What games did you buy from the Steam holiday sale?

so far i ended up grabbing Guns of Icarus Online, Natural Selection 2, and Primal Carnage. the 40%+ discounts were too hard to resist.

what are your favorite must-haves that have big discounts right now?

i definitely recommend Chivalry.

Im waitting until I find the right game

Do you remember me,izzy?
HELLO! :slight_smile:

I haven’t buy any game on Steam holiday sale, but i just got recently Killing Floor (Thanks to Serious_Sim :smiley: <3)
And already bought Chivalry on greenmangaming for x-mas,

I got Left 4 dead 2 and New AOS :smiley: The new aos is kinda fun but it has glitches all over. Left 4 dead 2 is amazing!

I got the new AoS but it blows cause i get 2 frames per second lol,
also got MW2 from the sale, it runs fine, :slight_smile:

Yeah 1.0 unplayable due to lag for almost everyone who lives in America. Except for those who have a supercomputer and super internet.

I didn’t know there was a “holiday” sale, but I did buy Saints Row the Third and all DLCs when it was on sale, for $25.

I god dungeon siege 3
Its very good

I bought $200 of THQ games for $25 because they declared bankruptcy.

I bought Nothing!! :slight_smile: