The Weather, (Previously known as: "A virus ( shit cunt Admin)"

Can someone fucking ban ’ A Virus ’ from being a Guard or Admin, which ever one he is. People in Aloha Hallway, me included, get muted, disalbed from killing and talking for no reason, and i actually mean no reason. He is the worst admin ( even worse then Jyromefedx ) so please get rid of his rights so us who play Aloha are happy.

well anus who told u to swear continously, and grief and try to threaten me

Anus don’t cuss. And a virus, your an admin? Becaus I don’t think you are.

i never said i was a admin, anus just called me a s*** c*** f***** admin :frowning:

i disabled YOU from killing not ALL the people

i disagree with the mutings but that doesn’t mean you were innocent. the logs show you provoking A Virus and earlier i witnessed you griefing your teammates on hallway by shooting out stairs as they walked up them, placing blocks on their heads, and overall just trying to screw with them. kind of hard to enjoy team-based gameplay when players do stuff like that.

theres alot of diarrhoea coming out of your mouth A Virus. the only reason i called you stuff was because you disabled me from doing everything,which was before i did anything. what’d you expect me to do ? Alot of players agree with me, i have asked them…

and izzy, nothings wrong with griefing if you grief the people who do you shit to you. :slight_smile:

Griefing is NEVER okay.


Er, no. If you grief someone who stopped griefing, then you appear to be the guy who was griefing the whole time.

Griefing is a federal crime.
All griefers will be punished to the fullest extend of the law.


Back on topic:
Dude, you griefed AND we have solid evidence. There’s no way you can worm your way out of this one.

Anus thanks for reporting this, we’ll look into it.

(This post should have been made as the first reply, then it should have been closed)

Don’t worry, izzy already made a post to a virus in another thread made by penis and told her what to do.

Why isn’t anus global banned yet? He has been a non stop trouble making, griefing, team killing, votekick abusing, penis building, ass hat.

You have to catch him red handed. Plus tell the grandmaster this, he’s one the people in charge.

The only thing I haven’t caught him doing is wearing a ass for a hat.

Well Well Well go ahead froe

Jyromefedx, thats actually the gayest thing i’v ever seen someone say, hahahahaha. Your so sad
Frosty, im not trying to worm my way out of anything dickhead, can you read. im just letting everyone know theres a shit ass guard / Admin.

I have no idea why anyone would believe you weren’t doing whatever you were doing after this string of inflammatory messages.