What? You haven’t posted spawnclocks at all. I didn’t shoot him immediately after I spawned. I didn’t admit to anything. I’m going off of what you’re saying and you have said that Danke says 15 seconds passed after I shot Danke until he teleported to me to spectate me to figure out where I was. That’s not admitting to doing an impossible shot, that’s proving I had time to get to the tower which he thought was impossible which was what the ban was all about.
"What was I glitching? I didn’t glitch anything. "
The reply was for that. You glitched and it appears in that evidence.
Nevermind what’s this appeal about, you’re saying something wrong that have evidence, and then you pretend to be believed.
I was saying I didn’t glitch anything specifically for just this incident we’re discussing. It’s like if I said “I didn’t say the word: gym”. It’s true in this specific instance I’m talking about, because I never said the word “gym” on that server that day. I definitely have said gym in my life and I’m not denying I had a glitched babel or anything. It wasn’t my intention to make it seem like I was saying I’ve never glitched, sorry if it came off that way.
Idk if Torch said 6 seconds or 3 seconds, but I believe you’re being a bit too exact with your measurements. It’s not like Torch had a stopwatch that could accurately tell him the time it took him to perform a certain action, or an exact memory of where he spawned. As far as he knew, it was just another spawning+walking. He probably wasn’t committing every slight detail to memory in case he was banned. If you pulled out all the people from the server without warning, and asked them how many seconds it took them to go from A to B, I’m sure quite a few of them will give “impossible” answers.
Doesn’t this kinda negate the original reason for Torch’s ban? Danke’s thinking that Torch was on the tower when he shot Danke in the tunnel?
Guilty for glitching=/=Guilty for hacking. Revoke his trusted and weekban him or something.
Thanks Apocalyptic, I was trying to show some of that stuff, but I don’t think I was getting it across. Also my trusted was removed already like a week or so after the first glitching ban.
I am not being too exact because I am using almost perfect information given by the server. The original ban by Danke was because Torch shot him through walls using a noclip hack. Torch had a few seconds before he respawned, which lines up with Danke saying he had seconds before Torch spawned and shot him. Re read the evidence. Anyways when Danke teleported to Torch, 15 seconds had passed and Babels wavespawn timer is 16 seconds. Danke said he literally had a moment when he teleported his dead body to Torch, which adds up to the data provides by the logs.
Torch didn’t wait anywhere near 16 seconds to go to Danke (he claims it took something like 7) which still wouldn’t add up to the respawn clock. Danke’s commands that he executed were perfectly timed and the server backs up Danke’s claims of respawning a second or so after he teleported to Torch. I am not making anything up. Not only does the evidence back up Danke but it also proves that Torch is lying. I can also add that when Danke started questioning Torch, he started throwing out odd excuses like “name glitch” or “lag”. Torch shot Danke as soon as Torch respawned.
If you havent understood already, Torch is still staying banned because we have reasonable evidence. Logs are accurate and their timestamps don’t lie.
Tell me I am getting this right. You are using the moment Danke/Contracugar said “what” as the exact time that Danke was shot. You assume that Torch IMMEDIATELY shot Danke at 12:50:14 AND that he spawned at 12:50:14 AND that Danke responded in chat at 12:50:14. However, human reaction time is avg of .25 seconds. There is also some lag to consider in between. Finally after that, Danke has to type in “what” and enter it into chat. You claim that THIS:
Torch Spawns
Torch Sees and decides to shoot Contracugar/Danke.
Torch Shoots Danke
Danke Realizes He Was Shot
Danke Responds In Chat
All occurred in the space of a single second?
Unless you have timestamps of the kill itself AND of Torch’s spawn, a reasonable person would have to assume that Torch spawned in the PRIOR spawn wave and underestimated the time he took to reach Danke’s tunnel-Which I have already explained prior, is a reasonable mistake.
Also, these “odd” excuses aren’t that odd. Name glitches have happened, and if “lag” is an odd excuse for being shot behind walls, then you need to ban half the players on ArenaCS for “noclip.”
Danke did gather evidence, he saw it, his judgement is sound enough to make a good ban. He doesn’t need to provide physical proof because of him it isn’t required for a ban. I and other admins don’t keep recordings on our computer, we see hacking we ban. I can quote a bk if you want it, this is a private server not a court of law. I swear if I have to record and keep shit on my drive just because some guy started blatantly hacking and is appealing 3 months later and he is denying it I’m going to lose it.
I am also going to end this right now because I came up admining in an age where that was common, hence why we ban by id ingame.
If the name glitch happened, Torch wouldn’t be banned. And if Danke did ban torch under the impression the “name” was him he would have saw that the person was still ingame ran /undoban and rebanned the person via ip. Keep trowing poo at a wall.
My god people, nobody but a BK or Danke can revoke a ban if you want black and white (there is grey). This thread is between TORCH and DANKE. You have taken it to the court of appeals and it turned down that request. Danke is pretty impartial. So can we stop this nonsense please? It is also obvious you are willing to skirt and flirt and break the rules as you see fit. Last time I checked common sense is a thing.
Torch has yet to be banned for a real reason though. :-\ Makes you wonder what’s going on behind that curtain of indirect answers. What Apocolyptic is saying makes perfect sense. I even PM’d two staff about it and they were super dismissive about it.
He was banned for weapon no-clip hacks. That was made clear a long time ago. Danke did say “What” immediately after being killed, he confirmed it as such. Now stop trying to find excuses for him, stay out of the topic if you aren’t going to post anything majorly useful to either cause. No “but this” “but that” or anything, what we say, when we have considerable belief goes. We went out on a limb to try and prove he was innocent. We’ve already re-created the situation, and found out while that Torch could have done this, that the spawn clocks do not add up to his statements, and they back up Danke.
Do not post anything else that does not relate directly to this topic. In fact, unless you are staff, Torch, or someone with a great deal of evidence how this could/couldn’t happen, you shouldn’t post. No comments of grief, no excuses for Torch, no “but the evidence is…”, none of that. We even gave Torch somewhat of a trial by doing this as best as we could to re-create the events. If we doubted anything at all, he would be unbanned. We are the staff, not you. We have more experience in finding hackers using every shred of evidence. You can grieve and have your own personal opinions but this is how it is going to stay for the time being.
He also thought he did this “immediately.” You really have no doubts that Danke was able to react to Torch shooting him and typing out “what” in the same second?
You have no doubt that Torch might not have photographic memory of the time right before his ban? Hindsight is 20/20 when you have access to all your logs. Torch was relying on just what he remembered, from what would have otherwise been a benign and easily forgettable moment in his gameplay.
I invite anyone here to play a long session of babel, get banned out of nowhere, and accurately recall the exact seconds and moments leading up to that event.
You guys are aware what just because based on the query the logs can or cannot show most of what is available to us as normal staff. The actual game logs show everything and I mean everything and is only given to people with sys access. (every command, every silent error, everything)