I walked off thinking "Must've been killed by someone else or something." But then, after scoping out a few more players attempting to build a tower, I heard a faint sound of a shovel hitting a block. So I went back over to where the player had disappeared (which was marked by a tree) and attempted to z-block glitch (look straight downwards) to find the player.

I found out that my speed while walking forwards and backwards was severely hindered when looking straight up or down, but moving left and right wasn’t. So I zig-zagged until I found the player. After spading the player, I found out the player’s name was “it’s a trap!!!” which I then kinda thought “Heh, trying to ESP trap me? Well I found you out legitimately, biatch. :P” “Yeah! Imma mother fucken detective!” And so on. After a short celebration I continued to play until I decided to log-off and get some fresh air and food, you know, because I’m human.

As for this:

[details=Click for details][2013 Mon July 29 01:47:06] why did you keep returint to that exact spot
[2013 Mon July 29 01:47:19] exactly over where a player was
[2013 Mon July 29 01:47:36] sort of like you were waiting for him to move
[2013 Mon July 29 01:48:21] <Chappy|School> I was walking around trying to find tunnel entrances.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:48:41] <Chappy|School> I didn’t see his death on the killfeed so I knew he was around somewhere.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:12] But how did you know who he was and that he was there
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:27] <Chappy|School> Remember? I saw him walking along the back.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:36] back of the base?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:37] <Chappy|School> I shot at him and missed.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:46] <Chappy|School> Well, if you looked on the map.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:49] but yea you wouldn’t know his name
[2013 Mon July 29 01:50:18] so “killfeed” wouldn’t be possible
[2013 Mon July 29 01:52:43] <Chappy|School> I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean. :frowning:
[2013 Mon July 29 01:52:51] Which part?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:01] killfeed?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:12] <Chappy|School> Yea.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:28] Well you said you waited for his death on the killfeed
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:28] <Chappy|School> That guy had came around the base before, so I was looking for his name.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:40] <Chappy|School> Yes, beause he had done it before.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:48] <Chappy|School> I was seeing if he was actually somewhere else.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:56] But he didn’t :frowning:
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:01] ill have tocheck again
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:07] <Chappy|School> Before this recording!
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:10] <Chappy|School> It was his playing style.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:21] he wasn’t in the game before the recording
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:32] <Chappy|School> Like, a week earlier?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:39] <Chappy|School> He always dug around.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:41] wtf
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:58] I’m pretty sure he picked that name like a few sec before he joined
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:26] <Chappy|School> The guy, “It’s a trap!!!” was always attempting (when ever he was on) to dig a tunnel and grief the tower the other side was building.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:37] and I’ll be damn suprised if you remember his playstyle a week before
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:51] <Chappy|School> Because I’d caught him doing it many times.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:04] <Chappy|School> At one point I just sat spamming my rifle down a tunnel.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:15] <Chappy|School> I thought it was fucking hilarious and my friend watched it with me.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:20] hmm what
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:29] the tunnel on the left flank?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:36] <Chappy|School> No, before this recording.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:40] <Chappy|School> not even that day.[/details]

Well, I took that claim and checked if anyone had used that name and no one had and in which case you told me:

[2013 Mon July 29 02:10:47] <Chappy|School> Well it was a guy with a trappy sort of name.
[2013 Mon July 29 02:11:08] <Chappy|School> I don’t remember his name exactly, I know it had a trap in it. I guess I related it to that guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

You see, color had been watching me for almost the whole time I was playing on the holes map, attempting to get evidence because he didn't believe I was skilled and had improved. I'm guessing he asked Topo to back him up and record his version (Maybe for some extra evidence, better video quality, he was too scared, I don't know). All I know is that Topo was aliased as 'towers' and he was also logged in, because I checked with one of my commands. I was logged in so I didn't get votekicked. Topo PM'd Color -- Knowing that it was him -- agreeing that some of my kills were 'weird', but they weren't enough to check him, at least not up until now.

I had joined the second I started that video and topo was already on the server. You probably don’t know this but it was not me that had the first suspicion unless you can’t a couple of months ago when you got kicked by the no-spread detector twice. There’s a couple of people that suspected you around the same time but no one had enough proof. A couple days before my first video, I had saw in my logs suspicious stats along with some people that were suspicious of you. There’s a difference between being scared and wanting to get the maximum evidence so the person can’t refute it like you are attempting to do now. Only thing that can be said is “lag” or “skill” or a small variable that affects it. Furthermore, it was not only these occasions that you had been suspected of hacking. It’s just kept hidden for further investigation as I have done.

The thing I don’t get is that your story is constantly changing as you can see from how you explained the ESP trap. There was a part in my video (21min) that you attempted to try explain why you threw a nade at someone in a tunnel that was not even close to your POV. You said that someone in teamchat had said that there is someone under you. A staff member checked that claim and it was proven that no one had said anything of that sort. The thing with not being able to keep a story consistent is a sign of guilt. Watch some CSI or Burn Notice to learn more about it.

What's even more distressing is that Color played it out like he hadn't been there for almost half an hour, like he had no idea what had been going on undercover for the past fucking month.

When you’re doing a secret investigation, you don’t want anyone to know about it until you have proven your case which is exactly I acted like that. Again, 7 days != 1 month. I hadn’t told anyone about what I was doing except a few top people knew about it. It was meant to investigate you and see what others are claiming of you. When I first joined, I was very surprised. I had almost made my decision on you cheating right when I started to play against you. As you probably remember in the first video, you died with a nade kill after I stopped recording. The reason you died is because it was intentional to use the hill as cover and you tried killing me even though there was no way of you knowing I was coming. I threw a nade and it injured you. Exactly as planned except I had cooked the nade right and you started running back even before I threw the nade which caused me to throw extra nades and at which you said something like “You did that on purpose to hit the tree”

Topo also accused me of using No Spread on a rifle

I would be as certain as to bet money that after 11:52, you started using no-spread. As it’s not fully provable, you can use logic and see that you barely missed any shot as 0.75 spread is designed to be completly random which causes you not to be able to be fully accurate.

Would barely make a difference because the rifle is so accurate (It's not 100 like in .70, but it's not as bad as an SMG)
If the rifle is so accurate, why at some points in your POV video that you could barely hit the player even though he was right beside you. Well, that is the cause of spread being random, you can't control it and you can't guesstimate it.
Wouldn't make much of an 'improvement' because I still had recoil.
Little do you know but it does. It makes all your fog shots accurate, if you crouch, you pretty much get little recoil which an average player can control.
Is impossible to tell because you can never know if someone has no spread, unless it's blatant with a shotgun.

Oh impossible? I would bet to say that it is possible to see if you inject something in the client.exe. Not at this moment but prior to the incident. You can also use logic as I already mentioned. You can compare your POV to my video and clearly see that the skill level has completely dropped since my video. “Nervous” is not a valid excuse for not being good. It even took you a couple of tries to get that 29 ratio. (Yes I checked the logs) You were getting between 1-3 ratio your first couple of tries. 16 kills 6 deaths if I recall correctly for one of your attempts to get a good streak on video from your POV.

Point 4 is a repetition of the others.

I attempted to debate my innocence time and time again, with no explanation for what some people saw as 'snaps'. All I saw of them was a combination of quick movements, Australian lag and topovl's imperfection. Remember Shado? How both Drebbel and I thought he was tapping E, but it was just a high sensitivity? My sensitivity in-game is 25% higher than normal, and my mouse sensitivity outside of AoS is about 12% higher. Topo and Color thought I was tapping 'E' and then firing, but Monstarules agrees, in both Topo and Color's evidence, there are a few frames where you can see me moving my mouse.

Debate your innocence was a long way of saying “lag”, “skill” and crazy luck". I really will not accept Monstarules’s opinion. The reason behind it is because you exactly told him what to say to me. I really don’t like when you put people up to defend your case but I really hate when you tell others what to say.

[2013 Wed August 14 23:01:51] but I banned topo, you, pabh, ediee, HeatNG and Deichkind.
[2013 Wed August 14 23:02:01] You never banned me lol
[2013 Wed August 14 23:02:08] Hm…according to chappy I did

You legit told him that he banned me. Like honestly, that just sounds like a whole load of bullshit. If you’re really going to get others to fight your case to me, at least tell them the truth and not tell them that they did somethign that they didn’t do. That’s just wrong and was a waste of my time. Monstarules used the exact excuses as you as well as compared it to Kodiak’s ban which really has nothing at all to do with this. It was clearly evident that you had been telling him stuff to tell me. By the way, for the poll I voted option 2 that you didn’t hide your aimbot well. Just as you didn’t hide that you have clearly influenced others such as MonstaRules and Kangaroo through private chat. As well as many others at which I told you to stop and told you to do it publicly instead of telling every individual about it.

After the ban and the evidence shown (and Color coming out of the shadows to reveal his evidence), most agreed that I was a hacker and deserved to stay banned (and in some cases, rot in hell). A few admins who had seen the evidence, but didn't agree it was enough, stuck to my side. One of them was SnIpEr, who suggested me to try a 'PABH' and record myself playing and pulling off the streaks I did in T&C's videos. I couldn't find a server which met all these little 'rules', though: Had me at a ping below 250, with no more rubber banding than I would have had to put up with on an aloha server. Was free of hackers. All the servers I tried to play on had some bastard holding their E key down for the whole time they were playing. Had a map that was flat, similar to a babel-type gamemode. Included the ability to crouch-camp and pull off headshots from the opposition's spawn. Had a good game mode to attempt to recreate the original scenario.

I already agreed that if you can pull even close to the same way that I saw you while ingame that I would straight out unban you. You couldn’t even do remotely close to the other oocasions in which case I didn’t unban you and you even increased my belief of you hacking.

I will show you the points of view below. But I want you to firstly, watch 8x's topovl version. Decide whether I'm hacking or not and whether you would ban me. Then have a look at mine to see what's missing in 8x's. For even further comparison, 8x has merged the two together for you. It does take some time to get used to the different resolutions and aspect ratios, but when your brain adjusts, you'll be able to see how much of a difference the two have.
Yea...I would've had a more likely chance of kicking ei8htx for afk rather than banning you. Please point out differences that would cause others to think that you were hacking bcause I clearly saw none that I would even suspect to be hacking. All I saw was a tryhard crouch spammer that has trouble hitting players like in previous videos.
Because I wasn't hacking, and I never will. I've never known the reason to hack, because you don't get anything out of it. If I did hack, I would feel guilty as hell and I know about the punishments that apply being caught hacking, since I have issued many before this one. Like Kangaroo said in his little rant, it would be stupid for me to hack because I am (well, was) a well-known player in the community, as well as a friendly player and best of all; I had no enemies. It was easy sailing everyday, doing my work, helping out others. Volunteering and helping out. The reason I stuck to AoS 0.75 was because of you guys. You were the people who made AoS so special and you always will. The dedication you all put in was the reason I submitted my guard app: Because I wanted to be like you.
Trust me, I blame myself much more than I blame you for hacking. You are a well-known player but we, as admins got you introduced to stuff that access to be able to use cheats. You can ask others about it but I have said it many times that I blame myself/staff for this. It was wrong and still is wrong to introduce people to using cheats to catch hackers as it enables you to many strong curious thoughts of using said cheat. The reason I want to clear this up is to improve us as a staff and see where the problem started and see how to prevent it from happening in the future.
*Story to make us feel bad*
Not going to explain this since well, your stories don't make me change my mind.

