September 7, 4 PM PDT
[td]Yes: 31 [/td]
[td]Maybe: [/td]
[td]No: [/td]
[td]Thufman 13[/td]
[td]ei8htx 13[/td]
[td]Get’n gay w/kid[/td]
PM me your new attendance status
or find me in IRC and query me
Hello community, I am Thufman and the past couple months i have been playing on Babel consistently whether i was Thufman or someone else.
In these past couple i have noticed the complete lack of organization in both building and in defense/attack
What i would like to do, is attempt a fully organized babel team.
What i have planned is to have one 16 man team, or 2 teams of 16, and have organized 4 man groups within each team. Each 4 man team will have a team leader that would be in contacted with the main team leader. We would utilize a mumble server in order to organize each group/team.
Of the 4 man groups 3 would be utilized as attack/defense and the other would be used as a building team.
From me:
- i would provide the funding to aloha for a custom server
- i would request permission for an organized mumble
Below, please comment your interest level in an organized team motif for babel. (no babel hatters would be appreciated)
Also, i’m by no means a good author so be nice
Edit: i would also attempt to live steam our first match
Edit: Interested Players (in no particular order) 30/32 players:
- Thufman
- ei8htx
- Karma
- Topo
- Dakeku
- ThreeDog (maybe???)
- adrianhb101
- Rick
- Morkey
- Korakoff
- Spring
- shywolf91
- colorpinpoint
- Timi
- tridays
- |Hawkan|
- gavestonhall
- Fawad
- TheWildMuffin
- Nimbus
- Barron
- RavenT
- Monstarules
- DracoDivide
- cuulli
- Pingu
- CapRex
- Anonymous
- SnIpEr