Media Share

Memes Noteworthy memes from the interwebs! Screen Shots Captures of your device screen, be it that of a computer, tablet, phone, or…? Clips Share your best clips from any game here! Videos Are you a videographer? Or perhaps you found an interesting video on the interwebs you’d like to share with us… You may use YouTube, vimeo, or other such video hosting sites to embed them in your post, or you can directly upload your video file to the post. When uploading directly, be sure to include any necessary licenses. Music Heard a new song you like, or thought of an oldie from the past? Please share music that makes your ears happy, so our ears can be happy too! Feel free to link to the likes of YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Spotify, and similar services. You may also upload music files directly to our servers if you are the artist or have permission from whoever is, but please follow & include any necessary licenses. And please, no hating on anyone’s tastes. Photography Real life photography, preferably shot by you! The subject can be anything, but please keep your contributions tasteful. Please credit the author of any photos you didn’t shoot yourself.
Topic Replies Views Activity
3 25 July 25, 2024
0 30 July 20, 2024
0 34 July 19, 2024
0 32 July 17, 2024
0 79 May 21, 2024
0 68 May 12, 2024
0 93 February 26, 2024
0 89 February 25, 2024
1 114 February 21, 2024
0 109 February 21, 2024
0 90 February 13, 2024
0 126 February 13, 2024
2 124 February 13, 2024
0 106 December 13, 2023
0 89 February 13, 2024
0 92 January 31, 2024
0 107 January 16, 2024
0 135 December 9, 2023
0 158 October 23, 2023
0 137 October 21, 2023
0 167 October 3, 2023
0 183 September 28, 2023
2 217 September 12, 2023
1 245 August 27, 2023
0 144 August 26, 2023
0 162 July 11, 2023
0 152 June 19, 2023
0 202 June 8, 2023
0 167 June 8, 2023
0 176 May 21, 2023