Purple is taken Period
Yeah, as a human, if the terrain is sufficiently flat, you could just run through zombies (since they need 2 hits in order to kill) and have hordes of them following you around, while you’re running in circles and stuff like that. In case of a hit, it’s only needed to kill one of them (instant refill) and continue the whole process. It could last very long sometimes, though I haven’t done that in a while. That was especially the case when zombies had less hp and stuff.
As a solo-zombie player, I actually have to say the the game is fairly well balanced. Each side has an OP aspect if you play properly, like Apocalypse with his irritating stairs, or a good zombie with an smg and good movement/hiding spots. The problem for zombies is the idea that they are invincible, and when people are laggy enough they never see you jump on their screen. Otherwise people are generally just stupid enough to fall into the foot race trap, which unless the human is stupid or the zombie gets out of the way, will be won by the zombie. Overall it is well balanced.
Just on a side note, if there were one adjustment I would make to each side, it is that I would make the intel worth a bit more to humans, or require just 1 intel capture to use the advance build options, or make body shots due a multiplicative damage bonus until their next death. For zombies, I would actually add a toggle for the super jump, so that they can dig 1 block at a time without jumping everywhere. I would say up the speed of zombies a bit, when they are being shot, but that seems hard to implement in comparison.