I would like to report the player lupak. He was on the iRPG server.
I believe he aimbots because of 2 reasons:
1.) He made an extremely difficult shot at fog-range while moving.
2.) He teleported near me. Now I knew where he was because I heard the grenade blast, so I was waiting for him. He pops up and headshots me. Now the shot wasn’t difficult, it was just that he knew EXACTLY where I was.
I also checked his accuracy. It wasn’t abnormally high, but still pretty good. 35%
His ratio also wasn’t to terribly high, about 4.17. But he had 67 kills and 14 deaths. That seems a bit suspicious to me.
Might’ve been a lucky shot. Sometimes I strayshoot and nail people.
Teleport? More like lag. Now, were you making any indications of your location? Reloading your gun, fired rounds falling to the ground, etc.
35% is average accuracy. 20% to 40% is reasonable for rifle (assuming rifle since he 1-shotted you).
67 kills, 14 deaths: pretty average play for me if you ask.
Depending on the map, he could’ve easily been aimbotting with those stats. Aimbotters tend to shoot at/through structures to hit enemies with cover, which waters down accuracy. It’s not inconceivable.
With those stats HoboHob, I believe he is just a good shooter. I sometimes have a great accuracy when using a rifle when I move and the enemy moves. This is why I get a lot of votekicks because people think I’m an aimbot.
Reki this was on IRPG, of course he teleported. Everyone can teleport on IRPG, its on of the skills you get.
And no, I didn’t do anything to show my location. As soon as I heard the grenade blast showing a teleport, I crouched and waited. He jumps up and BOOM HEADSHOT.
Yes I know those KDR’s and accuracy are average, but I still think he was aimbotting.
Oh I was being ambiguous: I mean that he lagged after the teleport. As in teleport–>lag–>aims at you–>headshot, but it appears to be teleport–>headshot directly due to lag.
I was playing iRPG not too long ago and this guy basically walked by making small teleportations across the map. His ping was in the 2000-3000 range.
When shooting pointblank, headshots are NOT hard. At ALL.