[x] Chappy's Ban Appeal

Chappy, I just want to let you know it’s never too late to admit cheating. There is always a second chance if you are willing to tell the truth.

At this point, there’s no way I’d want to give him a second chance. He completely ruined any respect I had for him in the past by lying for so long.

I kinda lean towards this as well.

Chappy, I tried so hard to get you to just admit to it. You could’ve admitted it, explained your reasoning, apologized, and rejoined the community. It’s really hard to get past this appeal though. It’s consumed the community for months.

The whole thing is just unfortunate.

That’s what befuddles me. I put so much effort into catching hackers, yet it seems like (to some of you guys, that) I put so much effort into trying to hide my own hacks as well.

You were asked to provide a screenshot showing the 'properties' of the injecter you've used for your adminduty. This is the image you showed us:

[11:18] The screenshot you sent me [11:19] Does it mean that you last ever injected something using hinjector? [11:19] On that paricular date? [11:19] Which is June 20th [11:19] I'd say so. [11:19] That's the last time you used hinjector? [11:19] See, that's the thing. [11:20] I told you about how I tested Hooch's a few days ago. [...] [11:22] Yeah, I'd definetly used hInjector after June 20th. [11:22] Not for Hooch's, but for topovl.
I checked it for myself and indeed the date shown in the properties is nto the same as the date of last use. Contrary to what you say you did, according to the videos on your youtube-account however inject hooch after that date, for a couple of more days. You were in fact one of the few who kept on using hooch as admintool even though topo provided an easier and better tool for that use.

The reason I didn’t say anything about the odd date was because Chase was siding with me. He wanted it for a reason I was a bit confused about, but I thought he knew what he was doing. If he was going to get me unbanned based on this evidence and a little bit more we were going to collect, why would I not give it to him? I want to be unbanned, that’s the reason I submitted this appeal in the first place.

[11:24] and you didn't want to switch to topovl? [11:24] Why is that? [11:24] Because I found it confusing to use. [11:24] I tried it once and it derped out massively so I decided to stick with ingameovl.
Yet at one point you did switch to topovl, so did it stop derping out for you?

I tried using topovl myself, and I just found it… ‘weird’ to use after being with ingameovl for so long. I didn’t like toggling between players, and I didn’t like how the ID was just stuck up there on the top of the screen. Also, there was one glitch where I was stuck in scoping mode, both while playing and spectating. But, when killed and respawned, I would be stuck the other way around: Unable to scope in. The map was prison break when I tried this out, so I think you can see why I decided to stick with ingameovl.

Anyway, let's go on.
[11:22] Have you ever used aimbot? [11:22] Or nospread? [11:23] Like, ever? [11:23] Tested aimbot on a private server, but I've never tested No Spread. [11:23] You've never used any of those on a public server? [11:23] No...? Why would I?

The thing is. I looked up the date that the screenshot showed, june 20.
This is what happened. These logs are arena10-serverlogs and irclogs combined so it shows all in one timeline. To prevent confusion I converted the serverlogtimes and added your timezone as well, mentioned between the brackets.

[7:49] * Chappy|AFK (~Chappy@Chappy.users.quakenet.org) has joined #AoS.Aloha

2013-06-20 03:03:32-0700 [-] [7:49] Chappy (IP -, ID 16) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:05:34-0700 [-] [7:51] wow
2013-06-20 03:05:43-0700 [-] [7:51] lag :stuck_out_tongue:
2013-06-20 03:07:39-0700 [-] [7:53] Chappy disconnected!
2013-06-20 03:08:24-0700 [-] [7:54] Chappy (IP -, ID 0) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:08:27-0700 [-] [7:54] Chappy disconnected!
2013-06-20 03:09:09-0700 [-] [7:55] Chappy (IP -, ID 25) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:10:01-0700 [-] [7:56] Loading map ‘generator2’…
2013-06-20 03:10:01-0700 [-] [7:56] Map loaded successfully.
2013-06-20 03:11:33-0700 [-] [7:57] Chappy (IP -, ID 25) entered the game!
2013-06-20 03:11:50-0700 [-] [7:58] /login Chappy ***
2013-06-20 03:11:50-0700 [-] [7:58] Chappy logged in as guard
[7:58] No Recoil Event(s) Detected: Chappy #25 (-) Weapon: SMG Ping: 482 ms
2013-06-20 03:13:17-0700 [-] [7:59] chappy hakzor
2013-06-20 03:13:25-0700 [-] [7:59] lol
2013-06-20 03:13:28-0700 [-] [7:59] <[K0R]J> maybe
2013-06-20 03:13:28-0700 [-] [7:59] or at least lagzor
2013-06-20 03:13:32-0700 [-] [7:59] <[K0R]J> all hax
2013-06-20 03:13:36-0700 [-] [7:59] I don’t hack.
2013-06-20 03:13:52-0700 [-] [8:00] I’m just really laggy atm.
2013-06-20 03:14:10-0700 [-] [8:00] gg
[8:01] * Chappy|AFK is now known as Chappy
2013-06-20 03:16:05-0700 [-] [8:02] lol
2013-06-20 03:17:19-0700 [-] [8:03] /hackinfo nemes → Nemes #17 (-) has an accuracy of: Rifle: 88% SMG: 0% Shotgun: None. Ping: 234 ms.
2013-06-20 03:18:15-0700 [-] [8:04] /votekick → Invalid parameters
2013-06-20 03:18:25-0700 [-] [8:04] <[K0R]J> /votekick nemes hax
2013-06-20 03:18:27-0700 [-] [8:04] /from nemes → Nemes is from Brazil, Curitiba
2013-06-20 03:18:54-0700 [-] [8:04] /hban Nemes Aimbot/ESP/No reocil
2013-06-20 03:23:16-0700 [-] [8:09] Chappy disconnected!

