[x] resolve

:3 its ok now

Hi i am the staff member who banned you. You were banned today for Norecoil/ESP. It’s very unfortunate that you took to hacking the very day you got unbanned from your previous appeal. On top of that you came here and lied about you being legit. You were lucky to get a second chance and you blew it, big time. So yeah, you will remained permanently banned and here’s the evidence.


i dont use ESP i just use a laser pack with laser i know sometimes the another players but not is ESP

and ok i use no recoil i accept c:
but no ESP, for another players who want a appeal take that :3 not is ESP always

PD.I want your Spade texturepack D: NAME?

Lasers is pretty much the same thing. Enjoy your ban!

You just got unbanned by myself, haux, drebbel, and caprex.

Clearly you were being watched, and you use esp/lasers and no recoil?

I already know how this appeal will end.


ops sorry not my ban

Also, i see that you have changed your appeal into something a little less embarrassing. Allow me to present your real appeal, just incase people don’t get confused reading this. Cheers.

lel “Also, i see that you have changed your appeal into something a little less embarrassing.”
i dont care realy…
just say me your spade name vv

No. By right you shouldn’t even be allowed play the game because you have repeatedly hacked and you have no respect for anyone here.

Learn to play fairly…otherwise, don’t bother coming back.
Topic Lock?

well, this is sad. I’m truly disappointed.

Your first moments on our servers after you were unbanend and you were esp-ing again already. What where you thinking?

Just for the sake of being clear about this:

You are banned. You are not allowed to play on our servers. We WILL catch you if you do (like you entered hallway today, Hex0x11, even when I’m pretty sure you know you shouldn’t.)
Every instance of you entering our servers again is considered ban evasion.