[x] Racism

I gotta say, there NEEDS to be an option to stop someone from sending you private messages. I’ve found myself in that situation of someone that doesn’T seem to like me spamming me mad shit in private message and hidding half of my freaking screen. Of course i could hide the chat but I like to talk with other ppl. I also like the idea of a personal /mute. Even I think i am someone that can be hard to stand sometimes and i see ppl that i’m like: OKAY i hate him… Like that POSTMAN guy spamming his fucking name in the chat -.-. No one gives a shit but he still does it EVERY ROUND ON CS MAPS. Personal mute would be awesome i think.

the stormwind server had something like that where the server changed offensive words into cake iirc
i think there are ways to bypass it but it would be better if the admins could change racist slurs into something like that

He was banned in game,

Thanks for reporting

  • dt

Slayer has been a problem once again, starting with constant swearing for no reason to vk abuse and griefing. He was banned from a votekick, evaded the ban, and got banned for real. He will probably evade this one too, so watch out!