So, what do we see. At 7.49 you enter arena10 for the first time, but you experience lag issues and a couple of disconnects and reconnects happen. At exactly 7.57 you enter the game, login and start to play. Note, that this the exact time that you used hinjector according to the screenshot.
I’m gonna ignore the no-recoil-alert here, cause we know how reliable that is. However someone does accuse you of being a hacker. And no matter if that guy was right or not it shows that you were playing the game at that time.
After playing one or two rounds you notice there’s a suspicious character in the game, Nemes, and you decide to watch him and a little while later you ban him.

Ok, watch this video I took with HyperCam. Before I say anything else, I will say that I’m sorry for the shitty video quality. I have another file that’s 300 MB which I will upload if I have to. This one was 5 MB and it took 15 minutes to upload. Anyway, the video I recorded shows the most previous modified date for hInjector before I do anything else. It also shows me starting a local server up, me joining the server, and injecting Hooch’s, as well as turning on and using the hacks available to just me on the server. I also use topovl, and fly around for a bit before leaving the game and re-checking hInjector. Despite all I have done, nothing has changed anything in the Properties menu. That rules out modifying the date through regedit.exe, which Chase_UC speculated:

So, that rules out the use of the date to inject a hack using hInjector. What had really happened was I had downloaded hInjector again. For what reason I am unsure of, but that’s definitely the time of download being shown in the Properties. The date created was the time downloading started, the date modified was the time downloading ended. So, that’s 2 seconds, maybe three because of the time in between wasn’t even. Seems accurate for a 90 Kilobyte file.

Also, I’m glad you ignored the No Recoil alert. But, one thing to note: If I set off the detector, and I was using No Recoil, I would have turned it off when I started recording, since it’s not there. If you think I hacked before that recording, give me one undebatable and solid reason why I didn’t turn off No Spread and Aimbot. Another thing I would like to point out is that I left shortly after banning Nemes. This points to one conclusion: I left the game to purposely de-inject Hooch’s.

As evidence you upload a vid to youtube: http://youtu.be/Htz4SASN_G0 Remember when you said you never used NoSpread? A few seconds into this video we see this:

While activating the ESP, 16 seconds into the video, to catch the hacker we can see both aimbot and No Spread are enabled.

[11:31] I've never used No Spread, I've never fucking touched it. [11:31] Then how is it enabled there? [11:31] Yeah, 'testing'? [11:31] You were testing nospread on a public server? [11:31] No. [11:31] Then how is it enabled? [11:31] Any excuse? [11:31] Explanation? [11:31] I have never touched it. [11:31] I can't explain it.

Once again, by ‘never touched’ I mean never touched while playing on a public server. And, to prove I do turn cheats off while playing, watch this video:

Yeah, it’s {SIR}Quickshot again, but you can see I wasn’t using hacks in that video, because there’s a few seconds where I go to shoot him, and he snaps straight at my face. If I was a hacker, why wouldn’t I always be using Aimbot and whatnot?

[11:45] You having nospread and aimbot enabled in one video is a huge detail [11:46] Hooch stores settings. [11:46] So it should have stored you enabling nospread? [11:46] Hooch stores anything turned on or off. [11:46] And you had to turn on nospread [11:47] For all I know I could've downloaded it with it already being used! [11:47] Not noticed a thing! [11:47] I've tested aimbot several times. [11:47] As far as I can remember, I've never tested No Spread. [11:47] But the video says otherwise.

