hahaha yes, but that’s why zombie is fun, better then human now
something to keep teams more even: I had a game last night with other people, humans and zombies were balanced. it was fun cause humans had to actualy shoot and had more close calls. I remember when I jumped up and did 3 kills in 1 second cause 3 guys were standing together shooting
the super jump needs boosting: there should be a 40 block jump if theres 30-40 blocks above the block you want. but normel for jump ground jumps.
capping zombie intel bonus: your weapons do twice the damage on the next 5 zombies, but after 5 kills or a death you lose it.
I think the gamemode is pretty balanced, zombies have their advantages and humans as well. I’ve played both sides ( though I am more of a zombies fan :3) so I know the op tricks in the gamemode like for example:
Zombies can basically dig the intel deep underground,expand the hole and just camp the intel. Humans have no chance in close combat against a zombie. The only way I’ve seen humans counter this method of intel camping is by tossing nades in first, but that’s easily avoided if the zombie hides behind a wall of blocks. This basically just makes it impossible for humans to get the intel let alone cap, meaning its basically auto win for zombies.
Humans can sprint just as fast as zombies, which screws zombies over badly. Unless you have a team of zombies (and even then, if you’re a pro human), humans can just run circles around you, shooting you with a full clip of the smg, then just sprinting away while reloading. And if you’re going for the intel, as soon as you start sprinting away, zombies have no chance to catch up unless one of them is ahead of you. I’ve seen it happen so many times when I start sprinting after the guy with my intel, hoping he trips or something x)
To bring up the idea that Jedelas brought up a couple pages back… I think that the red dot thing could be a good reward for capping the zombie intel if you can make it like the spy plane reward from Black Ops, displaying red dots for enemy zombies on the minimap every couple seconds, so you know if a zombie is hiding in a tree above you or is below etc.
First, regarding your tricks to killing humans as in zombies team. Like I said, don’t assume that other people are like you. Half of the people usually don’t even know that zombies are supposed to use spades. They just start spraying their SMG from their spawn. Even if they do not how to use a spade, they still don’t have the sufficient skills to outsmart the humans team and their SMG sprays.
Second of all, about your human intel reward: I honestly think that radar is a bit pointless even if it keeps up with the zombies over time. Zombies aren’t ranged. Even if they capture the intels the max number of human-zombie is 2. (Not 3 since the round ends at the third capture) Which means that 90% of the team will be melee. You can just skim around your area and see if they are approaching or not. Even if you die, you will just keep spawning with your squad in the zombie’s base.
how about zombies don’t lose their human-zombie after the final cap but they lose it after they die or mapchange
someone should really increase the cap limit
All you need is 1 person to camp that intel so it doesn’t matter if most of your team sucks. It will still be incredibly hard to get the intel
And fair enough about the human reward idea, just trying to work on some of the suggestions since all I’ve seen are that one and increasing the damage of the humans
Remove squads, it’s promoting retards (just like in any other gamemode). I was playing in zombie team(which was about 1/2 size of the enemy team) and all of them decided to be at human base, while i was left all alone at ours, with bunch of humans spawning all over again me, in sqauds. And the thing that lets you sometimes spawn in enemy base after one round is over.
Other than that if your teammates can actually cooperate and stuff, the game should be fair.
sorry but horrible idea, zombies need squads, melee and all, but I would say cut sprint down so its half way between run and sprint, so zombies can catch up.
Also, i don’t play zombies very much but the most frustrating thing in is that humans can run just as fast the zombies can. This gets extremely annoying when humans just get a purple block in there hand and start running with the intel. They call it trolling.
But the map is not completely flat for humans to sprint across. Zombies can catch up when humans have to go up stairs. Plus one zombie chasing one human wouldn’t last forever. eventually a second would come in and you could surround them.
A lot of good suggestions but which could actually be implemented and would be the most fair to each side? This string is getting long. Is there a list of the top suggestions that could actually be added to the game?
not completely true , a human can just walk backwards at a straight path (such as the main path) and let the zombies come at him/her and shoot em down. There is also an illusion that makes a zombie look that he/she is doing damage with the spade on the human (blood comes out, but no damage is dealt) at this can trick a zombie into slowing down to a walk trying to kill the human with his false hits while the human is walking backwards (eventually the human’s smg bullets simply win the day)