As Craft said, I did make a post on your applications starting from the least suspicious to the most suspicious evidence. Least being server detections and most being the videos.

Let’s start on this since we both are making lengthy posts, I’ll explain this even more than how I explained it in the private forum.

Someone caught you with suspicious stats, 21 kills, 3 deaths and 90% accuracy on arena. Pretty weird right?

Next, you reported that you had been kicked by the no-spread detector but you forgot to mention that you got kicked twice by it and not only once. You explained it to me like this:

The map was nuketown and the distance had to be 23+ blocks for it to even be considered no spread. He would have to hit a body part (Headshot, Body, Limb) with all 8 pellets for it to add +1 to the nospread counter. Once it reaches 3 it kicks the player. It’s fairly accurate but that only adds suspicion to him and doesn’t exactly say that he was hacking. Also I think it was topo who told me he got kicked twice with seperate IPs(dynamic IP) on two different occasions.

Next thing that was in my post was your autoban from Icecraft for Aimbot or as it’s meant to be, SMG-Snap. Honestly, I didn’t know much about it so I asked a girl who made the script and even tested it myself on a private server against bots to see if I can triggers it with even the most obvious aimbot.

Well to trigger it, you have to move from your previous target to your next target with a distance of 10 degrees away and hit the same body part within .155 seconds. It’s mostly used to catch obvious smg cheaters. And do it 7 times.

This is my attempt to try to trigger it:

If you watch even a bit of the video, you’ll know that it is damn hard to trigger.

You blamed lag for that incident(Surprise).

Anyway, this is what I think of your appeal/ban. Honestly, I’m really disappointed that you decided to hack and decided to keep on denying it. Although I blame myself, you make me blame you for deciding not to come clean and sending people to try to convince me which really doesn’t make your case good.

I come into this thread rather disappointed. Despite that, I’ll try my best to not sit and vomit emotions and take a look at your claims of the game’s mechanics- which, on a bare code-to-code level, I do not understand, but I think I have played this game enough to know the jist of it. I think it’s safe for me to say that I am not too shabby of an AoS player and that I am experienced, so let us begin.

Both Color and Topo went under aliases to record and just hid there, watching me because they didn't believe I could repeatedly pull off some fog-line headshot streaks.
I dunno man. If you were doing just that, I would have a hard time believing you too. My style of gameplay has often been "kill the others before they kill you," and in doing so, I would have to do fog shots. Even when I had my pointer perfectly on someone's head, it would usually take either luck or more than one shot to kill them.
Would barely make a difference because the rifle is so accurate (It's not 100 like in .70, but it's not as bad as an SMG)
The rifle in 0.70 is more different than you think. Shots in 0.70 go where you want them to go. Long distance shots and even medium distance shots in some cases on 0.75 can be difficult to pull off regardless of reflex capabilities. Putting nospread on 0.75 has an extremely noticeable difference which I can only relate to with 0.76 and versions prior to 0.75.
Is impossible to tell because you can never know if someone has no spread, unless it's blatant with a shotgun.
With a trained eye, it's pretty simple to see no-spread on an SMG. With rapid on you can see it with rifle as well. The main thing here is that in the video, you rarely missed fog shots that would've been throttled away by spread.

With the argument of sensitivity, however, I find it difficult to believe. The fact that you’re flawlessly able to kill people at long distance when it’s rather difficult to see at high sensitivity is more unrealistic than impossible. Judging from the videos, it didn’t seem like you had very high sensitivity at all. Also worth mentioning that dpi and sensitivity are different. You could have 10 sensitivity on config.ini and have a 200 dpi mouse. Regardless, I find this particular point also invalid.

The gameplay seen in your “29 streak POV” video is rather lackluster in comparison to your claims of photographic memory, guestimation, and using sound. Unless you are merely over exaggerating to prove yourself, photographic memory and guestimation has connotative meanings of perfection and good aim, which were missing in the video, which was filled with missed easy shots, losing track of targets, and etc. The gameplay wasn’t like that in video of when you were banned. Instead of witnessing “uncrouch and have person at fog range magically die,” it was just hitting the control and space button and getting fewer shots connected.

This also leads to my last rebuttal. Your lag had a minimal effect on gameplay. When I play on servers with 200 ms against people with ping far below that, I am still able to kill people almost like normal. The only thing hindering me would be constant rubberbanding from my side that made it difficult to maneuver.

Conclusively speaking, I don’t buy it. I vote no. Your 29 streak POV was far different than that of topo’s video. If I watched the two prior to this, I would’ve thought it was two completely different people, with one being more hack-happy. I’ve probably already repeated the banalities of this argument, but I felt as if another drop in the bucket wouldn’t hurt. I found your appeal to be far too emotionally based and lacking of legitimate logic that could refute the solid evidence. Also on this topic, I would like to ask why there is even a poll up. Why not ask and anticipate actual replies rather than the act of pressing two buttons? I failed to see a simple “Yes” or “No” on the poll as well, which further makes me question your motives. I am unconvinced and disappointed.

I wish you good luck in the future.