Remember what I said about the two-sided evidence? How two completely different things could’ve happened with neither really being able to be proved?
You say that since No Spread is on, I must’ve turned it on. True, I must’ve had to turn it on. I checked, and unlike other cheats, it starts with Aimbot off, (still closest to crosshair and to the Head), and all other hacks off apart from ESP, which is at 2D, names only in range, and a short line to represent the aiming angle.
Now, to the two sided events. You see that I have Hooch’s brought up in a menu with both Aimbot and No Spread on, which seems like I must’ve used it for hacking. To you, it looks like I cheated but nobody decided to spectate me and check me for hacking.
To me, it confirms my suspicions I must’ve used it in testing, because I know I haven’t used any cheats publicly. Even if I had accidentally used a cheat, even for one kill I would’ve asked to be demoted and stripped of my rank for making such a stupid mistake.

As an active and dedicated staff member you uploaded a massive amount of video's, many of them using hooch to gather evidence. In a few other of those video's we can witness you bringing up the hooch-menu and in a few of them we can clearly see aimbot activated: june 22 http://youtu.be/d1aR6L2NaPE This is two days after the video I posted earlier. Aimbot is still on, NoSpread is turned off.
[11:52] You say 'No spread' is off. I could've noticed and gone "Oh, shit! Better turn it off before I forget to re-join and accidentally use it"
If that is so, why turn only NoSpread off and leave the aimbot on?

Please don’t try to be a smart ass. You know what I mean: Turning off all hacks.

Anyway, your point is moot, as we also found these video's both with aimbot enabled and NoSpread disabled, both happened [b]before[/b] june 20 february 02 http://youtu.be/OinlUG17A9c march 24 http://youtu.be/I-gsomFfcXw So at least at one point you have both enabled NoSpread and disabled it.
[11:53] That would imply taht you turned on nospread [11:53] No, it dosen't. [11:53] And you said that you never tested it [11:53] How so? [11:54] To clarify: I never remember testing it. [11:54] How would you turn off nospread if nospread is disabled? [11:54] The video says otherwise [11:54] I never REMEMBER. [11:54] It could've happened.
Aha. A guy your age shouldn't have to worry about a bad memory.

Yeah, if you knew me in real life you would know I have a shitty memory. Things which I think I won’t need to remember just go through one side of my brain and out the other. But, things I do remember I do logically. So, I might remember someone’s name as ‘Julie’ when it’s ‘Jeanne’. Or I could remember a quote in a book differently because I remember a different word.

E.g: Actual quote: “She silently closed the door and slipped out of the house.”
My memory: “She quietly closed the door and slipped out of the home.”

There's also a video showing the hooch menu with aimbot disabled on april 3: http://youtu.be/aJVtHLtXhP8 These settings don't change without you doing it yourself.

And the reason I would’ve turned it off would be because I wouldn’t want to leave and re-join again, only having to inject Hooch’s another time and re-log on. So, I’d just turn it off and play with it on ‘Stand-by’. This happened more and more after a certain date which I cannot remember 100%.

[11:52] Because I've tested it several times! [11:52] You tested nospread? [11:52] No. [11:52] Aimbot. [11:52] I've tested it several times because I've never wanted to wrongly ban.
Note that these video's with aimbot enabled vary from february to june. That's a long period to test something. You were aware of it, since you at least disabled and enabled it once in april. As I said you've uploaded a massive amount of video's with hooch in it in this period, with only a couple that I know of where you made the mistake to show the hooch menu. Is it a weird coincidence that these videos, spread over a five months period, were all accidentally around the time of you 'testing' stuff?

Note that other videos would have Aimbot turned off. Also, is there a rule against not being cautious and not wanting to make a mistake? I took being a staff member as a responsibility. By testing I’d get better at detecting them, and I’ve always wanted to show you guys how good I can be.

Side related, while scrolling through your vids we also stumbled across this: http://youtu.be/mGCi3hhcoBA
[11:24] Have you ever used wtfaos? [11:25] I've seen screenshots, but I've never used it myself. [11:25] Alright [11:25] One sec [11:25] Well, I used wtfaos for ESP first. [11:25] But I haven't used it for hacking. [11:26] If that's what you mean by 'used'.
Changing your story within one minute. It's confusing to say the least.

