the old REPORT topic

I would like to report the player lupak. He was on the iRPG server.

I believe he aimbots because of 2 reasons:
1.) He made an extremely difficult shot at fog-range while moving.
2.) He teleported near me. Now I knew where he was because I heard the grenade blast, so I was waiting for him. He pops up and headshots me. Now the shot wasn’t difficult, it was just that he knew EXACTLY where I was.

I also checked his accuracy. It wasn’t abnormally high, but still pretty good. 35%

His ratio also wasn’t to terribly high, about 4.17. But he had 67 kills and 14 deaths. That seems a bit suspicious to me.

  1. Might’ve been a lucky shot. Sometimes I strayshoot and nail people.
  2. Teleport? More like lag. Now, were you making any indications of your location? Reloading your gun, fired rounds falling to the ground, etc.

35% is average accuracy. 20% to 40% is reasonable for rifle (assuming rifle since he 1-shotted you).
67 kills, 14 deaths: pretty average play for me if you ask.

Depending on the map, he could’ve easily been aimbotting with those stats. Aimbotters tend to shoot at/through structures to hit enemies with cover, which waters down accuracy. It’s not inconceivable.

With those stats HoboHob, I believe he is just a good shooter. I sometimes have a great accuracy when using a rifle when I move and the enemy moves. This is why I get a lot of votekicks because people think I’m an aimbot.

maybe try /admin whilest in game, usually 1 is around. or come find me U know where

Reki this was on IRPG, of course he teleported. Everyone can teleport on IRPG, its on of the skills you get.
And no, I didn’t do anything to show my location. As soon as I heard the grenade blast showing a teleport, I crouched and waited. He jumps up and BOOM HEADSHOT.

Yes I know those KDR’s and accuracy are average, but I still think he was aimbotting.

Did he chat? Because most aimbots don’t respond to chats because they are ran by a program.

Oh I was being ambiguous: I mean that he lagged after the teleport. As in teleport–>lag–>aims at you–>headshot, but it appears to be teleport–>headshot directly due to lag.
I was playing iRPG not too long ago and this guy basically walked by making small teleportations across the map. His ping was in the 2000-3000 range.

When shooting pointblank, headshots are NOT hard. At ALL.

Aimbots are actually not bots.

The aimbot works by injecting it into the game then pressing a certain key which automatically aims you to your nearest opponent.

I could make a video for you on a private server if you wish to see how it works.

Hobohob <—AIMBOT DETECTED… locking in Coordenates… z=5r214 HH#2f4zb radar scan completed 2.4 seconds locked on :stuck_out_tongue:

And how would you know this? Kidding. Sure make it.

Thanks HoboHob.

What server is this?

Super cool custom warzone. Don’t tell random jack I did this.

Good vid Hobo, I haven’t seen exactly how these work so that gives me some insight on what is happening on a suspected players screen!

I am glad it helped you.

Now I know more about aimbots, thanks. Don’t worry, i don’t even know who random jack is. :wink:

Jack is the admin.

I know, but he doesn’t know me, but my lips are sealed.