Kodiak's Ban Appeal

Based off of this video/knowing Kodiak’s skill and character I’d say he’s not hacking.

If your connection itself sucks and provides choppy footage, it’ll be choppy footage no matter how slow you make it. The frames in-between simply don’t exist.

IMO this can swing either way, but at least try to argue against all the points that have been made against you. Making blanket statements like “I probably looked snappy because that’s my playstyle” or “I have a laggy connection” seems too vague IMO.

Sure thing Reki.

“Anyway, on a different note, Kodiak, what say you of the two times I pointed out? I’m especially interested in how as soon as player “yo mama” becomes visible at 0:35 (his box turns red), your gun snaps right to him, which I found rather odd while reviewing the video. Topo, I understand what you’re saying: Movements are going to be choppy no matter what. However, even when viewed at half speed, I don’t really see any fluid movement in that specific aiming process. Mostly what I see is his crosshair drops immediately down to the player’s head.”

Well Spring, I do.
Assuming you’re talking about the kill at ~0:37 where I actually kill “yo mama” I took a screencap of the frame from 0:36 (In the better quality video) where my crosshair is clearly between targets, rather than straight from one head to another.

I apologise for my impatient nature but I’m really beginning to feel like a broken record.

Oh wait, JKs, nobody mentioned Gabo at 0:18. That’s what I was thinking about the most.

Reki: Here’s a screencap of me between targets at 0:17, mere moments before I’m about kill “Gabo”, and moments after I’ve killed “Junny”. I hope that’s enough to satisfy the issue, but if there any more please don’t hesitate to let me know. http://i.imgur.com/jn4qw9Y.png

In this case, the only suspicious thing was that you seem to be looking completely elsewhere then snapped to Gabo. You clearly didn’t kill Junny and Gabo next to each other, that’s pretty obvious from the video. Instead, you kinda look away but then some wtf happens and you’re suddenly trained on where Gabo was, and Gabo is dead.

Though considering that’s the only wtf moment, it’s not impossible that it’s because you were lagging (dammit Australia), and the lack of other conclusively snappish moments compounded with lots of burst-movements seem to suggest lag was the problem here.

I’m not too sure what to think for this one to be honest; on the one hand, there were definitely lots of suspicious moments. On the other hand, ovl isn’t exactly the best tool when it comes to capturing perfect frame-by-frame playback.

Is there anyway for Kodiak to prove why there was no recoil in some of his kills? ???
Because, once fired with an aimbot aiming at someone, that split-second inbetween is still looking at the player’s head, chest, etc, until they are considered dead on their side and the server’s.

he never used any hacks!

How can you be 100% sure of that, fusion? Do you go to his house and look over his computer every single time he plays Ace of Spades?

I don’t think so. :stuck_out_tongue:

While it is a different tool to GM’s ovl, I did some playtesting with topo with his ovl to see if there’s lag there, and he told me at some point in his video it looks like I have no recoil. However, we did a double recording, where I was recording at the same time. I’m not sure exactly where it is in this video so you’d have to ask topo. Regardless, most (good) server admins are aware that the ovl (in reference to GM’s, but likely topo’s too) often lags in certain situations and that’s what I believe happened when I got banned, as it did in our playtest.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrGwLJOkiOk (my video)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_IXgOMiA0c (topo’s ovl recording)

Is Topo’s ovl only available to him or only to admins, cause it seems massively superior to GM’s ovl.

Buuuuut on topic:
I personally believe Kodiak is NOT hacking in this case. There hasn’t been any substantial evidence against him.

He hasn’t snapped at all, he hasn’t had any tendencies that look like he has an ESP. There is recoil on every one of his shots. I don’t know about you, but there seems to be no proof whatsoever that he is hacking.

Hobohob: I have it, I think he released it to Aloha/Minit staff, though I may be wrong.

Yes, he did.

On topic: I don’t believe Kodiak was hacking. As Drebbel proved, the ovl GM gave is a bit rusty and laggy. I personally do not trust it as a reliable source anymore. But I did recall seeing a “killer elite” show up on PAD a few times. I think the only way to solve this is probably to do what PABH did and record yourself playing.

He did and he showed the video. I don’t think that ovl caused those snap.

I took some time and recorded Kodiak using ovl + hooch on another occasion. This video is pretty recent.

Out of all the video’s I saw, you recorded, other people recorded. I have yet to see anything as suspicious as the video I got. As you can see with the video I just posted, there is nothing suspicious in it. If anything, this “killer elite” was a completely different person.

Is there anyway for Kodiak to prove why there was no recoil in some of his kills? Because, once fired with an aimbot aiming at someone, that split-second inbetween is still looking at the player's head, chest, etc, until they are considered dead on their side and the server's.

Forget about the norecoil. You can clearly see recoil on the other shots.

While it is a different tool to GM's ovl, I did some playtesting with topo with his ovl to see if there's lag there, and he told me at some point in his video it looks like I have no recoil. However, we did a double recording, where I was recording at the same time. I'm not sure exactly where it is in this video so you'd have to ask topo. Regardless, most (good) server admins are aware that the ovl (in reference to GM's, but likely topo's too) often lags in certain situations and that's what I believe happened when I got banned, as it did in our playtest.