I wasn’t changing my story, I misunderstood what Chase was saying. I’ve seen screenshots of ESP and Aimbot being used with the options tab open, but I’ve never used the Aimbot myself on a public server. I would like to say that I also ‘changed my story’ before any evidence was brought up.

Anyway, bottom line, what have we got.
  • We have proof of you having hooch injected, with aimbot and NoSpread activated while playing on arena, before spectating a suspicious player.
  • We have proof that you had aimbot activated at least a couple of times within a period of five months
  • We have proof you at least once activated and deactivated aimbot during that period.
  • We have proof you at least once activated and deactivated NoSpread during that period.
* Your excuses are: it was activcated by default, which doesn't explain why it was deactivated and reactivated at least once.
I thought it could've been, but after reviewing and re-testing I know it wouldn't have, but I have a better explanation as stated above.
* You have tested aimbot, and either forgot to deactivate it, or tested it multiple times, and with a weird coincdence around the times of the video's we found.
I didn't just test it out those times. I used to test it every few weeks because I was new to the whole thing, and I'd made a few stupid mistakes within my first month which I am still embarrassed to talk about.
* You did test NoSpread but can't remember it.
The evidence tells me that, but I'm scared that if I become sure of it you'll blame me of changing my story (purposely) again.
* You change your story regarding the use of wtfaos within one minute from knowing it from a screenshot to having used it for adminduty.
Before any evidence was brought up, which shows that I misunderstood the question Chase was asking me. That's why I said "If that's what you mean by 'used'" because I wasn't 100% sure on what he was asking me.


Yes, I am aware that the date of when you last used hinjector isn’t correct, both me and dreb found the same problem (for example, for me it shows that I last used topovl in July when, in fact, I used topovl yesterday). I don’t have an explanation for this, unfortunately.

The reason why I wanted a picture of your hinjector properties was to see when you last used it. I got that idea after reviewing a different case of a banned user with registry. I got the screenshot and I was happy about it because it proved that you didn’t inject anything during the time that you were banned. I showed the screenshot to dreb, he managed to pull out a video AND some server logs from that particular date. We didn’t find anything interesting except for the no recoil warning until I pointed out that you had nospread enabled in the hooch menu. And yes, those videos don’t show any proof that you did use the hack (there’s no snapping, suspicious behavior, etc) but the fact that you have nospread enabled and you can’t explain it any other way except with “I must have accidentally left it on after testing it” is a strong indicator that something’s not right.

You didn’t really “leave the game shortly” after banning Nemes. You waited 5 minutes, which means that you could have played 2 game rounds or more (more if the rounds didn’t time out and they time out after 2 minutes, if I remember correctly).

Also, you said you never tested nospread. Yet it’s enabled in there, so you either messed around with the options (clicking everything on the screen like a drunk person) or you tested it once. And I can’t help but point out the similarity between this case and your current ban. We accused you of aimbot (closest to crosshair) and nospread, and funnily (or coincidentally) you have both of those enabled in that video, and aimbot enabled in several other videos.

And no offense, but you can’t blame your bad memory for something because we can’t prove that you have bad memory. It’s human factor, unless you have EKG results to back up your claim, there’s really no point in using that excuse.

Ok, because I remember you said something about how hInjector updates not every time it’s opened, but in fact every time it injects a .dll into a file.

...but the fact that you have nospread enabled and you can't explain it any other way except with "I must have accidentally left it on after testing it" is a strong indicator that something's not right.

You have no proof of me having used it before, nor after any of those bans. It’s just on, which, even if not turned off can be refuted: It’s common for people to only inject a hack when needed, and to leave after a ban to de-inject it. The date of hInjector proves I downloaded it at the time of joining, but you can’t prove anything about an inject. All you know is that it was injected, with settings turned on, which were never modified or used.

You didn't really "leave the game shortly" after banning Nemes. You waited 5 minutes, which means that you could have played 2 game rounds or more (more if the rounds didn't time out and they time out after 2 minutes, if I remember correctly).

Or I could’ve gone AFK, timed out, flown around in spectator… The options are endless. I keep on referring back to the admin etiquette thread, because it goes great with all I’m saying. One line I remember is “When making a final judgement, always weigh out every option”, or something like that. There are at least 10 different things I could’ve done in those five minutes, all which are not provable at all. Therefore, I deny your claims and seek more evidence against me if you wish to back up your judgement. Otherwise it cannot be used as evidence, as I stated earlier. Suspicious activity, maybe. But definitely not to use in a ban appeal.

