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Looking to become a Trusted, Staff, Developer, or News Team member? You’re in the right place! Click here or click New Topic to begin! |
My GroupsGroup categories, visible based on the groups you join on our Groups page-> |
WelcomeWelcome to the community! Established 2011, “aloha player killers” is a global community of PC gamers who share a passion for fun, creativity, and respect.
Our Game ServersA bird’s eye view of all of our game servers. And discussions about each, too.
Ace of SpadesAce of Spades is a FREE to play online voxel FPS game, originally released by Ben Aksoy in 2011. Build, destroy, and shoot anything on the 100% destructible maps. Supports up to 32 players per server. Over the past decade, many mods, servers, and clients have been customized to change and complement the original game.
AoS ModdingUser-created content for Ace of Spades.
Read our Ace of Spades Modding Beginner Guide to learn how to mod your client! |
MinecraftMinecraft, the game
Other GamesAnything and everything about the other games we play in the community! Feel free to post about any games you’ve been playing or watching!
Appeal Your BanAre you banned? This is the place to prove your innocence or apologize for your past behavior. We believe in second chances and want you to enjoy our services, so please help us help you!
Click New Topic to begin your ban appeal. |
Report A BugNotice an issue on our servers or website? We’d appreciate you creating a bug report!
Click New Topic to begin your report. |
Abuse ReportsPlease report players who abuse the rules by creating a new topic here, but don’t expect justice without evidence to back your claims. Mahalo for your concern!
Click New Topic to begin your abuse report. |
Suggestion BoxSubmit and vote on ideas to improve our community!
Media ShareSaw a funny meme, a captivating photo, or intriguing art? Heard a song you can’t get out of your head? Watched an interesting video? Share appropriate media finds here. Better yet, share media you created! One topic per media item is OK and will not be considered spam, unless determined otherwise by our moderators.
WhatevahsEverything that doesn’t fit anywhere else!
ArchiveOld categories & posts. New posts not allowed. Certain content is publicly visible.