Yea count me in too. Sounds like fun.
I want a spot
I’ll play! Also, I am a babel hatter, but not a babel hater
yes i’ll play, and I have a mic. I’ll lead a raider team.
Count me in.
Sounds like a great event
Count me in
I doubt we can expect everyone to be on at the same time.
But due to the school, will see if i can join, but count with me
May I? I will be glad to join this team. However, if mumble usage is necessary, I would not be able to join. I do not see any microphone for me available any time soon. Too busy/lazy to go out and get one.
Update: So i see a lot of questions, so as for the Mumble part i don’t believe it will be necessary for all to talk but being able to listen to the plans of the other may be beneficial.
And for the attendance of members, i’ve been waiting until we had 32+ members in case some could not make the allotted time.
You should set up a date/time. Something that can get the 'Murikans, Europeans, and Aussies accommodated.
I’m interested
Also, tell your friends about it.
Not everyone looks at the forums but is still an active member in game.
Ask them if they’re interested and sign them up.
We are currently two people away from 32, if we can maybe get 35 we have some lee way with no shows.
We could even try a few games depending on how it goes.
Also remember i will be attempting to live stream it, so if your not quiet sure i’ll be putting up a link in the near future.
I’ll be shooting for a weekend, i might be staying up late so we could try on a Pacific Saturday night.
Lets try to get as many people as humanly possible
maybe i can come it depends on the time
Pacific Saturday night sounds good. We’ll catch Europe in the morning, and Aussies in the afternoon.
Please don’t make it too late for EST. I start to play bad once it goes over midnight. XD