When will I get unmute ? It's been more than 3 months.

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
  1. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
    The COok, Indian Cook

  2. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.

babel only
4) Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.

Not banned, just muted
5) Why should you be unmuted?
It’s been very long. There has been no issues about me harrassing or doing stuff etc etc etc etc.

  1. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

there have been no issues because you have been totally unable to talk, which was the whole point. i was actually considering lifting it fairly soon, but considering i haven’t spoken to you at all since your last appeal, this has me a little concerned that you’ve not learned anything at all:

29|14:17:19 < babel_aloha> (TO ADMINS) why, scared ? I will tell topo dont worry
29|14:18:57 < babel_aloha> (TO ADMINS) topo said he’ll look into my issues also, so yes I will tell

i have no idea what issues you’re talking about, but if you’re still lying to try to intimidate people i can’t see you stopping the rest of it if you were allowed to talk again, so i don’t feel too good about lifting it anymore.

(also it has not been 3 months)

This isnt any sign or meaning of intimidation.
See the entire conversation, I felt Zim was hacking that’s why I wrote /admin.
Idk how is this intimidation in anyway.
Yes i got muted in July. July to November ahem 3 months.

I felt Zim was hacking thats why i did admin command. To ehich he replied, what is it cook?
I started writing to admin about him. He’s just too sensitive. I didnt abuse or say anything racist. Intimidation isnt a problem on the game. So many players do it. They arent muted.

Wtf ?, Never, huh? The other time I connect, you say “Colombian gay”, admit it so you do not have any problems. And zim, my brother, he’s fair and he deserves to be a guard.
He is not trouble.
And every time you do an appel ban, you always lie to us so that we have problems with lso moderators. Do not be abusive.

Oh how could I say colombian gay when I was perm muted. Weird.
Your lies, geez.
If you do not know what topo said please keep your mouth shut.
Better not to always mingle in other affairs. I had a decent conversation with ZIm350 a few hours ago, No abuses/racial slangs etc etc etc.
Check history if you want!

Keep lying

Cool !
I think they all know who is lying, let topo himself decide since he knows. You should mind your own business if you have any.
Whats weird is that how could I say ‘‘COLOMBIAN GAY’’ when I am perm muted for such a long time, I myself am so damn confused.

This is an appeal please keep it relevant

Tell Yankarlos to stop. Its my business. He always interferes.

This isnt any sign or meaning of intimidation. See the entire conversation, I felt Zim was hacking that's why I wrote /admin. Idk how is this intimidation in anyway.
my interpretation was that you were doing the same thing as when you claimed to be college buddies with izzy/telling people you were going to get them banned. my bad, i should have read the entire conversation
Yes i got muted in July. July to November ahem 3 months.
you got muted early-mid august and it's not november

i mentioned that i wanted to unmute you and see how you went a few weeks ago, and the majority who have weighed in so far have wanted to keep you muted until february because they don’t think you can control yourself. can you? if you think you can i’m not against trying it out for a while, but i won’t oppose anyone who wants to reinstate the automute if they think you’ve gone back to being a massive pain again

Lol massive pain? What did I say anyway. Just a decent cobversation with Zim350 and some lies makes players get so cranky.
You’re the judge. You decide.
Truth is I didn’t:

  1. Abuse
  2. Say any racialslangs.
  3. Hack
  4. Evaded mute using VPN proxy or name change
  5. Votekick or gruef
  6. Spam

Truth ^ _^
I alwaystry changing but somesensitive ppl like Yankarlos misbehave.
PS: He also sent me a quite rude PM to which i reported.
You’re tge judge topo. I was cool for 3 months.
You all know that.
Peace !
2. Sat

[quote author=ss13 link=topic=10005.msg89626#msg89626 date=1509353005]
Lol massive pain? What did I say anyway. Just a decent cobversation with Zim350 and some lies makes players get so cranky.
You’re the judge. You decide.
Truth is I didn’t:

  1. Abuse
  2. Say any racialslangs.
  3. Hack
  4. Evaded mute using VPN proxy or name change
  5. Votekick or gruef
  6. Spam

Truth ^ _^
I alwaystry changing but somesensitive ppl like Yankarlos misbehave.
PS: He also sent me a quite rude PM to which i reported.
You’re tge judge topo. I was cool for 3 months.
You all know that.
Peace !