Also, you said you never tested nospread. Yet it's enabled in there, so you either messed around with the options (clicking everything on the screen like a drunk person) or you tested it once. And I can't help but point out the similarity between this case and your current ban. We accused you of aimbot (closest to crosshair) and nospread, and funnily (or coincidentally) you have both of those enabled in that video, and aimbot enabled in several other videos.

But, like I said before, it’s not being used. For all you know, I could’ve re-adjusted my settings and turned Aimbot and No Spread back off, but I didn’t include it because I wasn’t watching Nemes because he died, or something like that. I know that I only injected Hooch’s in spectator when I started recording. I know I turned it back off, but you don’t. And I can’t prove it, but like I said before. You can’t prove much other than it was left on from a previous event, which could’ve happened on any server, including one of my own.

And no offense, but you can't blame your bad memory for something because we can't prove that you have bad memory. It's human factor, unless you have EKG results to back up your claim, there's really no point in using that excuse.

No, I don’t have EKG. But, I remember you said in query with me, that you can’t base something on human factor. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you can’t base something for human factor, doesn’t that mean that you can’t base something against it as well? Or have I misunderstood logic for almost 15 years?

as we continue Chappy, i’d like to point out something which i want you to understand. in law there are two things called reasonable doubt and circumstantial evidence. you’ve made the argument that neither our evidence or your evidence directly proves that you’re hacking, which is true. however, our evidence may not be direct evidence but based on the circumstances it’s eliminated almost all reasonable doubt as to why we believe you’re hacking.

to give you a brief summary on what these two terms mean if it’s not clear to you, reasonable doubt is a sort of metaphorical percentage of doubt as to whether something happened or not. the less reasonable doubt there is, the more certain one can feel about making a specific judgement. secondly, circumstantial evidence is evidence or pieces of evidence that when put together can lead to a conclusion with usually a small amount of reasonable doubt. although the evidence alone might not prove anything definitively, we can make a very good inference that something most likely happened even without direct evidence linking something to something else.

you’ve relied you appeal on lag, luck (i’m not going to hold this on you since we’re past that part), forgetfulness, and other sorts of excuses; i think i made that clear in my first point in this appeal:

the way you’re going to get unbanned (if there’s any plausibility left of that occurring) is to refute the circumstantial evidence by eliminating reasonable doubt. this is by giving firm claims to eliminate the probability that although we think something happened, there’s a higher probability that something else happened. we’re not idiots and you know as well as we do that just randomly forgetting something doesn’t sound all that believable. we’re not trying to say humans don’t forget stuff but read the other appeals, doesn’t this sound a little similar to other appeals? give us a reason as to why some other conclusion was more plausible. our evidence is not wrong, we are not numbskulls, and our evidence may not directly show you hacking, but all the evidence points in the direction that we can make this judgement without that feeling that “maybe we did something wrong” and it’s your job to prove us otherwise which you haven’t done so far.

Chappy stop feeding us this nonsense. No spread is not turned on by default for Hooch, you have to turn it on. Like I said, this appeal only helped turn your supporters in the staff to doubt your bizarre claims. Yet you still want to stand your ground that this all happened because of pure luck.

I tried using topovl myself, and I just found it... 'weird' to use after being with ingameovl for so long. I didn't like toggling between players, and I didn't like how the ID was just stuck up there on the top of the screen. Also, there was one glitch where I was stuck in scoping mode, both while playing and spectating. But, when killed and respawned, I would be stuck the other way around: Unable to scope in. The map was prison break when I tried this out, so I think you can see why I decided to stick with ingameovl.
How the hell is topovl weird for you? Can you not press control and type the word "inject"? Are arrow keys that difficult to use? Or is it more convenient to use Hooch with no spread on? Did you really stick to hooch because of ID on the screen?
If I was a hacker, why wouldn't I always be using Aimbot and whatnot?
Just because you didn't use cheats every time doesn't mean you're not a cheater. Cheat once, then you're a cheater. End of story.
Please don't try to be a smart ass. You know what I mean: Turning off all hacks.
Would you stop bad mouthing for once? We are giving you chance to appeal yet you degrade everybody who tries to present evidence. If anything, you are the smart ass who is trying feed us your sob stories and lies. You are obviously switching no spread on and off. [b]They don't turn themselves on, you do that.[/b] I suppose you PC turns itself on too sometimes, right?
And the reason I would've turned it off would be because I wouldn't want to leave and re-join again, only having to inject Hooch's another time and re-log on. So, I'd just turn it off and play with it on 'Stand-by'. This happened more and more after a certain date which I cannot remember 100%.
Why the hell do you need aimbot and no spread on? You only needed ESP. Stop feeding us nonsense and trying to deceive us.
Note that other videos would have Aimbot turned off. Also, is there a rule against not being cautious and not wanting to make a mistake? I took being a staff member as a responsibility. By testing I'd get better at detecting them, and I've always wanted to show you guys how good I can be.
There is no rule on being so cautious, but that doesn't mean you have "test" it on a public server. If you felt like you need to be more "cautious," I suggest watching other videos of other staff members who caught cheaters, or better yet, watch your own video.
I didn't just test it out those times. I used to test it every few weeks because I was new to the whole thing, and I'd made a few stupid mistakes within my first month which I am still embarrassed to talk about.
Does it really take that long for you to tell how to detect cheaters? No other staff member has ever dedicated as much time "testing" and they never made a lot of mistakes. We written guides and methods on how to catch one but that still wasn't enough?