Sorry, but I have made up my mind. The lying, the stories, this drama should stop. I am not being closed minded but rather being realistic when I say blaming lag for everything is stupid. Making people feel bad is even more stupid. I am sorry but I really feel that the only reason we are still discussing this ban is because you are a staff member. If this was another person, this appeal would have been long gone. I wanted to stay away from this appeal as much as possible because I didn’t want to get involved. But I guess some part of me wanted me to tell you this.

I’ve always found you to be a nice person and friend and I find it really hard to believe that you would go through all this trouble to prove something that isn’t true. Coming clean would be the BEST choice but now that choice is gone. Listen Chappy. People make mistakes, what’s important is that we learn to accept them and do our best to avoid making that mistake again. Let me give you an example. During the first month I played Ace of Spades, I actually used an extended mod without knowing it was not allowed. I used it because I thought the gun looked good. When I found out it wasn’t allowed, I just apologized and promised I wouldn’t use it ever again. I learned to accept my mistake and used it to become a better player, and a better person as well.

With this being said, I don’t really have anything more to say. I wish you all the best and I hope you have a good life.

Dakeku pretty much sums up my thoughts on this.

Chappy, you’re a good guy, you should come clean. You’re out of staff, but you don’t have to be out of the community.

My mistake, seems like I’ve over-estimated.

Ahem, that was what you said.

[2013 Mon July 29 02:19:06] <Chappy|School> Like, I’ve just paused, fired and somehow killed someone when I’m not looking at them.

Pretty much telling me people are magically dying.

No, either you’ve make a mistake or you’re trying to bend the situation to your advantage. I was talking about how weird it looks from topovl’s version. From topovl’s version, it looks like random weird stops, awkward jumps and kills that didn’t even come from me looking at the person. From my view it was completely different.

As for this:

[details=Click for details][2013 Mon July 29 01:47:06] why did you keep returint to that exact spot
[2013 Mon July 29 01:47:19] exactly over where a player was
[2013 Mon July 29 01:47:36] sort of like you were waiting for him to move
[2013 Mon July 29 01:48:21] <Chappy|School> I was walking around trying to find tunnel entrances.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:48:41] <Chappy|School> I didn’t see his death on the killfeed so I knew he was around somewhere.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:12] But how did you know who he was and that he was there
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:27] <Chappy|School> Remember? I saw him walking along the back.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:36] back of the base?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:37] <Chappy|School> I shot at him and missed.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:46] <Chappy|School> Well, if you looked on the map.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:49:49] but yea you wouldn’t know his name
[2013 Mon July 29 01:50:18] so “killfeed” wouldn’t be possible
[2013 Mon July 29 01:52:43] <Chappy|School> I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean. :frowning:
[2013 Mon July 29 01:52:51] Which part?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:01] killfeed?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:12] <Chappy|School> Yea.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:28] Well you said you waited for his death on the killfeed
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:28] <Chappy|School> That guy had came around the base before, so I was looking for his name.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:40] <Chappy|School> Yes, beause he had done it before.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:48] <Chappy|School> I was seeing if he was actually somewhere else.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:53:56] But he didn’t :frowning:
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:01] ill have tocheck again
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:07] <Chappy|School> Before this recording!
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:10] <Chappy|School> It was his playing style.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:21] he wasn’t in the game before the recording
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:32] <Chappy|School> Like, a week earlier?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:39] <Chappy|School> He always dug around.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:41] wtf
[2013 Mon July 29 01:54:58] I’m pretty sure he picked that name like a few sec before he joined
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:26] <Chappy|School> The guy, “It’s a trap!!!” was always attempting (when ever he was on) to dig a tunnel and grief the tower the other side was building.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:37] and I’ll be damn suprised if you remember his playstyle a week before
[2013 Mon July 29 01:55:51] <Chappy|School> Because I’d caught him doing it many times.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:04] <Chappy|School> At one point I just sat spamming my rifle down a tunnel.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:15] <Chappy|School> I thought it was fucking hilarious and my friend watched it with me.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:20] hmm what
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:29] the tunnel on the left flank?
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:36] <Chappy|School> No, before this recording.
[2013 Mon July 29 01:56:40] <Chappy|School> not even that day.[/details]

Well, I took that claim and checked if anyone had used that name and no one had and in which case you told me:

[2013 Mon July 29 02:10:47] <Chappy|School> Well it was a guy with a trappy sort of name.
[2013 Mon July 29 02:11:08] <Chappy|School> I don’t remember his name exactly, I know it had a trap in it. I guess I related it to that guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah. I thought I also told you about 00:45 on the first video. To save you some time:
“it’s a trap!!! (Green): try to find me :D”

I had joined the second I started that video and topo was already on the server. You probably don't know this but it was not me that had the first suspicion unless you can't a couple of months ago when you got kicked by the no-spread detector twice. There's a couple of people that suspected you around the same time but no one had enough proof. A couple days before my first video, I had saw in my logs suspicious stats along with some people that were suspicious of you. There's a difference between being scared and wanting to get the maximum evidence so the person can't refute it like you are attempting to do now. Only thing that can be said is "lag" or "skill" or a small variable that affects it. Furthermore, it was not only these occasions that you had been suspected of hacking. It's just kept hidden for further investigation as I have done.

Okai. I know I only got kicked once by the No Spread detector, I’m sure of that. Don’t trick me into thinking it happened twice. I’m not sure if I set it off after I got kicked the first time, but I’m 110% certain it didn’t happen twice. Please don’t bullshit me.
Also, think about this: Why would I report me getting caught by the No Spread detector if it would make people suspicious? I wasn’t hacking, I don’t know how I did it so I reported it wondering if someone could give me an answer. If I was hacking, it would be like me saying “There’s a dead body over there with gunshot wounds, help!” when I was the one that committed the murder.

