unban post

  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick?
    Banned by admin

  2. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well.
    Elite, liners or sterben

  3. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on aloha.pk servers.
    I do not remember

  4. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf.
    Hacking. Aimbot or WH. I do not remember

  5. Why should you be unbanned?
    I’m sorry that I did it. I went to cheat almost immediately after the unban. This was my mistake for which I was punished. I’m sorry that it happened. A year passed and I returned to this game, and I can not play with my friends. Honestly sorry, but if you are against that would dilute, I’ll understand.

  6. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please.

0.7-1 year
P.S. I used Google translator. There may be errors in grammar, punctuation, etc.

He had an in-game nickname “Prolden” and was banned on aloha.pk hallway in 2016 because he was testing hacks
He is a member of the clan Phoenix since a long time. And while surely hacks cannot be justified, as an admin of the Phoenix Clan Server and an old member of the clan i’ve never seen him hacking again. As far i know he was testing hacks to know how they work to later distinguish such players better. But doing so and using aloha server for it was definitely not a good idea. I hope he will be able to get a second chance

no hack just testing xd

Tests or hacking. I do not deny my guilt so this statement does not make sense.
P.S. Know your enemy in face.


I am the admin who banned you from hallway, one of our favorite server. Aloha would believe in second chance for anyone who come forward and admit their wrong doing. However, you already had a second chance back on May 18th, 2016.

I am willing to give you another chance to play, but you have to convince me “Why should I let you play again?”



First, thanks for the answer
All I can tell you …
I have already returned to AOS for almost 3 months and use Open Spades for this.
During this time, I did not receive a single votekick due to cheats.
In addition, there are people ready to vouch for me.

I do not know if I can convince you or not. Thanks for the answer.


I just want to know who did your last ban got lift? What did you promise?



It was almost 1.5 years ago. I do not remember. The reason for the ban was the same. It seems like I then just confessed in everything and promised not to do it anymore. But in the end he did it.
As it all goes badly.


How can you assure Aloha that you will not hack again? Because you hacked again on the movement you got lifted from your first appeal.



All I can offer … This is probably your trust, the trust of my friends … And the fact that I’m using OS
Although, most likely, this is not enough.


I want you to delete all hacking tool first. Then we can discuss about next step.



I changed my computer and have not installed them since.


I am going to give you another chance to play again. Remember, this is your last chance and no more chance after this one.

Enjoy the fun and play fair.

