zb - permabanned with no explanation

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?


  1. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.


  1. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.

tower of babel

  1. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.

i have no idea. i suspect it’s something to do with running the latest git build of openspades, as the client is buggy and its erratic behavior might be mistaken for hacking by admins

  1. Why should you be unbanned?

because i enjoy the game and obey the rules

  1. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

Sep 27 20:18:54 CST

The admin that banned you has been notified. Until the appeal is sorted out please do not enter any aloha.pk servers.

Hello zb,

I am the admin who banned you from babel, one of our famous server. Let me introduce you about aloha. We are very easy group and we believe on the second chance to those whose come forward, admitted their wrong doing and promise not to hack again. On the other hand we are pretty harsh to anyone who did not tell the true. On the top of it, aloha’s staff would never ban anyone without reason.

I am giving you another chance to revise your story by telling the true and then we can discuss how to lift your ban.



sorry but you are mistaken. i have never hacked and i’m not going to admit to something i did not do.


Aloha’s staff would never ban anyone without reason. You are not exception.

How would you explain below clip?




i don’t know why the camera is glitching out like that, but you can see that i’m missing almost every shot and not aiming at people until they are visible. if anything, the video proves that i wasn’t hacking. why would i be doing so badly at the game if i were hacking?


Again, I banned you base on the fact and the clip proved that you hacked on our server.



well if you can’t distinguish the difference between client bugs and hacking then the server should block openspades clients from playing, because i’m sure i’m not the first person who was wrongfully banned over this

What i just watched is in no way shape or form is due to a client bug. You very clearly show evidence of NR. The camera isn’t glitched, it is just how our software operates and if functioning normally.
Edit: As for the staff member that banned you, if you want to fight on that, three different admins banned you. 2 were not full admins and were only to ban you temporary. They banned you for the same reason

Side note: you were not using openspades according to our logs

MegaStar messaged me the logs and they say I was using OpenSpades:

[2017 27 September Wednesday 20:10:39] <babel_aloha> zb running OpenSpades v0.1.1 on Linux

Click for details

All these bans are false positives from using testing builds of OpenSpades, and the last one was rescinded because of that. Shotgun spread was altered by the devs in one build which is why it was detected as a hack. I understand that hacking is a huge problem in the game and any unusual client behavior will be viewed as hacking, but I run Linux and have to use the latest git sources at this time because the current official build has a problem with disconnecting from servers, and also I report bugs and try to contribute to the development of the client. It’s not a coincidence that these bans occur when running the Linux version. Ace of Spades has no strict version checking for joining servers so every build can behave differently. If I’m unbanned I might try running the Windows build through WINE and maybe that will avoid these issues, and stick to using the git builds on private servers, but that wouldn’t be necessary if the staff could be informed of client code changes and take that into consideration when they witness unusual client behavior from players.

We don’t handle appeals by pm and the only real admin that can do anything because it his ban is nathan.


As I said earlier “We are very easy group and we believe on the second chance to those whose come forward, admitted their wrong doing and promise not to hack again. On the other hand we are pretty harsh to anyone who did not tell the true. On the top of it, aloha’s staff would never ban anyone without reason.”

The banned video clip clearly showed you hacked. Sadly, you did not admit your action.

Therefore, I am going to DENY this appeal. You will have another chance to re-appeal 30 days from post date.

Have a nice day,
