Kodiak's Ban Appeal

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
    Yeah, I know it was a ban

  2. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
    “killer elite”

  3. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.
    Island maps

  4. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
    I presume it was for “hacking” or something similar

  5. Why should you be unbanned?
    Because I wasn’t hacking. I don’t know how else to put it.

  6. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

11:20 AM ACST 28/01/13

Let’s see, you were banned on the 27th for aimbotting (must’ve been timezones) by Colorpinpoint. I sent him a message, he should be around soon.

Eeyup. I’m rougly 17 hours ahead of where Aloha is hosted, if it’s still hosted in California.

Hello Kodiak,

As you know, I was the admin who banned you. You were pretty odd when I was watching you ingame. There was another hacker on at the time that I was also watching. If I remember correctly, he said that you were hacking so I decided to check you out. What I saw after a few minutes of spectating you on Colosseum than the map changed and you started out strong against the other team.

As I was spectating you on Colosseum, I didn’t gather any proof though when the map changed, I recorded a video of you. At the end of spectating you on Colosseum and Standoff, I determined that you were hacking.

Since you seem like a nice guy and before I release the video, I’ll give you a chance to change your story if you want. Though, after the video is posted, you will not be given a chance to change your story.

Sure. Thank you for the opportunity, but I’ll be maintaining my innocence regardless of the outcome of this ban. I will take the time to elaborate on the situation though, if you don’t mind.

On the day I was banned (27/28th of January) I’d decided I’d hop in a server under an alias to see if I can get banned playing pretty much as I normally do, sans the illusion of me being a “known” player, and therefore not worth investigating due to a veil of trust. I was/am also feeling pretty rusty and have started using my old mouse (which sucks, tbh) so I was trying to see if I can still manage this. I’ve done this before, both on Aloha and Minit, I use an alias quite a bit but have never had an issue such as this. I haven’t seen the video, but it is therefore safe to assume I must have done something a bit off that would have looked strange on your end. I think I know what this is. Not long before I was banned, I believe I’m shooting a player who’s in or around one of the buildings in Standoff (I think that was the map, anyway). I hear some SMG shots off to my right (remember, this is all from memory so please do excuse me if the details aren’t exact, it may have been a rifle). Anyway, upon hearing these shots, I immediately turn right, barely see one shot over the hill, jump/walk over the hill and shoot the player firing those shots. Having spent time catching and spectating hackers myself, I understand that looks like an ESP hack, to immediately change direction and know the location of an enemy, but I assure you it wasn’t.

Furthermore, I’m at something of a loss as to what would compel me to use a hack in the first place, especially in the present time. The only hacking incident I’ve been involved with was in August 2011. Having recently started playing the game, I was unaware of the impact of aimbots, no recoil, etc on this game and the lack of moral fortitude if those who use them. Danko was/is aware of this, but I believe I ended up on the old GBL through tGM on Goon Haven. Since then, I’ve taken considerable lengths to both improve my Ace of Spades gameplay, and stop some hackers myself. I’ve administrated a bunch of servers (though this is kind of irrelevant), found those who are using aimbots and other sneaky programs (I’m not great at hack detection, but I’ve recently started using topo’s ovl to further myself in that respect) and then delivered the appropriate punishment or contacted those above me in an administrative hierarchy. I’ve also started my own clan/community very recently, why would I go to any lengths to ruin that for myself? I suppose what I’m getting at is, why would I elect to join the legions of aimbotters, ESP users, etc, when I’ve taken plenty of measures in the other direction? (Feel free not to answer this, I understand I’m in no position to ask questions of you).

As stated earlier, I’ll be maintaining my innocence through the course of this ban, should it be successfully appealed or…otherwise. I don’t doubt your prowess as a server administrator but I’m adamant that I was not using a hack of any description. Thank you.

I Believe you Kodiak, I really don’t think you were using any sort of hacks because you would not need too. You are a great player. I also know about using aliases and seeing if you get banned or votekicked. I’ve done that and got votekicked. I did this on a Komrade server too. The badmin script said to me to stop hacking.

Any who, I highly believe you are innocent. You have no reason to hack. I stand behind you.

Well, no offence Gaming, but… You’re gonna be taken down with him. :wink:

Thank you Gaming, I appreciate your support. However, I’m not sure the administrators will appreciate you posting it on my thread, I remember reading something about not posting on a (ban appeal) thread unless it’s yours, but maybe I’m wrong in this instance. Anyway, cheers.

Lucky for us, there was never at any point badmin.py on Komrade Server. Try again.

Korakoff, your actually right. It was a very long time ago! the Server was a LDR Server.

Well the time has come.

- YouTube

That is the first video. The second video is the first video but slowed down.

Second video:

I guess that only left to do is re-iterate what I said in my post a few days ago:

“I haven’t seen the video, but it is therefore safe to assume I must have done something a bit off that would have looked strange on your end. I think I know what this is. Not long before I was banned, I believe I’m shooting a player who’s in or around one of the buildings in Standoff (I think that was the map, anyway). I hear some SMG shots off to my right (remember, this is all from memory so please do excuse me if the details aren’t exact, it may have been a rifle). Anyway, upon hearing these shots, I immediately turn right, barely see one shot over the hill, jump/walk over the hill and shoot the player firing those shots. Having spent time catching and spectating hackers myself, I understand that looks like an ESP hack, to immediately change direction and know the location of an enemy, but I assure you it wasn’t.”

