I would like to report a aimbotter on your pinpoint server named “xXDeadlySniperX” He was completely using aimbot! After many attempts at trying to votekick him… as always the votekick times out. I know I am not showing proof that he was indeed aimbotting. I asure you that he indeed was but he was lieing. I know that the accuacy is too great for that, I was hiding behind a wall and I was just a peeking out and nobody else could see me but yet indeed xXDeadlySniperX could. I do would like to see actions done with said so aimbotter and more to come.
Hey, I saw him too.
When I kicked another botter started playing really poorly. I didn’t have proof, except for the fact that he was able to shoot +RainbowDash many times…that’s saying something in and of itself.
Second that.
I once got about 50 kills on pinpoint in my first life. Die once and kill 10 more and you still got a 30 ratio. It’s not difficult to reach if you have a good cover.
It’s a whole different story if the ratio is still 35 after dying f.e. ten times.
There really are alot more factors involved too. For instance, how full the server is could be a factor. like Drebbel pointed out, the coverage of what or where sniping from, how fast they are killing others, movements and twitches, how long they have been on that particular server… etc. etc. In the end, ive learned you cant just go by just one, but all factors need to be looked at and observation is key.
I got my famous 111 kill streak all spades on a LDR server. Got a ratio of 30 got that streak in 15 minutes since I joined or less I think. Not to brag but that was before the new accuracy… That I hate now thats why I quit. anywho I just played for a bit and it makes me sad that there is so much disrespect and wayyy too much cussing and also the aimbotters. It just breaks my heart to what this game has become.
I agree with this. You can’t truly tell an aimbotter from his stats. Most aimbotters I’ve found have pretty numbers, but they’re not always better than a skilled player’s. It’s a rare occasion when you find someone who’s resorted to an outside engine to aim for him but has the patience and ability to behave tactfully.
Most of the time it’s not the ratio or anything that reveals someone’s cheating, but the fact that they know exactly where the enemies are, even when they’re very well hidden.