[x] Chappy's Ban Appeal

I know i’m not an admin or guard on aloha but I would still like to share my opinion, So…

I find it hard to believe you hacked Chappy. I am disappointed with this because you seem like a nice guy, But you did a bad thing, You were a Guard on Aloha and that is a honour according to me and you took advantage of that and hacked because you’d think no one would suspect you out of all people would hack.

I only really met you a few weeks ago on hallway and you seemed to be a really nice guy, NOT a hacker. I already know your of the aloha staff from what you have done and that you should be but I still think you should be able to play aloha, But admins should keep an eye on you.

So to simplify it, I am extremely disappointed of what you’ve done, You deserve what you get but, I don’t think you should be permabanned but should be banned for a few weeks to learn his lesson.

Thanks for reading

It’s fine for you to share your opinion. As long as it isn’t biased or accusational I’m fine with it.
As for hacking, if you haven’t looked at the videos already then I ask you to. Make your own decision. No one’s perfect.
As for a week ban, that wouldn’t happen. I’d love to come back on, but there’s no chance of that happening unless I can get out the hard way: By persuading them I’m legitimate.

Simply put, lag.

I mean I’ve just missed someone, but the random spread has just included the players head at that point in time.
It’s happened with rubber banding before, but no. I mean the actual spread itself. No lag, nothing about it.

You along with others have said that all you see is lag but now there’s not? The reason that this happens is a location packet is not sent in time to the server because you or the other player or me is lagging. On your end it looked like a headshot or a location packet didn’t get sent in time ot another possibility is you aimed exactly at that person and you hit him directly but it didn’t look like that on my side but the client sent to the server that it was a headshot.

You’re correct, I didn’t see those 2 misses (there’s no sound on the video, and I spent most my effort freezing frames before kills).

It’s true I assume aimbot, but this is for your benefit: Aimbot is something that only fixes human error, a perfect human would always aim at the center of the target, and for this analysis, I assumed you were a perfect human; ie; aimbot.

As for the “good” spread: It’s true that with spread, you could aim slightly off from the target and your bullet may still hit. However, the probability of this happening is much less than the probability of hitting the target when aiming directly on it. This is why I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed all shots were aimed directly at the center of the head. Figuring in human error, in that you wouldn’t aim directly at the middle, would only lower the percentage that this streak was possible. That, and I don’t want to figure in human error at all as it’s entirely debatable and virtually unprovable.

It’s hard to tell with topovl + lag, but I thought with the 2 misses you actually shot the cover (so it’s not really a miss, since you weren’t aiming at the target). However, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I’ve recalculated the odds using binomial distribution:

The sum off all probabilities of 10 or more headshots out of 12 is 3.27%. Thus there’s a 3.27% chance that if this streak was repeated (in that the proper aiming was done) that at least 10 of 12 shots would hit. This is still very low, and still a very conservative estimate. I’m assuming all shots are at 96 blocks, when in fact many are much farther.

It is difficult to count pixels beyond about 110 blocks due to the quality in that video. Plus, it’d be a major PITA to do the math for a changing probability based on distance that also includes misses (ignoring the difficulty of calculating distance, if I had it, calculating changing probabilities wouldn’t be difficult). Incorporating misses requires me to use binomial distribution, and I’m not sure how I’d go about incorporating a variable probability k value. Nor do I really care to. The streak after the spawn is even more incredible, and I’m certain if I analyzed that, I’d find the odds of pulling off such a streak even with aimbot outrageous.


Hah. Just noticed that the video that has the ESP trap was not posted.

I will do the same thing that Pingu did: Just putting my opinion out here.

So I visited aloha.pk today (Last post was about a month ago? It’s been a long time in my standards XD) and I just see this thread of Chappy’s ban appeal. I have never actually known you in-game, but I do see you in the forums a lot. You seem like a generous person. But apparently according to the aloha.pk admins, you have hacked. It just feels wrong for a “kamaaina” to actually hack in one of the aloha.pk or any other servers. Honestly, I don’t know if you are telling the truth or not, but after reading everything on your first post, feels like that even though you might have done the wrong thing and deserve to be banned. However, I do feel that I should’ve been closer friends with you. I wasn’t the most popular kid in elementary school nor middle school, but I changed all that in high school by being nice and honest (Hard to believe, I do troll hardcore on AoS) to others. I really hope that you tell the truth if you are lying, even if you stay banned.

Ah, sorry. Obviously didn’t go back far enough in my YouTube history. I’ll add it to my first post. :slight_smile:

No. I do see lag in the video. At the moment, we’re only debating the client’s spread itself.

The video, if to be based on Aimbot itself is hard because you can see how far off some points of the video are, compared to what they should be. This is one reason why I call the video sketchy: Who knows if it isn’t happening the whole way through?