There is one characteristic about somebody that can easily determine if I hate you, and that is a liar. I’ve been raised to learn that dishonesty is the path to bad life, and if you are going to create sob stories, tell us twisted lies, bad mouth everybody who presents evidence all because you got banned in a game, then I’ve lost total respect for you. I hope that from this you can learn from this that dishonesty is not a path to take, even if you think you are a smart ass.

Chappy, you’re fighting a battleship with a dinghy…its obvious you had hacks on at one point. I (before I got topovl) used to use hooch for its ESP so I could report hackers. the only thing I remember auto on (that I had to turn off) was AB. And IIRC the hack actually would upload with previously selected settings.

Hooch remembers your settings.

Chap, sorry but you got busted.

Looking at all the evidence makes you wonder. Is he Hacking? I have seen you In Game a lot as well as meet not long ago, I’m sure you don’t hack, But looking at the evidence I have my struggles believing you don’t because the evidence is a bit suspect.

In a few of those video’s you have some kills that are a bit suspect, But I’m sure we all have lucky shots/No Scopes. But some of those are way to lucky in my view.

Ok, watch this video I took with HyperCam. Before I say anything else, I will say that I'm sorry for the shitty video quality. I have another file that's 300 MB which I will upload if I have to. This one was 5 MB and it took 15 minutes to upload. Anyway, the video I recorded shows the most previous modified date for hInjector before I do anything else. It also shows me starting a local server up, me joining the server, and injecting Hooch's, as well as turning on and using the hacks available to just me on the server. I also use topovl, and fly around for a bit before leaving the game and re-checking hInjector. Despite all I have done, nothing has changed anything in the Properties menu. That rules out modifying the date through regedit.exe, which Chase_UC speculated:

So, that rules out the use of the date to inject a hack using hInjector. What had really happened was I had downloaded hInjector again. For what reason I am unsure of, but that’s definitely the time of download being shown in the Properties. The date created was the time downloading started, the date modified was the time downloading ended. So, that’s 2 seconds, maybe three because of the time in between wasn’t even. Seems accurate for a 90 Kilobyte file.

Easy Chappy, you don’t have to refute things I didn’t accuse you of. I already said I know the date doesn’t change when injecting ,but yes, I still think you injected hooch before you started playing. You at least had the intention to, because why else would you download it right before starting up the client. You only discovered the hacker after playing a couple of rounds.

