[TS]LaurenTS Banned for no reason

#1) Wait 20-30 mins in case you were votekicked
I waited a day and I am still banned

#2) Please specify your ign (in game name)

#3) Server you were playing on.
all maps aloha.pk

#4) Reason for ban (please be truthful)
I don’t really know why I got banned. A lot of people were saying that I hack, which I never hacked. Ever. I don’t get the point of hacking if you want to play a game, play it right. Also I forgot my meds (ADHD) so maybe I was hyper. So maybe spamming?? I don’t know I’m really confused D:

#5) Reason why you should be appealed.
Well I really love this game! I am a really nice and active player, usually playing everyday. I made a clan, which is [TS] Tactical Sirens. I would really be heartbroken if it wasn’t applealed. I never accused someone of hacking if I know that they didn’t. The highest percentage with a rifle is 96, SMG is 100 and shotty is 105 (shotties can go up to 125, don’t ask me how xD) I am a very hyper girl that loves potatoes! (well not that hyper if I take my meds) Thank you for reading :stuck_out_tongue:

#6) Date and time (approx)
Sat Oct 6 2012 around 9:00-10.00 pm EST

Thank you for reading and if you ask most of the people on All maps, I’m really nice and good player! :smiley:

You didn’t fill out the template…

Uh oh, what did I leave out?!

#1) Wait 20-30 mins in case you were votekicked

#2) Please specify your ign (in game name)

#3) Server you were playing on.

#4) Reason for ban (please be truthful)

#5) Reason why you should be appealed.

#6) Date and time (approx)

Get unbanned pl0x <3

You were banned for spamming. I was not the admin that banned you so I don’t know the duration of the ban.

Oh ok Thanks for clearing that up Color

OMG! I can’t stop laughing XD. Was sure the Ban was going to be for hacking.
You guys don’t dish out perma-bans for spamming right?

I dont think so.

GOSH I HOPE SO!!! And don’t laugh at meh D:

Unless you were spamming “N*gger” repeatedly, I think most spam-bans are 5-7 days. Up to 50.

I don’t ever say Ngger or Cnt or any of those really bad words, at most I say (not spam) Dmn or sht. I try not to swear because my nephew plays this any sometimes I see him and I don’t want to set a bad example.

You got banned for spamming after you die. lol. I heard it was 5 days, but I cant be 100% sure.

Yes, it was five days. You were getting automuted for spamming and were evading the mutes.

Don’t spam.

See yah in 5 days then lauren!