[x] Cunt_Slayer

Today, Cunt_slayer had been spamming, harassing players, typing racist rhetoric, homophobic rhetoric, trolling AND griefing his team all while he was bragging that he could NEVER get banned. In fact, Link.EP claimed to be an admin and said he had cancelled all of the votes against Cunt_Slayer.

If the server has abusive admins, then nobody will ever play on this server. I'm admin of a group with over 3000 members and they have told me that groups become toxic when admins do not take responsibility to take care of things. I don't know the relationship between Link.EP and Cunt_slayer but should an admin really be friends with a trolling, griefing, racist player like that?

Some of the regular players said they were leaving Aloha, which means the trolls will stay on and the great players, the ones who MAKE the server awesome, are going to leave.






The little things are getting blown out of proportion here now. Simple things that should only be getting kicks or warnings are becoming bans for no reason. And at the same time, the people who are actually being extremely toxic (and I mean not even instigated or for any reason besides just to be disruptive) are being “protected” by so called “admins”.

I say to the admins if you want to be overdramatic and oppressive then do so universally and ban this man or at the very very least give him a warning. If you want to be patient and nice then why are respectable people that are doing little things getting banned so hastily? Why is Ace Da King still banned? He’s wayyyy better of a person than Slayer is and all the stuff he did is because it was instigated and he’s too young to know how to deal with being bullied and peer pressured.

Aloha is going down fast and it’s not because of toxic people or hackers. We’ve always had them. It’s YOU who call yourselves “admins” that are ruining it for us all. Your injustices and hypocrisies are bringing this community to the ground.

Please ignore my pms to torch, I was ticked off and I thought valentine was the guard, but she wasn’t.
Anyways, I’ve seen this slayer guy on before, and it’s the same every time, very toxic and overall being a troll.
Slayer also said he has a router that can change his ip in 10 seconds, and a vpn aswell.

Road, the screenshots you provided show cunt slayer doing nothing wrong. Just because you attach a .jpeg doesn’t add any value to your argument if they show nothing. Please, for the good of the community, stop trying to attack players and further blow a situation out of proportion. There is no reason to.

Road, the admins have access to the logs. They don’t need screenshots. Making them aware of the time/day of the incident is all that is required for the admin side. The pictures only help the players since they don’t have access to the logs.

cunt slayer’s been banned (temp ban, btw), he was votekicked and kept evading so I banned him.
I haven’t looked over the logs yet, but we try to be very lenient about banning for things like trolling, not much I can do now about his griefing either way.

I have a feeling the stuff with Link.EP and another admin there is a complicated issue with aloha rules on votekicks that hopefully will get ironed out, but I’m pretty sure none of staff is friends with cunt slayer or protecting him. I’ll look into the logs tomorrow and see what the deal is.

He was hacking, he had been banned for hacking before, he lied about it. I’ve been hearing that excuse about his age for quite a long time and I don’t buy it anymore. We have plenty of young players who act mature.

lol ok

But AceDaKing’s impact in game EVEN with hacking is wayyy less than Slayer’s “trolling”. He upsets the entire server uninstigated. It’s not like people were attacking him and he just started fighting back. He goes and tries to pick fights with everyone. I’d take 12 hackers over one person that is unnecessarily trying his best to bully the entire server, for “lolz”. And this isn’t just a one time or even a several time ordeal. This is extremely consistent targeted bullying.

And laugh all you want, we already knew this community was a joke to you from the other threads I don’t even need to mention. But for those that don’t know just go check out the CS_Maps refresh threads and subsequent threads. Rifts are being created right now and it’s from administration, administration, administration. Numbers don’t lie. Look at how many “drama” threads have been created just this week! Look at how many cancerous anonymous threads are being bumped like crazy! This isn’t just 2 or 3 people, this is a majority of the server getting upset by once again as I said, the admins doing injustice and being hypocritical.

It’s a lot harder to moderate someone’s attitude than to enforce rules like “don’t hack.” Cases like this are really meant for /votekick, so I don’t really know why Link and the other admin cancelled any of the votekicks (assuming cunt slayer actually deserved it).

Look at how many "drama" threads have been created just this week! Look at how many cancerous anonymous threads are being bumped like crazy! This isn't just 2 or 3 people, this is a majority of the server getting upset by once again as I said, the admins doing injustice and being hypocritical.
... uh, but the common factor in the forum drama isn't administration, it's you.

Amen to that Torch!
I definitely agree, needs to be some change.
Not with the having hackers over trolls though, let’s just not have either of those types of people.
And Link canceled some, but not all, it was someone else, but nobody knows who, but that will get straightened out when the logs are checked, even link eventually wanted slayer off too.

I do admit, I have contributed to some of it. The first most being the injust ban I received. The second most being Kuunikal getting unnecessarily upset about a joke. The rest that I listed does not involve me. The “who thinks monsta is a *****” thread bumps were not done by me. Anytime I posted in there I unanon’d. All the “^_^” faces in there were someone else. All the random and useless posts were other people. The CS_Maps drama had nothing to do with me, but you my dear friend. Don’t try to take the problems you and others have created and dump them on me. That won’t solve anything. If you were to ban me today these issues would continue and that’s because it’s not me causing them besides the two I listed in the beginning of this paragraph. You can continue to ignore the problems, injustices, and hypocrisies and blame me, but that really only further proves my point that it’s immaturity in administration that is causing this. Blaming me is not the answer.

Oh and um this very thread we’re posting in is about Slayer and has nothing to do with me either, so nice try! :slight_smile:


  • dt

ok lol it’s all my fault, man, the injustice of it all

The CS_Maps drama


Blaming only yourself or pretending to blame yourself sarcastically doesn’t solve the problem either. As I stated, this isn’t a blame game, you don’t need to get defensive. The problem is the administration in general being hypocritical and doing injustices. You don’t want to fix them? You’ll reap the rewards. You want to fix them? Put out some apologies or demote people that aren’t doing a good job and promote people that are. Once again, to reiterate just so you don’t get in a tizzy. I said the administration in general. There are plenty of excellent admins like flun, shy, muffin, etc. etc. etc. I could list on and on.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! :slight_smile:
And yes, it’s quite sad… how shaken the babel server got tonight as well as now the forums from one very toxic troll and an accomplice. :confused: Doesn’t speak well to the future I suppose.

The hilarious part of this quote is the astounding amount of time I’ve put into aloha to make it successful and the astounding ignorance of people like you.

Aww, thanks buddy, glad you believe we make the server awesome for you and everyone else on! :slight_smile:

If only you put that much time into being more modest and kind to people like Two. At the end of the day this is a multiplayer game and it’s the interaction that matters way more than maps, scripts, and plugins. Try being nice for a change Danke. I guarantee you it will do more good for the server than changing maps around.

Why would I be nice to someone insulting me to my face? Can you stop trying to high road every single one of my posts?

has been brought back up by our lovely user Named Asame, appearently this user loves Drama.
Danke i want to Apologize to you. I haven’t been quite the nice guy to you recently. I got a bit carried away by my anger and i was also tired. We don’t have easy lives and i understand what you are doing to help the aloha community.
Again i Apologize.


Hm… I don’t know… Maybe because you’re an ADMIN??? If even the admins can’t deal with a little attack without just attacking right back, it’s no wonder why drama is spreading like wildfires!

Also, please. Act your age. I can almost guarantee you that both Two and Asame are both younger than you. Pick on someone your own size if your ego needs a boost.

^ The maturity that should be coming out of the admins. (once again, I’m not referring to ALL the admins.)