When will I get unmute ? It's been more than 3 months.

  • Oh i thought “it’s been more than 3 months”
  • You’re not abused, you’re replied to in the same manner you talk to people
  • I never was a Guard
  • Among other things I called you a shitskinned cocksucker, I don’t see why should I be afraid to admit it, I only regret being stupid enough to fall for your shitty game

Also, nobody can be this retarded - you’re not missing the point, you’re just a poor troll and are desperately trying to get your voice back. I showed these excerpts to show why you shouldn’t be unmuted.

I know that admins get pissy about third persons replying to ban appeals but aloha staff should understand that it’s the players who will be stuck with this bad troll in the game, not them.

you’re pointing fingers. it’s not helping you.

topo is being very reasonable…

he was willing to give you another chance, he asked if you could try…

you ignored the question.

you got defensive.

you pointed fingers.

you name-called.

how is any of that helpful to you?

don’t you know topo actually wanted to unmute you? all you had to do was provide a little reassurance, but you threw your opportunity away!

you’re too concerned about proving yourself. sometimes it’s best to just let it go…

No you also said racist stuff too me. I clearly remember that.
This just aggravated because I did /admin and spoke to Zim350 in a professional manner without any slangs or abuses. Too bad, if you arent thick skinned and find lies hurting in some way or the other.
Since I was muted, I was never a pain or a troll to any player on the server. Im sure you can check the history to verify my view.
Also if these staff are so scared ,why cant they unmute me. If I ’ ever’ do say something that is objectionable they could surely mute me back again. I give them this word from my side.
I play fair and never cheat. I maintained myself when I was muted. Never abused, said anything racially or used a VPN to come and play.

I know the truth. I want justice. I want the other racist players to be muted or banned too.
So many times Communist has misbehaved. A guy with the name ‘Ban Islam’ has been playing for months and yet no action is taken. Striker Janners rants racial stuff to me in his native language, he also knows it. Why aren’t these guys first dealt with?
There are so many players who abuse , say NIGGER and arebt muted. This is UNFAIR.
I’m pointing fingers at those who were wrong and are now pretending to be nice in front of staff to look good obviously.
If I also had the permission to see the history of chats theb even I can go back to 2016,2015 abd earlier abd expose all your players who were racist and rude.
Also Izzy, I understand that topo wanted to unmute me. It doesnt really matter to me now anyway. Ive been playing 3 months muted only. I can play for a couple more. Its fine. What I want is fkn justice that other players also be punished.

i already tried to explain them this but they just seem to ignore it, good luck
(i got permanent banned for saying n word but players who say it on daily basis didn’t get punished, even in front of my and staff’s eyes.)

Also, if others are vary that Iwill abuse when im unmuted. I have one thing, hell I didnt utter a word in 3 months and yet you get offended with me just playing. Weird.

Nutfuck please stop, we are well aware of his actions and if anything it was multiple admins that got tired of his actions.

Ss13, you don’t get the point. You can’t troll or be racist because you were muted and had your building disabled. Actions like http://paste.quacknet.org/view/8294ec22 we didn’t ban you for saying n*. Other people have not had a large number of players and staff complain. And given your actions here I think they will be pretty happy to keep you muted for a while. Secondly 3 months is not a month and a half. Thirdly, yes this is justice, just not the outcome that you want. Fourth, yes you did utter words, both in pm and admin

if this is his chat log, i must laugh at my permanent ban when i said once n word in a non racist way :slight_smile:
it’s funny how i provided many valid points but all you do is deny everything and take higher ground, i could care less, but your server and your community

Dont show things I said before I was muted. Even I agree I said. Im talking about the 3 months I was muted and if I said anything.
I dont think I abused.or said anything.
PM for me is disabled:’))
I only mocked( no abuse) using admin cause Zim350 was playing and i felt he was hacking.

Im still saying, if I also had the chance to view old chat logs, you too friend will be shocked at how this entire thing startes off the first place. ;’

Yay I got 4 likes :smiley:

if you’re so clever ctrl+f all players who said n word and be so kind to mute / permanent ban (like me lol) them, to keep the server clean of course!
++ india get’s muted while i get banned :slight_smile: for saying n word once

you’re missing the point as well. feel free to bring up your points in your own appeal thread, and stop asking people to unban you in private - that’s not how appeals are dealt with and you should already know that. this one’s over.
i’m sorry that both of you seem unable to even consider that there’s a reason things happen to you that don’t to other people. i’d suggest you read my previous post as well and think about it for a while but i don’t think it’d help

your appeal isn’t about them… it’s about you

you’re not justified just because they did it

report them if they’re really such a disturbance, but please don’t imitate them

the more you focus on your own behavior the more you’ll help yourself… i don’t believe you when you say being muted doesn’t matter anymore