I’m not surprised you weren’t suspicious with my stats, I suspected the whole staff team to be in that game watching me.
Also, I didn’t say you were scared or anything, I just wondered why you hadn’t pulled off the ban yourself.
And, I find the evidence shown against me very sketchy. Why?

  • Many times in all of the recordings, topovl has been WAY off trying to match quick flicks of the wrist. How can you trust something so inaccurate?
  • Spectating with topovl is like recording at 10 FPS. So many things aren’t included in 8x’s video, and I was pretty bad that day. Imagine how much was being lost on the holes map?
  • Almost all my ‘hacky’ moments and segments in all the videos can be shown on two different sides. Most of you seem to be sticking to the ‘hacky’ side which kinda… no, let me re-phrase that: It pisses me off to a point I think my head would explode.

I’m surprised people were suspicious back then too, because I’d get ecstatic over a 3-streak or a double shotty kill.

The thing I don't get is that your story is constantly changing as you can see from how you explained the ESP trap. There was a part in my video (21min) that you attempted to try explain why you threw a nade at someone in a tunnel that was not even close to your POV. You said that someone in teamchat had said that there is someone under you. A staff member checked that claim and it was proven that no one had said anything of that sort. The thing with not being able to keep a story consistent is a sign of guilt. Watch some CSI or Burn Notice to learn more about it.

The thing I don’t get is how you can’t realise human error. I didn’t see the whole thing before the nade, and I was tired as fuck. I wanted to go to bed after some homework and rushed it along (not lieing though, this happened on a different server with the holes map) thinking that it was that.

After waking up and re-watching the video, thinking to myself “How did I know he was there!?”. THEN I saw how I’d shot one of the tower destroyers and it all popped back into my head.

And, why would I lie about something said in chat IF I KNOW that you guys have access to all things that go on and around aloha servers!? How can you think I’m that fucking stupid?

As you probably remember in the first video, you died with a nade kill after I stopped recording. The reason you died is because it was intentional to use the hill as cover and you tried killing me even though there was no way of you knowing I was coming. I threw a nade and it injured you. Exactly as planned except I had cooked the nade right and you started running back even before I threw the nade which caused me to throw extra nades and at which you said something like "You did that on purpose to hit the tree"

I don’t remember anything about that. I probably heard something or just went around checking things. Also, how would’ve YOU known I was there if I backed off? I was probably firing outwards and just backed up for some cover.

I would be as certain as to bet money that after 11:52, you started using no-spread. As it's not fully provable, you can use logic and see that you barely missed any shot as 0.75 spread is designed to be completly random which causes you not to be able to be fully accurate.

If you were to bet money, I would be taking it. Just saying. Like you said, it’s not fully provable. You can use logic and see that I didn’t miss many shots, but it was a simple quick streak. It died down and I went back to my normal playing style.

And like I said before, there’s almost always 2 ways something could be happening. The ‘hacky’ way and the ‘legitimate’ way. At 11:52, if you’re confirmed I was hacking, you would see me changing my hack menu, seeing topo (towers) left, then thinking “Whoo! Topo’s finally gone! Time to hole E and spam crouch!”.

If you think I’m legitimate, you would ask if there’s another explanation. You would realise I went AFK, came back, kind of ‘charged my self up’, got a bit sad because Topo had left and he’s been my only real challenge, and then started pwning ass for a bit. I thought I heard some footsteps straight to my left (Surround Headphones), which meant it was a bit easier to find the first player. Since I had been playing for a while I’d gotten adjusted. Then it was easy.

Little do you know but it does. It makes all your fog shots accurate, if you crouch, you pretty much get little recoil which an average player can control.

Well I’m sorry. I’ve never tested it out so I could never tell. I’ve always seen No Spread as a stupid hack up until you’ve proven me wrong. Up until now I’ve always thought “It’s blatant when you use it with a shotty, and it’s stupid to use it with a rifle. Why did they create a hack like this!?”.

Oh impossible? I would bet to say that it is possible to see if you inject something in the client.exe. Not at this moment but prior to the incident. You can also use logic as I already mentioned. You can compare your POV to my video and clearly see that the skill level has completely dropped since my video. "Nervous" is not a valid excuse for not being good. It even took you a couple of tries to get that 29 ratio. (Yes I checked the logs) You were getting between 1-3 ratio your first couple of tries. 16 kills 6 deaths if I recall correctly for one of your attempts to get a good streak on video from your POV.

I think that nervous is logical. I’ve got my ass on the line knowing that if I screw this up, I’m done for. You’ve never had to be put in this situation so you don’t realise how much it effects your play style. Also, I was in a different state of mind. When I played with 8x, I’d rush up and try to get the streak straight away. Before that, I’d take my time and slowly rack up the kills, and not easing into it like I did with the other videos.

Debate your innocence was a long way of saying "lag", "skill" and crazy luck". I really will not accept Monstarules's opinion. The reason behind it is because you exactly told him what to say to me. I really don't like when you put people up to defend your case but I really hate when you tell others what to say.

I never told Kangaroo what to say. He asked me to ban a votekick abuser because he was randomly votekicking people. He screenshot it and I told him I couldn’t do it for him. I told him a small amount of evidence, and even warned him that it’s being handled at the moment so he shouldn’t go randomly pointing at admins saying “WHY!? I DEMAND YOU UNBAN CHAPPY!” because I’m going fine at the moment. I showed him the evidence for purely opinionistic purposes, seeing what a friend would think of it.

