Team Babel

Yes it’s like 2 am EST iirc.

Welp, I probably won’t attend unless the match starts about few hours earlier by any chance. :-\

I play awesome after midnight lol, Count me in

in, though everything depends on the date

i’ll play

Now that we have a date and time, how are we doing teams?

Well, I am in.

I think that we should pick teams the old school playground way

  1. There will be 2 team captains (1 will be Thufman and the other voted on by the players that play)
  2. They will pick 16 for their team (If more then 32 attend, The people at the top of the list that said they were in will be picked)
    Extra step: If your picked last, Take it as a chance to show your skill (DONT CRY ABOUT IT)
  3. Your team should pick the Game Plan (As in who will attack and so for) But the captain have a big part in this
  4. Then I would personally prefer it if the two separate teams joined different calls in the mumble chat, The people that can’t speak will just have to listen or speak in team chat

I am with this idea, but I will just say that I will be picked last since only 5% of people on the forums actually see me play in arena. XD

Reminder: PM me or Tell me in IRC your new updated status on the game now that we have a time and date

For Teams:

As Korakoff requested, i believe for the first game we should keep clan mates together (unless requested otherwise) to ensure team dynamics, and knowing someone else on your team is very helpful.

And because no one else seemed to have volunteered (or was recommended/requested) ei8htx will be a team captain

As requested, ei8htx will be team captain for Green team and i (Thufman) will be team captain Blue team.

When you PM me/query me if you can attend please also include which team you would prefer, the Green team or the Blue team

Notice: This is not a Clan Match

Just for the first game will clans be grouped to ease tensions and nerves

We must defeat the Komrades and their ilk. Join me!

YES i can make it. make me green team!

i tried to get .76 once and got stone walled. but if necessary i will try again…

I’ll be wherever, on either Squad Attack or Squad Grief.

It’s a maybe for me.

people are splitting up pretty evenly actually

Edit: people are actually choosing Green more often lol

Good. We will prevail. We will humble these “komrades” once and for all!

Edit: Holy crap we have barron and maybe topo, gg. You can put down punchdance/get’n gay w/ kid. He confirmed with me yesterday.

Thufman, I’m a squad leader for green. I’ll lead a squad of attackers.

So who wants to be in my team of 4…?

Shock Troopers


Draco? Rex? Nimbus? tridays?

About the whole 4 man team thing. Would the /squad script implemented for that match?

i’m more of the build and/or defense type.

Which team will cuulli and I will be put into?