Also, I'm glad you ignored the No Recoil alert. But, one thing to note: If I set off the detector, and I was using No Recoil, I would have turned it off when I started recording, since it's not there. If you think I hacked before that recording, give me one undebatable and solid reason why I didn't turn off No Spread and Aimbot. Another thing I would like to point out is that I left shortly after banning Nemes. This points to one conclusion: I left the game to purposely de-inject Hooch's
Again, I didn't accuse you of using No Recoil, and as far as I know, no one ever did. The reason why you didn't turn if off is simple, because you didn't know it was on and didn't think of it when you started recording until saturday when we confronted you with it. If you knew they were activated you obviously wouldn't have shown it in the vid or you just would've turned it off.
I've never used No Spread, I've never fucking touched it.
by 'never touched' I mean never touched while playing on a public server.
Excuse me for not following your logic. So 'never fucking touched it' does in fact mean: 'I have tested it on a non-public server', even though you can't remember doing that.
Yeah, it's {SIR}Quickshot again, but you can see I wasn't using hacks in that video, because there's a few seconds where I go to shoot him, and he snaps straight at my face. If I was a hacker, why wouldn't I always be using Aimbot and whatnot?
No one said you never played without aimbot. You can still be a good player without it. Showing a video where you don't hack does not mean you never hack.
To me, it confirms my suspicions I must've used it in testing
You had suspicions about yourself testing cheats? I must say you have a very selective memory. Some things that were brought forward during this appeal you have a very sharp memory of, blocks with a slightly different color, people with a 'trappy' name who played once, a week earlier, and who you recall used a specific strategy etc. Yet, how convenient, you can't remember certain other things we confront you with. I'm even starting to believe the possibility that you also can't 'remember' having played with these cheats activated.
If that is so, why turn only NoSpread off and leave the aimbot on?
Please don't try to be a smart ass. You know what I mean: Turning off all hacks.
Thanx for noticing my attempt to be a smartass, even though I wasn't. I asked a sincere question, one you didn't answer. If you noticed you had cheats activated, why only deactivate the No Spread, and leave aimbot activated?
Note that other videos would have Aimbot turned off.
So you managed to capture the hooch window on vid at exactly those few moments after you just 'tested' aimbot and forgot to turn it off?
I checked, and unlike other cheats, it starts with Aimbot off, (still closest to crosshair and to the Head)
I checked it as well. Default aimbot was off, but it was set to the body, not to the head. Which means it's another thing you must have changed youself.
Also, is there a rule against not being cautious and not wanting to make a mistake? I took being a staff member as a responsibility.
Cautious is good, and I can see why you want to know how aimbot feels like to become better in catching hackers. I can't understand why you have to test it every few weeks again, unless your memory fails you, you forget how it feels, or even forget that you've tested it at all. Mind you, forgetting to deactivate cheats after 'testing' is careless, which is the exact opposite of cautious.
I misunderstood what Chase was saying.
I don't see how it's possible to misunderstand the question 'Have you ever used wtfaos?'.
I would like to say that I also 'changed my story' before any evidence was brought up.
Of course, you're smart. Every question Chase asked you during that session so far we could back up with video evidence. You must have realized that right after you spoke too soon.

About the Nemes video you said the following:

See if I left within the next... 5 minutes or so, after the ban. See if I talked in spectator, THEN left. It was often of me to do that. Even if I didn't, I have to vary explanations:

If I left, that means I purposely de-injected Hooch.

If I didn’t, I could’ve easily turned off ESP, as well as the Aimbot and the No Spread.

In my previous post I posted the video you made of cheater Fox. It showed the hooch menu with aimbot enabled. The server logged you banning Fox at 09:21:44 (servertime). It wasn’t the first and only ban you made on that server that day.
Here are some more logs.