But, he wanted to ‘bark for me’ and created that thread.

Evidence: [2013 Wed August 14 23:01:51] but I banned topo, you, pabh, ediee, HeatNG and Deichkind. [2013 Wed August 14 23:02:01] You never banned me lol [2013 Wed August 14 23:02:08] Hm...according to chappy I did

You legit told him that he banned me. Like honestly, that just sounds like a whole load of bullshit. If you’re really going to get others to fight your case to me, at least tell them the truth and not tell them that they did somethign that they didn’t do. That’s just wrong and was a waste of my time. Monstarules used the exact excuses as you as well as compared it to Kodiak’s ban which really has nothing at all to do with this. It was clearly evident that you had been telling him stuff to tell me. By the way, for the poll I voted option 2 that you didn’t hide your aimbot well. Just as you didn’t hide that you have clearly influenced others such as MonstaRules and Kangaroo through private chat. As well as many others at which I told you to stop and told you to do it publicly instead of telling every individual about it.

Sorry, my fault. I was bored and decided to go browsing through apps and wanted to make a comment on how Monsta was going. I saw someone had posted that he’d banned three people who were legit all in one day. I was sure it was Topo, you and PABH. I then decided to go do something else seeing as someone had said the exact same thing I had wanted to.

I’m sorry if you got mad, and now I’m not sure wether it was Korakoff or you, or someone else. If you could put my mind at ease telling me who, that would be very nice.

Also, I didn’t tell Monsta what to say. I asked him if he had seen the evidence in query, once again, wanting an opinion. I thought “Everyone deserves to see it, I wonder what he has to say…” I kind of hoped he’d side with me, and he agreed that it was a bit laggy and sketchy. I didn’t tell anything else to him, just agreeing on points in the video. I have logs if you want me to pastebin them.

I already agreed that if you can pull even close to the same way that I saw you while ingame that I would straight out unban you. You couldn't even do remotely close to the other oocasions in which case I didn't unban you and you even increased my belief of you hacking.

Maybe after this dies down and I’m calmer and better off than now I might try again.

Yea...I would've had a more likely chance of kicking ei8htx for afk rather than banning you. Please point out differences that would cause others to think that you were hacking bcause I clearly saw none that I would even suspect to be hacking. All I saw was a tryhard crouch spammer that has trouble hitting players like in previous videos.

Also please notice how there a things missing in ei8htx’s video. But I was failing badly, I’ll agree with that.

Trust me, I blame myself much more than I blame you for hacking. You are a well-known player but we, as admins got you introduced to stuff that access to be able to use cheats. You can ask others about it but I have said it many times that I blame myself/staff for this. It was wrong and still is wrong to introduce people to using cheats to catch hackers as it enables you to many strong curious thoughts of using said cheat. The reason I want to clear this up is to improve us as a staff and see where the problem started and see how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Don’t blame yourself for introducing me to hacks. Blame yourself for making the wrong decision. If you don’t have doubts now I hope you will some time in the future.

Also, I used -removed- for ESP with ingameovl.exe and I downloaded it myself. I saw someone using it and never knew what -removed- was. I also noticed that topo used -removed- when he started up as well.

*Story to make us feel bad*
Not going to explain this since well, your stories don't make me change my mind.

Wasn’t meant to, it was just a short story explaining why it’s hard to leave you guys. Like I said, I didn’t want to make you feel bad, even though it is a sad story.

As Craft said, I did make a post on your applications starting from the least suspicious to the most suspicious evidence. Least being server detections and most being the videos.

I still think you should’ve collected more. Ditto to before: 2-sided evidence in everything, with neither being able to be fully proven. Depending on the circumstances depends on which you side with.

Let's start on this since we both are making lengthy posts, I'll explain this even more than how I explained it in the private forum.

Someone caught you with suspicious stats, 21 kills, 3 deaths and 90% accuracy on arena. Pretty weird right?

Yes, we are making lengthy posts. Quite fun to read. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
About those stats, I’ve gotten better before. Also, what weapon was I using? What map? I’d be embarrassed for you if it was on ‘avseafort’ or another close-quarters map. Even more if it was with the shotty.

Next, you reported that you had been kicked by the no-spread detector but you forgot to mention that you got kicked twice by it and not only once. You explained it to me like this:

The map was nuketown and the distance had to be 23+ blocks for it to even be considered no spread. He would have to hit a body part (Headshot, Body, Limb) with all 8 pellets for it to add +1 to the nospread counter. Once it reaches 3 it kicks the player. It’s fairly accurate but that only adds suspicion to him and doesn’t exactly say that he was hacking. Also I think it was topo who told me he got kicked twice with seperate IPs(dynamic IP) on two different occasions.

Why would I report being kicked if I was hacking? It would make people suspicious. If I was hacking, I’d hide it away and only discuss it when someone brought it up. And I’m sure I didn’t get kicked twice, other wise it too would’ve been on separate occasions.
And yes, you don’t need to lecture me about how the No Spread detector works, you already told me once.

Also… If topo get’s kicked, who says he hasn’t been using No Spread? But no, because Topo’s well known to trip up detectors we just let it slide.

Next thing that was in my post was your autoban from Icecraft for Aimbot or as it's meant to be, SMG-Snap. Honestly, I didn't know much about it so I asked a girl who made the script and even tested it myself on a private server against bots to see if I can triggers it with even the most obvious aimbot.