Hey, it’s fine you didn’t see the misses. Everyone makes mistakes. :wink:
Also, 3.27% is way higher than 0.17%. If anything it makes it probable from what would’ve been impossible.

Like I said before: Make your own decision with the posted videos as evidence. I’m glad you’re putting your opinion out there, it means something to me. And yes, it does seem wrong for a staff member to hack, as far as I know I’m the only moderator who’s ever been banned and dismissed for it. And yes, I should’ve made more friends here, but I might get another chance at that.

Chappy, the game is over. You must atone to what you did. This isn’t for our sake; it’s for yours. That is the only way you can rejoin this community. I really hope you do. I would really like to play a few games with you again, and I play exclusively on aloha.

3.27% is incredibly generous. It’s actually much lower figuring in the distance of about half the shots, and it’s giving you the benefit of the doubt in every way. Even so, if 3.3% was the dead honest number, I’d be completely certain that you were hacking. There’s 70 kills that could be analyzed, I did 14. I’m not gonna bother with the rest, as the evidence I’ve provided is more than adequate to prove no spread.

Please just come clean on this. It is the only way.

I know admitting would be for my sake. I’m also and aloha exclusive player, because of less hackers, better community and better moderators… And it’s the only group of servers I get 200ms on.
If you think I would be using No Spread at 3.3%, then that’s a bit stupid.
Also, if you think that I would be using No Spread when I’ve missed a shot that is dead-on, then I’m not sure to say.

One thing I am sure to say though is that, you’re a very persuasive person, but I’m not going to falsely ‘admit’ to hacking just to play again.

I have watched the video closer than I have, I think I judged you to quickly Chappy, For that I am sorry for, After watching that closer I am torn, I still think that you might of hacked but I will watch closer and closer till I find out my final decision.

Sorry Chappy for what I said before. But im still a bit suspect about you


It looks like some people really just want Chappy out of it.
Is it because you dislike him? Is it jealousy? Or maybe you just don’t want to admit you were wrong for framing him?

If Chappy was using some kind of hacks I think he would of said so already, it’s like some of you are just pressuring him to say he did it. Especially you Ei8htx.

You do understand that he’s given you quite a few very generous concessions in his math, don’t you?
For one, he’s assumed that you are able to aim as well as an aimbot - that you have one hundred percent perfect aim. You don’t. He has only counted ~1/7 of the kills in a streak that would be very impressive had it been made legitimately. He’s assumed that every single shot that was analyzed was at 96 blocks, when roughly half of your targets were much farther away. If he had the resources and the time to do the math properly and accurately, while still assuming you’re a human aimbot, the probability of your streak being possible without a nospread hack would be well outside of the “I guess that’s possible with a lot of luck” range.
Remember that the math is only out to prove that you’re using nospread and has nothing to do with the other hacks you’ve been accused of using.

Weren’t you arguing earlier that the orientation in the videos was probably a little off the entire time? Pick one.

I haven’t really summed up my thoughts on this anywhere yet (mostly because I think the fact that I banned you speaks for itself). I picked the second option in the poll because your wording for some of the options was quite childish and certainly not the way I’d put it. Obviously, I believe quite strongly that you were hacking.
Since the ban what I’ve seen from you has been attempted guilt-tripping, “it was lag/luck”, a lot of inconsistencies in your explanations and not much else. The staff cares enough to have discussed this for a very long time and in great depth, but the majority have never swayed from their judgment of “guilty”.

Having a public poll on this is pretty much useless in my opinion. The staff are the ones who have been catching cheaters for (in many cases) well over a year and so their experienced opinions are the ones which should carry weight in a matter as important as this. To me it looks like a less-than-subtle attempt to garner support from the community.

Your life’s story is completely irrelevant to the appeal and as a former staff member you know it. You put it into your post to try getting people to sympathize with you, which isn’t something you should feel you need to do. If you are indeed innocent and you care as much as you say you do, you should be able to prove it.
I urge you to keep recording until you manage similar feats to the ones shown in the evidence videos. Your double recording with 8x doesn’t come close to cutting it.

I know I’m not infallible and contrary to popular opinion I’m quite happy to accept that I’m wrong when I am, but in this case I haven’t doubted my decision to ban you for a second. If you can convince me that you were playing legitimately while I was watching you, I’ll resign from every admin position I hold. Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath, though.

Honestly, you aren’t contributing anything to the discussion. Whether or not we like him is irrelevant. There are many players that many of our staff members don’t like, but we don’t go around banning them all without perfectly valid reasons. We’re discussing this because we’re convinced he was hacking, not because of how we feel about him.

Sorry, Chappy, this has to be put to an end.

Ok, so I did quite a bit of math to prove things one way or the other.

First off, I did a video of shooting the rifle in 0.75 at various ranges.