2013-02-01 08:38:07-0800 [-] madeinheavan (IP -, ID 24) entered the game! 2013-02-01 08:38:52-0800 [-] /accuracy mine -> Mineman has an accuracy of: Rifle: 62% SMG: 91% Shotgun: None. 2013-02-01 08:38:54-0800 [-] /ratio mine -> Mineman has a kill-death ratio of 4.68 (117 kills, 25 deaths). 2013-02-01 08:39:22-0800 [-] /login*** 2013-02-01 08:39:25-0800 [-] /ip mine -> The IP of Mineman is- 2013-02-01 08:40:37-0800 [-] /hban Mineman Mineman - Hacking: The works - 2/1/2013 - TDM Island Maps - DJM12 2013-02-01 08:43:31-0800 [-] /ratio bond -> BondJamesbond has a kill-death ratio of 5.78 (52 kills, 9 deaths). 2013-02-01 08:43:34-0800 [-] /accuracy bond -> BondJamesbond has an accuracy of: Rifle: 174% SMG: 176% Shotgun: 20%. 2013-02-01 08:45:58-0800 [-] /hban BondJamesbond - ESP - 2/1/2013 - TDMIslandMaps - DJM12 2013-02-01 08:49:16-0800 [-] /hban tic Ticoo br - Aimbot/ESP - 2/1/2013 - TDM Island Maps - DJM12 2013-02-01 08:49:33-0800 [-] /hban brot Ban pending 2013-02-01 08:58:08-0800 [-] lol 2013-02-01 08:58:16-0800 [-] wtf 2013-02-01 08:58:23-0800 [-] xD 2013-02-01 09:02:32-0800 [-] HURRY UP AND KILL! 2013-02-01 09:02:37-0800 [-] ffs... 2013-02-01 09:02:43-0800 [-] I've got enough... I think. xD 2013-02-01 09:08:45-0800 [-] /hban d4 D4rD2nn2 - ESP/No recoil - 2/1/2013 - TDM Island Maps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:08:59-0800 [-] They just keep on coming... =/ 2013-02-01 09:12:40-0800 [-] where are the tunnels they keep coming out of? 2013-02-01 09:16:41-0800 [-] /hban 4ekist 4ekist - Aimbot/ESP - 2/1/2013 - TDM Island Maps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:21:44-0800 [-] /hban Fox Fox - Aimbot/ESP/No recoil - 2/1/2013 - TDMIslandMaps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:23:37-0800 [-] /hban skyfire SkyFire109 - Aimbot/ESP - 2/1/2013 - TDMIslandMaps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:33:11-0800 [-] xD 2013-02-01 09:33:58-0800 [-] xD 2013-02-01 09:34:15-0800 [-] it's so hard to snipe greens in the fog. xD 2013-02-01 09:37:06-0800 [-] /hban bom Bommelkind - Aimbot/ESP/No recoil - 2/1/2013 - TDMIslandMaps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:43:23-0800 [-] /han frei FeriWild - Aimbot/ESP - 2/1/2013 - TDMIslandMaps - DJM12 2013-02-01 09:45:47-0800 [-] madeinheavan disconnected!
This is over a 67 minutes period, so of course I didn't copy paste everything. I can assure however that you did not close your client and restart during this period. First, wow, that was a nice banning streak. Second, too bad it proves you had aimbot activated during gameplay. From the bans you reported with YT-video we can see that you inject/activate hooch during the video you made of D4rD2nn2, who you banned at 09:08:45. You didn't disconnect after the ban, instead we can tell from the chatlogs you were playing the game. At 09:21:44 you ban Fox, and we know that moment you had aimbot activated in your hooch menu. You continue playing the game, and in the meantime also ban Bommelkind, a moment you had, according to your YT-video [details=Click for details]http://youtu.be/pS8nW65DQas?t=10s[/details], aimbot still activated. You leave the game at 09:45:47

Something similar happened on june 22.

2013-06-22 05:18:25-0700 [-] Chappy (IP -, ID 26) entered the game! 2013-06-22 05:19:36-0700 [-] FAWK 2013-06-22 05:23:50-0700 [-] /pm cuulli I'm on it. -> PM sent to |cuulli| 2013-06-22 05:24:43-0700 [-] chappy logged in as guard 2013-06-22 05:24:59-0700 [-] /hban vidaloca Aimbot/ESP/No recoil/Multi-Bullet 2013-06-22 05:26:45-0700 [-] damnit culli 2013-06-22 05:27:36-0700 [-] <|cuulli|> /PM Chappy this moi check him, seems obvius for me -> PM sent to Chappy 2013-06-22 05:28:01-0700 [-] /hban moi Aimbot/ESP 2013-06-22 05:30:59-0700 [-] /hban Milus Aimbot/ESP/No recoil 2013-06-22 05:32:29-0700 [-] damn 2013-06-22 05:32:30-0700 [-] g 2013-06-22 05:32:32-0700 [-] gg 2013-06-22 05:33:54-0700 [-] fuck 2013-06-22 05:33:57-0700 [-] how do i drop the intel 2013-06-22 05:34:01-0700 [-] without killing myself 2013-06-22 05:35:10-0700 [-] damnit 2013-06-22 05:35:11-0700 [-] xD 2013-06-22 05:35:34-0700 [-] sorry :P 2013-06-22 05:35:43-0700 [-] <|cuulli|> hate you 2013-06-22 05:35:47-0700 [-] :3 2013-06-22 05:39:21-0700 [-] /hban o matador No spread 2013-06-22 05:44:18-0700 [-] I'm truely sorry, Rezon! D: 2013-06-22 05:45:07-0700 [-] Chappy disconnected!

You can vidaloca, by using hooch (seen on the reported YT-vid). In the video you used for reporting [StyX]moi we can witness aimbot activated in your hooch menu. You don’t disconnect and from the logs we can tell you were not only there to spectate suspicious players but you were also playing the game with cuulli and rezon.

You probably want to react at this by saying that you didn’t know aimbot was activated this whole time and that you didn’t remember having ‘tested’ aimbot right before these moments. I hope by now you realize how impossibly hard that is to believe.
You’re only making this harder for yourself. Maybe during this whole time you have started believing the stories you’re telling but you’re really only fooling yourself.

Someone brought up a good point in IRC - if Chappy had nospread turned on and was spectating people, everyone he’s watching will have nospread too (from his point of view). Some of his bans may be undeserved.