Well to trigger it, you have to move from your previous target to your next target with a distance of 10 degrees away and hit the same body part within .155 seconds. It’s mostly used to catch obvious smg cheaters. And do it 7 times.

  1. I was on IceCraft for a lot longer than you.
  2. I was also setting off the No-Recoil detector like crazy, with my crazy ping. It was going up and down like a Seismometer in an earthquake.
You blamed lag for that incident(Surprise).

It was on the weekend, everyone was using the internet, and I’m trying to play on a server that’s full of mayhem with a crazy ping because I just wanted to derp around a bit. It’s not bullshitting, because it obviously hasn’t happened to you before.

Anyway, this is what I think of your appeal/ban. Honestly, I'm really disappointed that you decided to hack and decided to keep on denying it. Although I blame myself, you make me blame you for deciding not to come clean and sending people to try to convince me which really doesn't make your case good.

I like what you’ve done with the post, if I wasn’t the accused person I would’ve probably been persuaded into siding with you.
I’m also really disappointed that you guys all believe the evidence, and I’m also disappointed you guys thought I hacked. I’m also kind of laughing that you put so much effort into this. Did you have some sort of grudge against me or something?

The rifle in 0.70 is more different than you think. Shots in 0.70 go where you want them to go. Long distance shots and even medium distance shots in some cases on 0.75 can be difficult to pull off regardless of reflex capabilities. Putting nospread on 0.75 has an extremely noticeable difference which I can only relate to with 0.76 and versions prior to 0.75.

I haven’t played with 0.76 before, and I can’t remember how good the Rifle was in 0.70. Like I said before, I’ve never used No Spread, so I can’t tell.

With a trained eye, it's pretty simple to see no-spread on an SMG. With rapid on you can see it with rifle as well. The main thing here is that in the video, you rarely missed fog shots that would've been throttled away by spread.

Note that Color wasn’t ALWAYS recording. Other matches I’d have a hard time just to get out of spawn, let alone shoot someone from fog distance. The recordings were 2 games over a total of about 70-80.

With the argument of sensitivity, however, I find it difficult to believe. The fact that you're flawlessly able to kill people at long distance when it's rather difficult to see at high sensitivity is more unrealistic than impossible. Judging from the videos, it didn't seem like you had very high sensitivity at all. Also worth mentioning that dpi and sensitivity are different. You could have 10 sensitivity on config.ini and have a 200 dpi mouse. Regardless, I find this particular point also invalid.

I’ve gotten used to the sensitivity. I could have it so far up I’d constantly 360 just to turn. But If I played with it long enough, I’d get good with it. The main reason I turned the sensitivity up was because I often hardscape when using a rifle into the fog. As you know, it slows your normal sensitivity down, so I tried to change that.

Also, I’m not very good with dpi’s and shit. All I know is how far I turned it up to make a difference.

This also leads to my last rebuttal. Your lag had a minimal effect on gameplay. When I play on servers with 200 ms against people with ping far below that, I am still able to kill people almost like normal. The only thing hindering me would be constant rubberbanding from my side that made it difficult to maneuver.

That’s it! It’s the rubberbanding from my end which severely hinders what other players see. Maybe not from angles, but from positions.

I wish you good luck in the future.
Thanks, good luck to you too. [/quote] [quote="Dakeku post:7, topic:9590"] [Read Dakeku's post] [/quote] Look, I'm not lying, you all just don't trust me anymore. And that's fair to say. But you aren't looking at it from a different point of view. Most of you are sticking to the same thing over and over again. And so am I. I'm sticking to the same 'excuses' because I'm talking about the same evidence over and over again.

And yes, people do make mistakes. But I’m not the one who’s made a mistake… It’s you guys. :-[

Why should I come clean if I wasn’t hacking? I’m going to stick to my innocence and attempt to prove it in anyway possible. Call me stubborn, call me an idiot, I don’t care. Even if I did admit, I wouldn’t be allowed back in anyway. I’ll probably pop in every now-and-then to chat to friends, but other than that you’ll have to chat with me via email.


Moderator note:
I removed the names of hacks, no biggie just rather keep that stuff separated from our forum, and prevent people from getting them easier.

I understand your point with the spread on rifle but, “With a trained eye, it’s pretty simple to see no-spread on an SMG.” is just stupid, tracers are drawn client side, being able to see where they go from smg would be impossible through ovl.

Actually, you do not have to see the tracers. You could instead look at where the shots land. If almost all of the smg/rifle shots are landing pretty darn good at where the ironsight is pointing to (blocks/players), then I would consider it no spread. But please note I have and will never ban somebody solely on this reason.
I understand your point with the spread on rifle but, “With a trained eye, it’s pretty simple to see no-spread on an SMG.” is just stupid, tracers are drawn client side, being able to see where they go from smg would be impossible through ovl.

I agree with SnIpEr(!) and AEM (I think).

Caprex and I tested this out thoroughly. It’s damn near impossible. Hell, if bricks went dark when someone else shot them (only you can see your own damaged bricks), then it’d be slightly easier, but as it is now it really is nearly impossible.

The bullet lands where the tracer lands, its all client side

It is impossible to see nospread from smg

Lets look at the original evidence. Some areas are snappy. As for ESP, he had no clue of the charging player coming at him, which if he was using ESP, he would most likely jumped to that person. I’m not sure what else to say, but I don’t want to jump to CLEAR CONCLUSIONS YET.

Well guys I understand why everyone is arguing and scrutinizing different parts of the evidence. What has happened has happened. Just assume he had one the many hacks he was banned for. What does his future hold?

