Let's start a game!

Pretty sure he meant these ones:


Oooooooo "exposed" by a child. Nah. I'm fine. ;-)
believing age = maturity - FALSE LOGIC.) 
Also, why do you think that being exposed by a "child"  is somehow better than being exposed by an "ADULT"? MOAR FALSE LOGIC Please, I dare you to respond to my earlier post in full.
^^ This is all childish rhetoric. You "dare me?" What, are we in 3rd grade now? "DIS 2 EZ 4 ME?" Oh, this is a contest or something on who can win the argument? That's absolutely childish. You're a child, dude. Just stop it. "Please, I dare you to respond to my earlier post in full?" Oh, so if I don't reply exactly to your word salad, I'm somehow using "FALSE LOGIC?" LOL!

Relax and play your Lego game!




Why are you avoiding a question that could have solved everything as soon as it was asked? Are you afraid of noticing you are wrong? Have you answered and noticed that the answer was the opposite of what you think so decided to just call one of the most friendly player a kid? Can’t you face yourself in your own bullshit? Road, Answer his question, by avoiding it you look more like an idiot then anything else.

I had enough with his abusive behavior and filed a report! Hopefully one of the admins does something about this issue.

I come back from weeks of inactivity and this is the first thing I see. Wtf is happening?

Imma tell you what’s happening.
A player named Road started playing AoS. He played on babel and one day he had the wonderful chance of meeting a player named: Cunt_Slayer. The said player was being overall disrespectful and racist. Road decided that it could not keep going and made an abuse report about this guy. the guy was banned for a week for evading votekicks and being overall disrespectfull. After that week, the player was still as toxic as he was before so Road posted even more pictures of the player sayin racist and mean stuff to him. Things went down, admins were looking for some sort of punishment for that player but Road thinks it takes too much time and starts bitching about it. Low tries to talk with him in a friendly way and basicly gets called a “kid” many times by road COMPLETLY avoiding his questions.

That is basicly what happened. I told you what i understood of the whole thing.

There was a troll that was bullying people. http://aloha.pk/index.php?topic=8298.0

dat timing torch

It didn’t even say “someone just posted” or whatever. :confused:



Wow. That’s racist, you know. I’m triggered. /s

Locked this dumb thread

Moved to the dumb forum and unlocked

Nice double post! q-q

Why are you personally attacking me?

I don’t know. I’m sorry. q-q

What is going on? :-X