I shot 60 rounds for 3 trials each.  I determined the following odds for headshots (actually, just kills, even if the kill shot hit the body)

127 blocks (max distance) no scope:

127 blocks scoped:

96 blocks (3/4ths max range) no scope:

96 blocks scoped:

Then I ripped and analyzed color's vid from youtube. 

It's 480 lines, scaled down from 800x600, using topovl.  I changed my rez to 800x600, took screenshots of someone standing 96 blocks away both standing and crouching, and then took 600/480 to get 0.8.  Thus everything was 80% sized down:

A player standing at max range (128) has a 9 block tall ESP block, scaled is 7.2.
A player standing at 3/4ths range (96) has 17 block tall ESP block, scaled is 13.6
A player crouching at 3/4ths range has a 9 block tall ESP block, again scaled is 7.2.

Looking at color's vid from 12:10 until he's killed at 13:04, Chappy gets 14 kills.  The first 3 are within 96 blocks.  1 is a little under 96 blocks and also wasn't included in my math.  Pretty much after apparently switching on his hacks at 12:10, Chappy clears out everyone above ground south of the tower within close range, except one person who gets to a little past 3/4ths fog range about halfway through his streak.  All 14 kills were headshots with no misses.

I created the following data set to analyze.  The first 3 I guessed in block distance by looking at the map and were not analyzed:






7px crouched


6px crouched

7.5px crouched (included in dataset, looking at the map and where the holes are, it's pretty much 96 blocks)


9px crouched (not included in dataset)


6px crouched


The pics I used to analyze are here:

My objective is that for this 14 kill streak, to prove only the use of no spread.  Not aimbot, lag, or anything else that can be attributed to human error or perfection.  I made the following assumptions for the sake of the analysis

  • He's using aimbot and thus aiming at exactly the center of the heads.
  • All kills analyzed (10 of 14) are assumed to be standing at 96 blocks and zoomed (despite many of them actually being fog line)
  • Heads are entirely unobscured (even though a few partially are)
  • Each kill took 1 shot (which is true)
  • The odds of getting a headshot at 96 blocks while perfectly aimed is 53.3%

Computing 10 headshots without missing with a 53.3% chance for each is calculated as 53.3%^10. 

This comes to 0.17%.  The probability of Chappy getting this streak without error and using aimbot (but having spread) is 0.17%.  This is an extremely conservative number; assuming everyone was at 96 blocks instead of fog line (where odds of hitting drop to 36.67%). 

Another way of thinking of this is that if he had aimed and played this exact way 588 times, it is expected that in one of those he'd have gotten all the headshots as done in this video. 

Also, this is only the first 14 kills analyzed of a 70 kill streak.  Looking at the remainder of the video I would expect to find the same thing.

Simply put, Chappy was using no spread.


ei8thx just proofed the thing with nospread and I have to say he did this very good! It was really hard work, and what he presented are facts.
The proof which is given are facts too. And its not only one 2-minute clip, its a lot proof.

All of you say we judge bad about him because we dont like him (which isnt true anyway). But your opinions are influenced by your experinece. I can imagine that you watched lie 2 minuts of this proof and one of this and you think: I know Chappy well, he didnt hack. Oh the aloha staff said that he hacked. So I say they dont like him.
To all not-staffs: We discussed this proof long and most of us voted for banning. We banned A LOT people, sometimes it was easy, sometimes it was hard to detect those hacks. We have ‘a bit’ more experience than you and you all say we watched the proof one time and say: ‘Aww its Chappy, it was long ago that we banned a staff, so lets ban him. Done.’
I am really tired of hearing that we juged without thinking. And its annoying to hear all this complains ‘becasue he is my friend, I know him good. So he didnt hack.’ YOU do the shit with telling Banned becasue we dont like him. Most of us liked him and he was a really good moderator/guard, do you guys really think that we ban him becasue we felt bored and ned some new action at aloha here? Think about it please.

Thanks for reading and sorry that I said something here, but I cant watch this anymore.

Can someone give me the link to download the scope for the SMG in this video please? Thanks.

ThreeDog, not to be rude, but please quit posting here unless your putting your opinion or adding to the evidence. Your quotes and pictures are doing nothing but filling up space.

I’m sure if everyone could understand the math that ei8htx provided, they would know that getting those shots like that would be impossible, legitly. I am now convinced on that as well as the esp trap.

As I did not know you well and you getting banned would not do me any good or bad. My opinion is from a nonbiased view. Honestly from the evidence we could prove you had no spread. Not sure we can prove you had esp, although the esp trap evidence does convince me. Without some way of seeing his name there would be no way to look for his name in the killfeed. Your alibi on that account has changed somewhat as well, right.

That is my final decision, I have no more need to post on this topic. Whatever happens maybe that amazing luck you claim to have will favor you, or maybe it will all be a lie to desperately hang on to your innocence.


It’s not like I am going to say that Chappy did not hack, but I must say that 3.3% is STILL a percentage. It is not completely impossible.