If I see them I see them dead.
i have my own hit list too
Oh is that it?Are you a racist?Well racists like you Jyrome can’t easily affect my feelings.Oh yeah Satou knows my master,my master is that Yokai25.He said he will never step to the aloha servers again,he will step there for a reason.
never step to the servers again? you mean never come back?
umm yokai was never an admin o.O
How is that racist? Dr.who is welsh you silly goose. You mentioned the name master so I posted the first person named master who came to my mind.
PS. I was watching the good doctor before I was tying my shoes.
Well,Looks like Yokai25 is really a genius.Nobody ever realize this is a trap to find the true potential of every person playing in aloha.THE TRAP WORKS!!
Sorry,but I already recorded your silly attitudes.So now Yokai25 is on a vacation,I can’t bother him right now.
Not trying to sound stupid or offensive but…
Dark, what in the world are you TALKING about?
Anyways, AFAIK, Yokai aka Rikuo aka Franz has never been an admin.
He is, however, an upstanding player who reports on griefers/initiates votekicks.
Interesting since the trap did not work.“find the true potential of every person playing in aloha” Not nearly as many people go on the forums than as many play on the servers.-Fail
Well did I said earlier that I stopped this fight?Why are you guys still improving this fight?You see I don’t want to cause you any trouble.
Since you are not a very kind to me JyromeFedx,I think you don’t need to be place in the Haole.What are you trying to get?My attention?Well I will listen to you if you are trying to get my attention.Even if you are a Haole it doesn’t mean that I am jealous on your position.So relax gentleman before this fight turns to war.
i knew it was ‘the master’ from doctor who. Booyah.
p.s: Doctor Who is MLG
yu-gi-oh rules too lol
oh gosh, haole just means your on the site regualarly.
Ok. But I ask all admins on the last teams standing on him to keep an eye on him. By his own admittance he was once an aimbotter.
See like me
Dark, please don’t use caps lock. IT’S RUDE, KIND OF LIKE THIS.
AEM, please don’t use caps lock. It’s rude.
Hoho I’m so clever.
Reki, please don’t use caps lock on my name If didn’t read I made an example of how rude it is.