Having now seen the video, I now know the shot was definitely heard but not seen, not as far as I can tell from the video (damn 360p) anyway. This is by far and away the most suspicious thing in the video but in the (first, full speed video) about 1:01 you can hear the shot off to my right, which, when playing, I heard in my right headphone and still hear in my right headphone while viewing the film. I also often pay attention to the map so I /probably/ saw the shot and the general direction in came from in the top right corner, but it all happened so fast that I didn’t really pay attention. Anyway, that player was located by sound and that’s all there is to it, honestly.

Furthermore, I watched the second, slowed down video on YouTube and took a look at the annotations for incidents of note, and quite rightly the incident at 1:01 (on the second video) looks quite hacky. The only explanation I have for this is that I have a very…snappy aim, where I crouch aiming one direction, and pop up to shoot in another, so as to make sure I’m not left vulnerable on a particular side when I’m by my lonesome. It seems pretty irrelevant and I don’t think it will make a different to the way my appeal goes, but I am able to record a video of me doing that if Colorpinpoint/other administrators would like me to do so. Thanks for your time.

Ok, since I was involved in the watching and observing of this video, I would like to point out a few things:

You see that red cross in the middle of the screen? That’s your crosshair.
This can determine wether someone has recoil on their weapon or not.

At 0:22, you’re firing at a player named ‘Jonny’. Overall you shot four times with recoil. You must’ve gotten annoyed that you couldn’t shoot him, or maybe you didn’t want to die. Anyway, the fifth shot had absolutely no recoil, with (maybe) a little snap.

Also, a shot at around 0:33 didn’t have any recoil either. Maybe a snap in it too.

At 0:52, you go back to shooting normally, and you can easily see that there’s recoil there.

At 1:16 or there abouts, behind the grey blocks you built, you look directly at a guy camping in the tower, or possibly behind it. It was ‘theninja07’, or something like that. I can tell this because the blue text with your name changed to his name (in green).

Now, the interesting part. Near the end of the video, you say that you heard shots fired. And, that’s understandable, because I heard them too. The only part I was very concerned about was that you looked straight at his head. Now, this could’ve been pure luck, or maybe great ears, eyes and aim. You have answered this part of the video.

Now please, prove that you are not hacking by pointing out how these could’ve been mistaken for hacks. Thank you. :wink:


Better video quality here.


Thank you for uploading the better quality video.

I’ve toyed around with aimbots with a_girl before (for administrative insight purposes, of course) and, in the one I used at least, it would always snap directly to the head, or the body if you changed one of the settings, never both, and never gradually. In the “snap” at 0:52, you can clearly see me move my crosshair gradually (but quickly) across the building with a split second’s correction. If I were using an aimbot, like the ban reason said, it’d have snapped directly to the individual I was shooting at. The same can be seen of the last kill in the video. While I appear to snap almost directly to the individual (bearing in mind I’ve just heard his shots to my right rather close by) my crosshair moves up his body and isn’t locked on to a particular part of his body. When I crest the hill, my crosshair is line with his head, so I take the shot.

The only video evidence I can provide to my “snappy aim” (I showed SnIpEr- this video and he suggested it could work as an argument) is one I took a little while ago on Pinpoint when your very own mutbom thought I was hacking under alias. It’ll likely make no difference to my appeal, but here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B86beWUiYM The moments annotated in the description are those that (I hope) will help my case, if only negligibly.

Apart from the video you have, which I’ll admit does make my gameplay look rather dubious, it’s only my word against yours, but it’s a word I’ll stick by.

“Back then, I was a noob. Now I am the master.” could have been my words but I am still a nub. xD

Anyway I saw the video proof and there was no aimbot whatsoever.


Well, I believe I’ve explained everything I can as best as I can explain it, this has gone on for some time so I’ll leave it up to Colorpinpoint and the other administrators to decide my fate. :}

“In my opinion, although the video provided does show that you are a good player, it is basically irrelevant.”

As stated here: "It’ll likely make no difference to my appeal, but here you go: The moments annotated in the description are those that (I hope) will help my case, if only negligibly. "

AND here: "It seems pretty irrelevant and I don’t think it will make a different to the way my appeal goes, but I am able to record a video of me doing that if Colorpinpoint/other administrators would like me to do so. Thanks for your time. "

Your opinion, Spring, was known, expected, and unnecessary. In fact, I chose the words in the preceding quotes carefully, JUST for you when you’d inevitably stick your nose in to tell me my video is irrelevant and therefore pointless, like you did in IRC days ago. I’m sorry to be so brash, but please, stop it.

The major difference is that Color’s video is a recording of a different person playing, not of himself. IIRC AoS’ network FPS is around 10 - that’s one frame per second on your end for six on their end. Take into account latency + packet loss because Australia and you should actually expect that his movements be choppy. You’ve said that you’ve spectated me and that I “didn’t snap like that”, but what’s shown in the video really isn’t any different to what I see when watching legit players (mostly because my connection is shitshitshit3G) - I see those kinds of snaps all the time and none of them are big at all. Personally, I’m not convinced.

Well Kodiak, I apologize for being intrusive and obnoxious to you, enough to the point where you had to go out of your way to make me shut up and go away. I really am sorry.

Anyway, on a different note, Kodiak, what say you of the two times I pointed out? I’m especially interested in how as soon as player “yo mama” becomes visible at 0:35 (his box turns red), your gun snaps right to him, which I found rather odd while reviewing the video. Topo, I understand what you’re saying: Movements are going to be choppy no matter what. However, even when viewed at half speed, I don’t really see any fluid movement in that specific aiming process. Mostly what I see is his crosshair drops immediately down to the player’s head.