Not many people will fully trust him anymore, and I know he will never become staff again. So the decision comes down to if he gets a permanent or a termed ban.

As to all this public stuff. I believe you threw that personal life stuff in there to attempt to lure the player base to your side. None of that has any significance to your ban.

Chappy, you and I both know color would never ban someone on the premise that he thinks they’re hacking. He had to have been totally convinced that you were using some form of hack.

I’m convinced on the esp trap part though, There would be no way you knew the name of that particular enemy. As such there would be no way you could look for his name on the kill feed. That could be taken as a confession of some sort of esp.

I myself have caught many a hacker and usually there are two types of hackers. Those that are good at concealing their hacks and those that are new to it and just use it not, thinking of the repercussions.

Those that are good at concealing their hacks use aimbot in a very effective way, usually bringing their sights close to the target before activating the bot to lock on, unlike hacker noobs that just snap their way through enemies, filling the kill feed up.

I believe you are very good at concealing them and it takes something like chat to catch you.

Ok, so let me get this clear. I’m stating, like ei8htx mentioned, that you can differentiate spread by where shots land, whether it be hitting the player or damaging blocks. SnIpEr, you are saying that where the shots land from the client’s perspective is different than what somebody in the ovl perspective. Am I reading this correctly? Because your argument would mean that I should see shots miss players when in reality it hits them and that if the suspect were to be using nospread, I would see shots end up where in reality didn’t land. And if so, I can see the bullets be so compact on somebody using nospread on shotgun, yet for SMG I cannot see them hit blocks without spreading out? I highly doubt this claim.
Topo cleared it up for me.

From Chap’s vid perspective, he does lag a little, sometimes getting kills late. This could be a possible reason for some of the crazy kills. As for his changing stories though, it makes me think a bit more…why have some of your stories changed Chappy.

I do not believe this tracer/nospread discussion belongs here.

Anyways, I believe that you hacked. Since there’s been walls of texts already, I’ll keep it short. It is just not possible to be as accurate at long range as you were. Regardless of how good you are, you should be missing at least half your fog shots due to spread. Hence, I agree with the verdict that no spread was used.

Sorry, Chappy, this has to be put to an end.

Ok, so I did quite a bit of math to prove things one way or the other.

First off, I did a video of shooting the rifle in 0.75 at various ranges.

I shot 60 rounds for 3 trials each. I determined the following odds for headshots (actually, just kills, even if the kill shot hit the body)

127 blocks (max distance) no scope:

127 blocks scoped:

96 blocks (3/4ths max range) no scope:

96 blocks scoped:

Then I ripped and analyzed color’s vid from youtube.

It’s 480 lines, scaled down from 800x600, using topovl. I changed my rez to 800x600, took screenshots of someone standing 96 blocks away both standing and crouching, and then took 600/480 to get 0.8. Thus everything was 80% sized down:

A player standing at max range (128) has a 9 block tall ESP block, scaled is 7.2.
A player standing at 3/4ths range (96) has 17 block tall ESP block, scaled is 13.6
A player crouching at 3/4ths range has a 9 block tall ESP block, again scaled is 7.2.

Looking at color’s vid from 12:10 until he’s killed at 13:04, Chappy gets 14 kills. The first 3 are within 96 blocks. 1 is a little under 96 blocks and also wasn’t included in my math. Pretty much after apparently switching on his hacks at 12:10, Chappy clears out everyone above ground south of the tower within close range, except one person who gets to a little past 3/4ths fog range about halfway through his streak. All 14 kills were headshots with no misses.

I created the following data set to analyze. The first 3 I guessed in block distance by looking at the map and were not analyzed:







7px crouched


6px crouched

7.5px crouched (included in dataset, looking at the map and where the holes are, it’s pretty much 96 blocks)


9px crouched (not included in dataset)


6px crouched


The pics I used to analyze are here:

My objective is that for this 14 kill streak, to prove only the use of no spread. Not aimbot, lag, or anything else that can be attributed to human error or perfection. I made the following assumptions for the sake of the analysis

  • He’s using aimbot and thus aiming at exactly the center of the heads.
  • All kills analyzed (10 of 14) are assumed to be standing at 96 blocks and zoomed (despite many of them actually being fog line)
  • Heads are entirely unobscured (even though a few partially are)
  • Each kill took 1 shot (which is true)
  • The odds of getting a headshot at 96 blocks while perfectly aimed is 53.3%

Computing 10 headshots without missing with a 53.3% chance for each is calculated as 53.3%^10.

This comes to 0.17%. The probability of Chappy getting this streak without error and using aimbot (but having spread) is 0.17%. This is an extremely conservative number; assuming everyone was at 96 blocks instead of fog line (where odds of hitting drop to 36.67%).

Another way of thinking of this is that if he had aimed and played this exact way 588 times, it is expected that in one of those he’d have gotten all the headshots as done in this video.

Also, this is only the first 14 kills analyzed of a 70 kill streak. Looking at the remainder of the video I would expect to find the same thing.

Simply put, Chappy was using no spread.




I miss persona99 at 12:32, that was on the head. Maybe not completely centred, but it was pretty close.
I miss persona99 again at 13:00, and that was square on the head.
At 13:02, I reload, and someone jumps over the 2-high wall and kills me.

Also, you’re following the use of Aimbot (which I wasn’t using). I’ve had plenty of accounts where I’ve shot slightly off target from fog-line, but spread has gone to the side I need to be shooting from, and I still get the kill.

Put this simply:
This should only be accounted for if I used Aimbot. You can see I’m missing shots and not all of them a centred.