[x] Racism

It would be nice if we could do something about blatant racism, because that's not fair to marginalized folks who play on the server.




I agree with you. There are so many racist meanies in the chat and it makes me very upset. I want to do /admin on them, but I don’t know if it’s really necessary to – along with the fact that staff might be away at that time.

I’ve been thinking of a /votemute if there isn’t a command already available. It would take only 8 people to vote yes on a full server to be able to mute the racist/spammer, maybe?

Or maybe there could be a script similar to a spam-checking script where it would check for swear words and racial slurs frequently in users’ messages. If they send, for example, 4 messages, with 3 of them saying ‘nigger’ or ‘cunt’, they could be auto-muted. Not sure how that would be able to be programmed, but Mr. Muffin could probably work his magic with a script like that.

Maybe even just a client-side /mute function if that is possible, which could mute a specific player with /clientmute or the entire chat without any parameters.

Just some ideas. But yeah, those racist people and the trolls really need to go. I’m seeing them way more than I should. Also corrupts the younger audience of the game.

Half the people swearing and being racist ARE the younger audience sadly. (Not me though :slight_smile: )

Younger as in 10-13? I’m talking about that really young audience, not the teenage audience like us. :3

Try to be nice to them. Racism is caused by two things: ignorance and hurt. If the reason is ignorance then you could try to inform them, but I doubt that will go over well. Most of the time it’s from hurt, so show them some love and they’ll tone it down. Bans/kicks/mutes only go so far and won’t stop them from being racist in real life or using proxies to get around punishments. Love solves all. :slight_smile:

Hi road! Thanks for reporting, it’s always appreciated. Staff members will always mute players that use an excessive amount of hateful or unkind words. That being said, we try to be lenient on players who tend to curse or “shit-talk”. It’s what makes the game have a sense of freedom.

In this specific case, the player you reported would definitely get a mute ingame. You’re right in saying that it’s unfair and unnecessary to say that in the global chat. It doesn’t make the server look very friendly or inviting… If there are repetitive offenders, they will receive a temporary ban.

I’ve added cunt slayer and his IP into my highlight system for the IRC, so I’ll be notified as soon as he joins a server. Hopefully I’ll be around to see if he keeps on saying that sort of stuff… If so, he’ll receive a temporary ban.

Thanks for reporting, and definitely feel free to use /admin for these occasions!

Flun saving the day as always! :slight_smile:

  1. This is great that road is posting this. and agreeing with Kuunikal, I’ve always wanted to do this, but didn’t know if anyone would care to ban those players as it’s uninviting
  2. it’s awesome that ff did something about this - I feel more obligated to report players with excessive racism :slight_smile:

uuuuuh. I kinda agree but disagree to this… I like to go complete idiot style and start saying a bunch of shit, (specialy with UnluckyShot) but I also dislike Racist ppl. When i go complete idiot i don’t go out loud and yell NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER ! and spam the chat with it. I don’t even refer to diffrent skin color ppl. Something needs to be done about that tho… sucks that most of the ppl saying that goes away without a scratch or a mute meanwhile I GET FREAKING MUTED for no freaking reason…just because i said 2 times in a row : he is from australia. seriously -.-

Also, i remember a player using Offensive language on cs_maps. his name was “yung sexgod”

Instead of muting people (which is easily evaded) it makes much more sense to just bleep out words and replace them with *** universally.

You could put in enough entries to stop them from “getting around it” so easily. And if they say it once it could just give them a warning and censor it, but if they say it twice it gives them a 5 minute mute. If after that mute they say it again they get a perm mute.

You will NEVER be able to control what people say. You’d have as much luck censoring peoples thoughts. In my youth I said some (probably more than some) regrettable racial slurs on the servers. You just can’t stop people from being immature nor can you stop people from being racist or trolls. What would be great and overdue, if possible, is if we had a /mute command that any of us could use on any player but wouldn’t necessarily mute them publicly. Even a mod that makes a rude players chat invisible for your side of the game would be nice.

But in the end if you can’t stop someone from hacking you wont be able to stop someone from saying what they want. Evading a mute is as simple as disconnecting and reconnecting or changing their IP if banned for it. The simple solution is to ignore them.

Personally, I changed my opinion on hackers/greifers/people cursing because it makes the game much more entertaining for me :), you’ll know this feeling soon when you play a game and literally no one is talking nor raging at eachother and resulting in an overall boring game (don’t think of this the wrong way but I’d still report a hacker if I’d find one)

I just try to ignore them and silently report them to admins.
If they seem tame enough, I might tell them politely to not say that, but I try not to get intimidated.

Finally, THIS. The chat is just a reflection of the reality of being on the Internet, and you will never be able to censor any kind of speech, without losing all your players.

At the end of the day, you’re the one who’s taking offence to it. Just learn to be the bigger person and ignore them. Like Sarim said, it can be quite entertaining xD

We might not be able to control what people say Israel, but you can block the basic over the top racial and derogatory terms and replace them with ***. Sure they might be able to space out the L E T T E R S to get around it or other ways, but that’s a lot more effort and will at least slow their spamming down or make it so much extra work they get lazy and stop. I don’t think the personal /mute is a good idea. If you do want a personal /mute then it should ONLY block private messages. Otherwise public chat will get very confusing when people are talking to certain people and not others and you can’t see some of them, but can see others. If you absolutely hate chat, then you can turn it off in OS. I’ve done it before.

I’m not saying nothing should be done. It’d be nice to play and not be called a kike. Personal mutes wouldn’t make the server confusing one bit. How much confusion do you think it would cause not having to read cunt_slayer’s hate speech? If anything it would bring a measure of peace. Not all of us play on OS and have the option to turn off the chat nor should we have to turn off the chat nor should we have to see racial slurs being spammed. A personal mute command would be the obvious solution beyond “ignoring them”. Votekicks aren’t always legit and vote mute is absolutely pointless if someone can just disconnect and reconnect to get rid of it. Votekicks barely work as is too, not that that’s a bad thing.

The confusion does not come in from not seeing what someone is spamming, but when people respond to that person. So if person X says “I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO EAT BANANAS” then you /mute them, that’s fine until they say something again in 4 minutes like “I HATE ALL PEOPLE WHO EAT STRAWBERRIES”. Now someone else in chat before could deal with them hating people who eat bananas, but hating people who eat strawberries!??!?!? THAT’S TOO FAR, so they respond and now in the middle of your quaint tea party with your fellow sheltered feel good buddies talking about #brexit and crumpets you randomly hear “I LOVE STRAWBERRIES AND I’M NOT ASHAMED OF IT, YOU’RE JUST AN IGNORANT *************** AND SHOULD ******* **** **** *********” because person Y decided to stand up for themself. Now at this point, you didn’t realize that person had been egged on for the past 30 minutes by the guy you /muted already, so now you will just think he’s pointlessly spamming or being toxic and you will /mute or /votekick them. And the cycle would continue…

I think you fail to understand the purpose of a mute command. It’s so we don’t have to see someone spam “nigger” in the chat regardless of someone responding to him or not. I’m sure people on any other game with a mute option get slightly confused but at least they don’t have to see someone spam racism and hate in the chat. If you don’t want to use the command then don’t use it. If someone wants to mute everybody and not understand whats going on that’s their own choice as they would have access to the /mute command. However, the purpose of the command would not change. It could also be made so the /mutes you use are reset every time you leave and come back or you could undo your /mute. Adding the command would only hurt the player if he went overboard with it. Don’t make the rest of us theoretically suffer because one guy cant understand he just muted someone after using /mute.