What does the briefcase/intel contain?

What does the briefcase deuce carries have inside?

Is it:

  1. A rocket launcher
  2. Esp/radar
  3. Automatic rifle
  4. Blueprints for winning the game
  5. A side arm
  6. Computer
  7. Diamonds
  8. Nothing. (It’s empty and blank.)
  9. A cannon



Quite a bit, depending on the server. Here’s some intel lore.

Rocket Launcher.
You can level up the rocket launcher power on blockpower by capping intel, giving you one of the most fun powers in the gamemode.

Depending on what scripts are enabled on the server, capping the intel can place markers over the locations of enemies on the map at the exact time the intel was capped. It would also leave a white marker mirroring its usual shape on the map when it was stolen, marking its last location. Used to be enabled like this on the humans vs zombies server and a few others.

Automatic Rifle.
On intelrpg, once you capped enough intels to unlock all default powers, you could gain the rapidfire power to pair with rifle.

Blueprints for winning the game.
Well, if you cap enough, you win, so I guess it does?

Capping the intel as a zombie in humans vs zombies lets you unlock guns, which can be considered that.

probably porn


It contains the source code for the original game, of course! :o

Usually things like that in general just contain information that would give the enemy an edge

These are the type of questions I continue to play this game for, what is in it?

11. Block hentai


Without a doubt, it is Trump: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump.