Let's start a game!

If you’re racist in games and you think you can do that in real life, or you have a slip of the tongue in real life…

But hey, 60 day “vacation” from gaming. Still no ban from Aloha though.



You crazy for dis one! Torch was right, it’s all lolz at this point.

Another reason for road to create his own server: when people attempt to expose you, you can just mute/ban!


Oooooooo “exposed” by a child. Nah. I’m fine. :wink:


Also, why do you think that being exposed by a “child” is somehow better than being exposed by an “ADULT”? MOAR FALSE LOGIC

Please, I dare you to respond to my earlier post in full.

You are trying to get a tank from the military base but there are guards around the corner and spotlights surveying the area, what do?

Inventory: RPG and a pistol


Is this you, LowObservable? I don’t think that kid can expose me, dude. Look, I was a kid once too and I thought I knew it all. We probably all went through that stage.

You decide to post videos of strawmen but your phone battery died halfway and now you are in a state of panic.

You decide to disguise as a guard and inflintrate the base but as you walk towards the tank sector, a captain asks for your licence. What do?

Current Inventory: RPG, Pistol
Mood: Panic

Say a corny joke, pat him on the shoulder, and be like “oh snap, I forgot it in my car, brb” and then hope he’s like “oh no bother, just don’t forget it next time”.

Road, if you wish to respond to my first comprehensive post rationally, without making false assumptions regarding my age/maturity/race or disposition involving any of the above, I will welcome it. Please break it down point for point, as I did quoting you word for word. Otherwise, I will take my own advice and ignore the troll. Likewise hopefully you will take your own advice and create your own community, with whom you may ban/censor speech/thought as you wish.

One last breakdown though:

Yes, that’s the point. You wouldn’t think that a kid would be able to expose someone. However I did so, and then you call me a “kid”. Although you still won’t comprehend this, cause of the whole irrationality thing.

Your plan worked sucessfully and broke through the base’s walls, now the whole army is after you! What do?

LowObservable, man, this isn’t a contest, bro-man. I don’t even know what you had asked. We’re past all that. Quit hating. :wink:


Put on your gunboats and use the RPG to rocket jump away

Get the pistol and shoot your cock so they don’t rape you.

Load up that RPG!

Put a gibus on your head, load the RPG up, and rocketjump away, while screaming “SCREAMING EAGLES”.

We don’t see Low Post often on this forum. I kinda wasted 5 mins of my life reading this thread and I gotta say, If Low is a

And you an Adult, How comes Low shows more maturity in his posts then you? Why do you reply :FUCKING KID when he was nice?
I got nothing agasin’t you buddy but… you’re just so cringy.

He asked you nicely even tho you just called him “the angriest russian Little Kid”
Who is showing more Maturiry here? the Quote on quote “kid” or the Quote on quote “adult”?

Awg wtf is a gunboat? Those small rafts with guns from cod2?