Imm0rtalAssasin ban appeals

How the heck does 1 computer… = 7peoplein my family including me!…That’s just insane…dude. Even if I did admit that my bro hacked I still removed them from my computer…that’s not enough for you…?! There are 5pages full of posts I see how hard you guys are…Like I said I removed the hacks cause I don’t want to deal with you “Admins” ever again on forums…I just want to play AoS with my clan mates…? Can’t you guys just see that for once?

He does have a point there, The computer I use 7 people use, so, I can’t control what happens 1/6th of the time (yes my math is ‘wrong’ but only 6 people know how to download stuff) and my brother does play AoS some.

I also agree with hobo, with both of his points.

Also yall say Jagex is taking AoS?
Take a chapter or 5 out of their book then.
ALL of their admins, even the creators, play the game. I rarely see full admins playing. Oh, we see the mods and gaurds all the time, but they can’t do much compared to a full admin.


Is anyone familiar with RuneScape?
let me help some.
Last August they had an ENORMOUS bot ban/ bot detection update.
I knew multiple people who botted, 3 of them went straight to Jagex, admitted to botting, (one was a full blown botter, had 20 different bots) and all of them got un banned.

no clue if that helped, worsened it, or will get deleted…

Hope i don’t offend anyone with anything I post, and if I did, refer to my sig…

I agree with Jimmy, but…I figured if the admins aren’t answering is there a time period before you get unbanned or do you stay Banned for good? Man if I stay banned for good…hardcore…I would hope you guys change my duration like have me banned for like a few months or something…rather then get banned for something I didn’t do…and how am I responsible for my computer when I’m at school learning?

(Not meaning to put my head in where it doesn’t belong) Look at other ban appeals, they almost all say “my brother did it”. You need to understand where the admins are coming from. This is probably the most generic excuse they see and it almost never is the truth.

Also, if you were at school, why wasn’t your brother? Last time I checked 4/5 year old kids didn’t know how to hack a game in 45 seconds…

You could always attempt instead of a un-ban, ask for a 50 day, in my opinion, they’d compromise much more with that than a straight unban, but thats just my opinion, dons’t count for crap.

Just gonna pop in and say that, oftentimes, we don’t actually use our official names in-game. Just something to chew on.

In general/on-topic:

What I’m personally getting from this shitstorm is that we need a better way to deal with this “my little brother did it” deal. Currently, the problem I see is that the only way we can identify people is via the IP; there is no log-in enabled for example.

Since aloha servers already support many times of authentication functions (/sitelogin and /login), I can imagine that we can configure a new level of players, who must log in before being able to play the game. This works pretty well for situations like this, because if anything happens, it definitely isn’t your little brother. We can parole permanently banned players, for example, after an initial finite ban.

And that, my friend, is exactly what all servers need, I think you just the nail on the head.

and what i meant was just get on like Sniper does, don’t log in, and just be a normal player for an hour or so.

That’s exceptionally hard when everyone knows your an admin and suddenly you’re getting requests to “ban this griefer” or “mute this idiot please”.
So no.
I come in with a name chosen from a Touhou character and kill people while keeping an eye on aimbots.
Maybe it’s also that not many of the admins enjoy arena (which you certainly hang around on), try going on pinpoint sometimes.

Question to Imm0rtal:
On the ace of spades forum you post this:

I think delta leader FaZe banned me
How do you know who banned you? No one told you in this topic?

LMFAO!!! My brother was playing Mini US assault right?..He even told me after a the 4-5 days when I asked him why I was banned right before he left *My brother told me this yes I did do a bit of interrogation FaZe was telling him that he was gonna get banned anyways so I’m guessing this is what FaZe said " good job dude, that constitutes a ban too" " have fun" I’m guessing that is what FaZe said to my brother and people on forums have told me FaZe is a admin so don’t give me BS info.

Oh yeah…one more thing ever since you guys banned me every single US server I join has been giving me 70-400+ It's just crazy…and I know your probably gonna be like that's not true but yeah I'll take a screen shot In game of my ping and it's not my connection thats being sh1t I have good connection…trust me It is something with the ban…
I was on KillZone the server when this happend aos://242464835:32887

this is also why I don't like to play on Jestservers

High ping.bmp (2.96 MB)

hacker.bmp (2.96 MB)

Oh god JestServers.


Since the admin hasn’t responded to this post, i’m taking over this issue… your staying permabanned from the aloha servers for using aimbot.

I’m sure LeafCutters and JestServers are “American”. Not sure about Lagit…

Bucket you forgot something you used to do on when you closed a ban appeal…

Yeah…I figured they would just close and forget about it…So this is it huh? Banned for good…? Will you guys be Unbanning people when 0.76 is released? I hope you do cause if you don’t that is some Bull sh1t…Big time…

We’re closing this but we’re not forgetting it. Once again, we’re banning your brother, not you. Tell it to him, and tell him that you got banned too.

Fun Fact About This Topic: He never filled out the template…

Way to mention the ban template at the last second. I just hope you guys are unbanning people when 0.76 comes…Cause if you don’t that is just ridiculous…

LOL, any chance yall can be nice and give him a 60 day ban? since he was so nice to let us run up our post numbers? :wink: