I believe him that it’s not his fault, he could be at work, so I don’t understand why he should prove something that is not true

Because he didn’t cheat in April, neither this or last year. It was many years ago. In april it probably was his friend, tbh HE DON’T KNOW WHY HE GOT BANNED. We just suppose it was one of his friends.

I am not saying he has to prove it isn’t true.

If he thinks he (loko) is innocent then maintain his innocence and let Lost present his evidence. Either his video clearly shows that the person on the network cheated or he reviews it and realizes that he didn’t then he lets you go (unban).

If you did cheat (i am saying if not accusing) or someone else did on his network (he knows by asking his friends) then take responsibility/have friend make an account and tell us what happened. I would say there is a good chance you get to play again.

The ban occurred on April 4th 2020. I have no knowledge of any ban 3 years ago or however long ago it was. This ban on the 4th is what we are talking about and he should do one of those two things i listed above.

This is the last time I will say this.


Please, the Administrator in charge has already made his decision in this ban appeal, please, do not comment further because that will not change anything,

The administrator in charge has given you a second chance in 2 weeks, take this opportunity to think what you would say, now, there is nothing more to do,

Ban evasion will worsen the situation, so please, let’s avoid more mistakes, and prove your innocence in the next few weeks,


I believe you when you are saying the truth, whether that be you hacking or someone using hacks under your WiFi. I do not consider changing your story in retrospect and even have friends come out and basically tell me you lied to be very truthful.

He is not changing his story. The story is a bit complicated and his english skill (as you might see) are not enough to explain this, that's why I came. He played with a friend/neighbour (neighbour can be a friend too) and probably his friend was cheating on his internet. By telling 'siblings' he meant friends, as I said thats translation fault... Hope you can understand that. He played under the nickname AdamPL, but it was long time ago and then also his friends played under this nickname, because he configured theirs games... As I had said xdd It think it's funny too, but he said he don't know why he has done that. Foolish mistake.
Because he didn't cheat in April, neither this or last year. It was many years ago. In april it probably was his friend, tbh HE DON'T KNOW WHY HE GOT BANNED. We just suppose it was one of his friends.
His story is outright contradictory and his English is not to blame for this. As I said, he claimed to have been present with a friend when the ban happened ("Together with a neighbor we played on my wifi and him reported it because it played too well."), but there was only one IP connected to the server during that time under the player "adamPL", which got banned. So the story about the ban is completely fake on that point alone.
He has cheated many years ago and he said so ("It was possible for a long time I can't remember everything") if you would listen ... He couldn't explain situation because he don't know english so well, lol. And as I've said he hacked years ago, not now and his ban is unfair, because he is innocent.

I hope that will explain the situation more and you can agree with us :slight_smile: We would be very happy if he could get unbanned now, not in two weeks, when none of us will be playing. : /

“i like to play this game i never hacked really” I don’t know how that statement could possibly be attributed to bad English. It’s not very close to “i haven’t hacked on this server but I may have hacked a few years back”

here is the video evidence of the incident:

I am not going to respond to all the other posts in this thread. DemonDestroyer already wrote everything important for now. If you want to get unbanned, loko540, you will have to take responsibility for the ban and appeal again in two weeks. You will have to make sure that no one joins the server under your WiFi during that time and you will have to make sure that no one, whether it be you or one of your guests ever hack under your WiFi again.

It’s all funny what you are saying, but I’m not gonna reply to that. Tbh I don’t see a point trying to convince you.
What I’m going to undermine is that ‘evidence’. What I can see on this video is that he is very laggy and he shots two people by the head shot, with a good sight of them. Actually, i had much better shots without cheats. So I wonder why do you think he is cheating. For me this video is no evidence.

Anyway: Thank you all for your great help! That was the kindest administration I have ever dealt with and the level of understanding was the highest I’ve ever seen! :wink:
Appealing in two weeks is a great idea, but unfortunetly we will be here no more in 2 weeks.

ping was stable on both ends:

My analysis of the video:

:15 ish his shot has no recoil as that red crosshair does not move

:38 there is a snap directly to the head of that enemy on the platform. that snap shown is an aimbot snap

:47 not much of a snap but there. shot has no recoil on it. Player is standing and not scoped in. impossible to control recoil to the extent where there is none

:58 ish: shots on the tower have no recoil. if there was it would be visible.

Paweł nie ma co z nimi dyskutować. Ich serwer ich gówniana racja niby jakiś chory filmik który nic nie pokazuje ale oni dalej będą swoje gadać. Z tej strony każdemu chciałbym podziękować z osobna którzy starali się mi pomóc aby pokazać moją racje. Naprawdę wielkie DZIĘKI

It's all funny what you are saying, but I'm not gonna reply to that. Tbh I don't see a point trying to convince you. What I'm going to undermine is that 'evidence'. What I can see on this video is that he is very laggy and he shots two people by the head shot, with a good sight of them. Actually, i had much better shots without cheats. So I wonder why do you think he is cheating. For me this video is no evidence.
Let me elaborate on the evidence. The laggy movement comes from an admin tool that allows first person view. adamPL had a fairly high, but stable ping of around 300 ms and didn't really show signs of lag related to bad connection. The fact that he pulled of those headshots isn't anything remarkable, it's HOW he pulled it off. His aim moves abruptly (aimbot) and there is no visible gun recoil as exemplified by the part at 0:38.
Paweł nie ma co z nimi dyskutować. Ich serwer ich gówniana racja niby jakiś chory filmik który nic nie pokazuje ale oni dalej będą swoje gadać. Z tej strony każdemu chciałbym podziękować z osobna którzy starali się mi pomóc aby pokazać moją racje. Naprawdę wielkie DZIĘKI Translated: Paweł has nothing to discuss with them. Their server, their crap right, like some sick movie that shows nothing but they will keep talking. On this page, I would like to thank everyone who tried to help me to show my point. Really big THANKS .

In case you change your mind about that, the re-appeal offer still stands.

Requesting lock.

i tak nic z tym nie zrobicie więc juz podziękuje

it’s hard to say whether there is a recoil or not, because of the laging. And ping is not the best indicator of the lag. There was a big lagging in there and you can’t say it wasn’t.
if 38 is typical aimbot snap, then I’m a cheater as well. Just take into account those lags and this shot could be an usual snap.

Okay, you might be right.
I just don’t know how to use such laggy tool. But I guess you have more experience in it, so it’s up to you.
Again thanks for your time! Bye

Dziękuje za poświęcony czas i miłego wieczoru

Locking thread per request of banning admin.