1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
    I waited so.

  2. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
    loko540 formerly KEPUCZ.

  3. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on servers.

  4. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
    Together with a neighbor we played on my wifi and him reported it because it played too well.

  5. Why should you be unbanned?
    i like to play this game i never hacked really

  6. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.
    April 4, 2020
    evening hours

Hello loko540,
I am the staff member who banned you for hacking. I am giving you a last chance to revise your story before I present video evidence. Do you remember using the name “adamPL” while playing?

yes i remember

Do you also remember having used cheats while playing under that name?

It was possible for a long time I can’t remember everything

siblings have access to a computer

You should be able to remember if you ever hacked though. Two+ months just isn’t that long of a time to go from “i like to play this game i never hacked really” to “It was possible for a long time I can’t remember everything”.

Your opening post only mentions a neighbour. Why do you suddenly come up with your sibling? I don’t buy a word you are saying.

a lot of people played this game on my network so I really don’t know myself.
something was gone again, Jesus, what a problem

Hello. I’m writing on behalf of loko. He don’t speak english too well so I’ll try to do my best and explain his situation.
He played this game for many years and HE HAS cheated, but he says it was not this year. He also said he was banned because he and his friend played on one router and did well in fight. So probably he got banned unfair. ? :frowning:
He played with many friends in his house, because he refered this game to many people. He meant friends, not siblings xdd translator fault. “AdamPL” was a nickname shared with friends, because he has configured the game for all his friends and then they have played on his or theirs computers… It sounds crazy. It wasnt easy even for to us to explain each other xd so sorry!
So probably it was one of his friends cheating on AdamPL nickname in his network, I guess.
Now we are playing in party with him, his girlfriend and other people from Poland and we wish to continue that. so I count on your understanding and that loko will unbanned.

The problem is that you are constantly changing your story.
At first you said you were playing with your neighbour when the ban occurred. Now you are bringing up siblings and other people that might be responsible for your ban, eventhough you already admitted that you were playing when the banning happened. You do recall playing under the name adamPL, which was the IGN that was used ingame when the ban occurred. So since you were on the server when you got banned and have used that name, the only logical conclusion is that you were playing as adamPL.
You claimed that you never hacked in the beginning, yet you also change that statement to “I don’t remember” within a time span of 2 hours.

If he cheated in the past, he should have just admitted to doing so on this appeal and not just change his story as it seems fit. He was given the date when the ban was placed. He could have just explained the situation at is home as you did. I am very well aware of his english, but nothing in his initial post reflects anything of what you just described. I don’t have much trust in a player that has a friend come out first to say he hacked while he himself is still in denial about it.

Therefore I am going to deny this appeal now. If you want to get unbanned, you are free to reappeal in two weeks.

so believe me only when I say that hacked yes?
great approach thanks

The problem is that you are constantly changing your story. At first you said you were playing with your neighbour when the ban occurred. Now you are bringing up siblings and other people that might be responsible for your ban, eventhough you already admitted that you were playing when the banning happened. You do recall playing under the name adamPL, which was the IGN that was used ingame when the ban occurred. So since you were on the server when you got banned and have used that name, the only logical conclusion is that you were playing as adamPL. You claimed that you never hacked in the beginning, yet you also change that statement to "I don't remember" within a time span of 2 hours.

He is not changing his story. The story is a bit complicated and his english skill (as you might see) are not enough to explain this, that’s why I came.
He played with a friend/neighbour (neighbour can be a friend too) and probably his friend was cheating on his internet. By telling ‘siblings’ he meant friends, as I said thats translation fault… Hope you can understand that.
He played under the nickname AdamPL, but it was long time ago and then also his friends played under this nickname, because he configured theirs games… As I had said xdd I think it’s funny too, but he said he don’t know why he has done that. Foolish mistake.

If he cheated in the past, he should have just admitted to doing so on this appeal and not just change his story as it seems fit. He was given the date when the ban was placed. He could have just explained the situation at is home as you did. I am very well aware of his english, but nothing in his initial post reflects anything of what you just described. I don't have much trust in a player that has a friend come out first to say he hacked while he himself is still in denial about it.

Therefore I am going to deny this appeal now. If you want to get unbanned, you are free to reappeal in two weeks.

He has cheated many years ago and he said so (“It was possible for a long time I can’t remember everything”) if you would listen …
He couldn’t explain situation because he don’t know english so well, lol. And as I’ve said he hacked years ago, not now and his ban is unfair, because he is innocent.

I hope that will explain the situation more and you can agree with us :slight_smile: We would be very happy if he could get unbanned now, not in two weeks, when none of us will be playing. : /

The ban in question is from april 4th 2020 not several years ago. Anyways, someone, whether it would be siblings, friends, or himself, cheated with the name adamPL on his network so it was banned.

as you once said the aloha community generally believes in giving a second chance to players who have done something wrong, let’s give it a second chance, it’s a good man

Second chances are given to players that take responsibility for their actions. In this case, maybe someone cheated on his network appparently so maybe try finding out who it was and have them come forward or loko can take responsibility in 2 weeks when he can reappdal.

It’s not his fault, I can guarantee that this will not happen again, just give u one last chance

Yes. He cheated many years ago, not now. That’s why his ban from april is unfair, he is innocent and should be unbanned.
And if you don’t care whose fault was it, then that’s not good :frowning:

It is up to LostMotel. As i recall he had at least 2 or 3 chances to take responsibility but the responses was something along the lines of “my friends had access to computers on my network” and not either “yes im sorry i cheated” or “sorry my friend cheated on my network. I eont let it happen again”

If a player cheats then his network is banned. Doesnt matter if there is another person playing than the one who was appealing.