The Weather, (Previously known as: "A virus ( shit cunt Admin)"

was that to Anus or me?


That would be to Anus :stuck_out_tongue:

Here I am thinking that my logic is flawed. You see, my little Anus, griefing is not acceptable. No matter what the reason is, griefing is never the answer.

Anus just simply cant help him self, it is like he addicted to being an asshole.

No jyromefedx, im not addicted to being an asshole. i just find it funny how a gay cunts ( like yourself ) get too worked up over the game. I thought the game was about fun,and fun to me is griefing, and im sure alot of people agree with that. So have a good think about this. MLG ( major league griefers ).

well if you like to grief to play another game. This kid is gonna be on the GBL soon. Very soon…

Acording to the Constitution of the USA, I’m entitled to the pursuit of happiness.
If I think that murdering people is part of my definition of “the pursuit of happiness”, that doesn’t mean I can go around killing people.

Be thoughtful of our actions. Your “fun” can’t infringe on the “fun” of others.

Just cut the crap Anus. Griefing wrong. End of story. Period. Bye-bye.

Very well said Reki…

He kind of made a great point. Reki 2012??

When I vote I will vote for Reki.

I’m seventeen, but I’ll be Reki’s campaign manager.

i’m all about having fun but if you’re going around only to ruin the fun for your teammates in team-based gameplay then we have a problem. i’ve already witnessed you doing this on r1ctf and i temp banned you for it and i know other admins have temp banned you for the same reason as well. if it was free for all or some kind of other game mode that isn’t based on teamplay then go ahead, grief it up. but when it comes to team-based gameplay, help your team, not the enemy!

you’re just taking advantage of our leniency and all we get is bad rep for it. we’re getting far too many complaints about you. if you’re not willing to change then the next admin who observes you griefing should perma ban you from all the servers.


I second that motion.

Trololololololololol. & Jyromefedx, its only a game, its not real, calm down, you to izzy.

If its a game, then why did you get pissed off at A Virus???

im friends with him ?

I see you know him very well ;D