Banned for having a derpy profile pic
you people have a problem with my profile pic?? Fine I’ll change it !!!
Banned !!! idk why , just banned !!!
Banned for not having a square profile pic
banned for d-dosss’ing me
Banned for overusing an old joke
Banned for not liking mainstream
banned for jizzing red all over the map
Banned for making me see things in a way I didnt wanna see them
Banned for not wanting to see it as jizz, and it’s really period blood
banned for erythrophobic pic
Banned for being a pussy !
Banned for judging and banning someone for their psychological disorders.
Banned for “Server disconnect”.
Do I need a reason? I can do whatever I want
Banned for being an irresponsible tyrant!
You are banned for: Being against the System.
Yuukina you are banned for reason: changing username ;D
banned for using colons
banned for ignoring his criminal offense of using smileys in his post
iii can’t seem to ban muffin he is too strong!