[x] Please unban me

I had playd no time on aloha.
I didnt hack on other server.
to beg for mercy !!!

If you spend 24 hours viewing the forums, and achieve a total of 30 posts (no spam), I’ll unban you.
It will show that you don’t come here every once in a blue moon just to beg for unban.
Also, use this sometimes and comunicate!

Wow, thanks for the spam, Beppy! //End of sarcasms
You have just revived 30 topics and most of then were already dead for a long time, and made, in most of then, useless comments.

Sniper wanted you to join the community by making useful posts, not by spamming and killing topics that were up:



Captain Kiwi speaks german apparently and was involved in communicating what we were asking of him. Perhaps he can help again.

ich kann helfen

Ive spent now 8 hours of this site and nothing happents.I only want to play on the servers,not to talk all the day.Im not mad.So mutch people think everybody who hacks sometimes is a bad guy.But i stopped Hacking.Its your Choice.Play or Doomed.I dont want to lie.yes i hacked,but i think everybody here has hacked the game.not for long,but for a short time of course.So mutch has change.I waited 1 month and longer.You give people a chance.I want one too…

I told you to get involved with the comunity.
Giving you this chance was already too much, don’t make me change my mind

Don’t compare yourself to the others, you did worse things. and if you want a choice right now then I would say “Doomed” but I won’t coz I know you don’t want to quit right now.

Then Quit …

PS:You hacked too

Where did you get that idea?

We played before on aloha and there is an anmin names SnIper who hacks

ther is no ban appeal from you !!!
are you too good for it ???

Tough accusation, world will end before someone proves that.

And what is with your hack attacks ???

now in this moment i play on one aloha server


not bad,but im now on again :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes i was anaconda,but you see i didnt hack :o
so its a ban without reason

So unban anaconda,but let beppy ban

youre on so fucking answer me

Some admins have felt touched by your tears but only had the chance of telling me now, a month after the appeal was created.
And after a discussion I found out the majority feels the same way.
You cheat one more time and its over for you.