Plus, so many players hate me for so long. So yeah those cranky babies will cry and obviously you’ll reinstate the mute.
You read the conversation with Zim and me. I think its fine.
Lying is obviously in the rules anddoesn’t harm anyone I guess. ( izzy is college friends bla bla is tbh hilarious and if players believe fml )
Thanks !

[quote author=topo link=topic=10005.msg89625#msg89625 date=1509352157]

This isnt any sign or meaning of intimidation. See the entire conversation, I felt Zim was hacking that's why I wrote /admin. Idk how is this intimidation in anyway.
my interpretation was that you were doing the same thing as when you claimed to be college buddies with izzy/telling people you were going to get them banned. my bad, i should have read the entire conversation

Thanks for acknowldeging!

Yes i got muted in July. July to November ahem 3 months.
you got muted early-mid august and it's not november

i mentioned that i wanted to unmute you and see how you went a few weeks ago, and the majority who have weighed in so far have wanted to keep you muted until february because they don’t think you can control yourself. can you? if you think you can i’m not against trying it out for a while, but i won’t oppose anyone who wants to reinstate the automute if they think you’ve gone back to being a massive pain again
They want to keep me muted cos they hate me. Its simple as that. I can name so many players who abuse/say the N word etc etc and they arent muted. Plus many a times many respected players of your group LIke /EZ/ have also witnessed when I wasnt at fault and they still kept quiet when I got banned.
Unfair, isnt it ?
I would likeyou or the heads to take whatever decision you guys take and not a bunch of weaby players who sit and cry but abuse and be racist when no one’s there.

i’ll take that as a no then, thanks for clearing things up for me

What next, you’ll ban me now ?
Haha, Ive lost faith in your corrupt system.

You have players barking homophobic rants for years; they’re free.
i say something about a country: mute for 6 months.
Lol, you guys are worse than Saudi Arabia.

log.txt.2017_8_14:2017-08-14 22:34:03-0500 [-] /pm #30 FUCK OFF YOU DIRTY LATINO, YOULL BE BANNED SOON AND ILL MAKE SURE → PM sent to Zim350
log.txt.2017_8_14:2017-08-14 23:30:19-0500 [-] /pm #0 colombian whore → PM sent to H03VVH2-F
log.txt.2017_8_16:2017-08-16 10:12:03-0500 [-] /pm #24 colombia gay → PM sent to Yankarlos205


Whats weird is that how could I say ''COLOMBIAN GAY'' when I am perm muted for such a long time, I myself am so damn confused.
me too

thats before I was perm muted, its been 2.5 months since then.
Also why not showing conversations in whicH i was abused by many players who you suppport like Communist, starry, corevrth, striker janners ?
easy to point fingers at others when there are more ppl also doing wrong.

  • i remember the time when you werent a guard and you too were very racist.
    You know what Im talking about ;D
    if i were given the option of seeing old historical coversations I too could expose so many players but unfortunately players’ like you who lick admins’ arseholes do get it


i was going to just leave it there, but i’d like to try helping you figure out why i’ve said no, because you seem incapable of doing it for yourself despite some pretty big hints.

the problem is that you are unwilling or unable to take responsibility for your own actions, and you try to deflect blame onto other people. you try to distract from the main issue (which is not “saying something about a country”, it’s that you do almost nothing but try to start fights when you’re on the server and not muted, to the point that it detracts from the gameplay experience for a significant number of players) by saying that other people occasionally say bad words. you’re missing the point. nobody wants to keep you muted because they hate you or are out to get you, they want to keep you muted because you aren’t going to change. if you think that’s corruption then so be it. i had hope that by now you would have been able to figure this out, but you haven’t. if you want people to treat you differently, stop playing the victim and take some responsibility, then figure out how you can get people to treat you in the way you want or deal with what you get.