Yes, I watched this video. I saw that shot that looked like no recoil, I pretty much see that as lag, that was the only instance in the video that looked suspicious. I find it odd that this has been the only time out of every time I’ve spectated you in the past with these tools that you would snap like this.

The only video evidence I can provide to my "snappy aim" (I showed SnIpEr- this video and he suggested it could work as an argument) is one I took a little while ago on Pinpoint when your very own mutbom thought I was hacking under alias. It'll likely make no difference to my appeal, but here you go:

Watched this video to. Examined it for any suspicious things that I can compare to the video of “killer elite”. If we are going to compare this video precisely we would’ve needed someone ovl’ing you at the same time. There was probably no recording I guess. If you could see if there’s a recording of ovl of you playing at that time it would be good. I didn’t see any suspicious snaps really. I watched the points that you indicated and still didn’t see any “snappy aim” like there was in the video of “killer elite”

I don’t find that those snaps were caused by ovl. Having ovl’d you many times in the past, on various servers, it is very unlikely that ovl caused those. Lag also I think is out of the question as I showed a video of me ovl’ing you on another occasion where there probably was more lag.

Drebbel’s video didn’t completly prove it for me. That might’ve been his connection that might be laggy because that’s the only video that actually I’ve noticed a difference, even the video Kodiak provided, I didn’t notice much difference and that’s with 2 AUS players most likely playing on a US server. One which is playing and one which is recording the other play. Speaking of PABH, the only thing I suspected from him was foghack/esp. I have yet to see a video of Kodiak where you can see any snaps even close to what the video of “killer elite” and that was the only time I’ve ever seen Kodiak, “killer elite” snap like that and I’ve known Kodiak for a long time and have watched him multiple times and this “killer elite” was not how he plays. It felt like a completely different person. I would’ve never guessed when I was spectating “killer elite” that it was Kodiak, his play style was completely different than how he normally plays.

I’m an aloha guard, and the only thing I do is confirm hackers. Occasionally toggle a griefer. I do this with hooch+gm.

I’m not going to just bring up all the points already discussed. But what I will say is that Kodiak’s counter argument’s are insubstantial.

Is the player in the vid kodiak? Yes

Can he provide reasonable excuse or rule-exempt authority for possible use of hacks? No

Can he provide compelling evidence that the evidence presented against him is false? No

Can he provide evidence of his legitimate playing on the day in question? No

Has more then one experienced aloha administrator confirmed that the evidence is compelling? Yes

Given the above, I fail to see what is disputable. Furthermore, Kodiak’s states that it was his INTENTION to be banned while using an alias. Why say this? why do this? it is the most moronic thing I can think to do, even if your not hacking. People suspect you may be a hacker, so you go into a server under an alias with the intention of seeing if you can get yourself banned. From experience, this sounds a story a hacker caught red-handed would come up with, which goes back to failure to provide reasonable excuse.

Of course, he could be innocent. But from the evidence presented I feel it unlikely. In my personal opinion the current ban should stick, until such a time as new and compelling evidence is brought forward to either further confirm kodiak’s rule breaking, or absolve him.

I thought you were spectating me that day! o/

I truly don’t know what other evidence I can give. I am/was “killer elite” and I was not using a hack nor exploit of any description.

I’m more than happy to pull a PABH and record myself playing (it might by a little hard b/c I don’t have a tripod, but whatever, I’ll work something out) but I don’t see how that’ll generate a different outcome to recording myself with Fraps. It’s the same situation where it’s a different video; if I was hacking in the ovl video Colorpinpoint recorded (which I maintain I was not) and then recorded of a video of myself “not hacking”, I don’t see what that would serve to prove, and the point outlined above would undoubtedly be the rebuttal from an administrator if I chose to do so without explicit request. That said, if you’d like me to record out-of-screen, please get back to me :slight_smile:

If “killer elite” was not playing like I normally do, that’s because I wasn’t playing like I normally do.
Aimbotters, hackers etc. tend to have a certain playstyle (it’s hard to explain, but I’m sure as administrators you know what I’m on about) which I tried to emulate (legitimately) and ended up banned.

I apologise for not making the wisest choice in regards to making sure the time of Aloha administrators is not wasted on legitimate players with less than well-thought-out decisions, and the henceforth the ban appeal that followed, and will endeavour to not make the same choice again, as enlightening as this “experience” has been. That’s all I have to offer, truly.

My opinion on these arguments are:

  1. If you’re able to record, why didn’t you when you were ‘attempting to be banned’? Then you would have solid, rock hard evidence of you not hacking when you were banned.

  2. Like I just said, if you had Fraps on you at the time, why didn’t you record? I always record when ever I’m playing (even though I’m a staff member) so if for some odd reason I do get banned, I can just slap that on with my appeal, to prove I’m innocent.

  3. Mutter Because you were using an aimbot! Mutter

This is probably because recording whenever you are playing can make you lag a lot especially when your computer specs aren’t that good which would mean you wouldn’t be able to play properly.

Could he have not just got a camera, then? No lag, just proof that there was no watermark, no snaps, no ESP, no recoil when killing, etc.?

Probably because setting up a camera each time you play is too much of a hassle. Wait, before we take this discussion any further, let us wait for Kodiak or Color’s Response.