
  1. Votekicks last only 30 minutes. Did you wait at least 30 minutes to make sure your “ban” is not just a votekick? Sim, esperei os 30 minutos e logo em seguida reloguei, mas estava banido!

  2. What is your in-game player name? Please include it in the subject of this topic as well. Trash.

  3. What server were you playing on when you got banned? Reminder: We can only help you with bans that took place on servers. Fui banido no servidor: (top 10)

  4. Why were you banned? Lying severely decreases your chances of getting unbanned. If your “little brother” got you banned, tell him to make an appeal, or accept responsibility on his behalf. Estava jogando normalmente, no decorrer do jogo, matei um jogador do time adversário e me apresentaram o banimento do servidor. Procurei saber com alguns amigos e me deram o motivo que usei o Wallhack.

  5. Why should you be unbanned? Eu deveria ser desbanido pois em momento algum usei meios ilícitos no jogo, acompanho e jogo Ace of Spades desde 2012, entre idas e vindas no jogo, jamais usei qualquer tipo de hack nesse tempo todo!

  6. When were you banned? Best approximate date and time, please. Fui banido dia 12 de Abril. A hora do jogo eu não me recordo bem, mas creio que foi entre 21h da noite e 23h!

Hi Trash,

I’ve contacted your banning admin. Please stay off the servers until they say you can rejoin. Thanks!

Hello Trash,

I was the Administrator who banned you from the server arena (top 10) for using ESP,
We are a community that believes in second chances, and you are not an exception, but if you don’t tell me the truth, you make my job here more difficult.

I found you using hack, and if you don’t tell the truth, we are going to have to take more measures with you,

I’ll wait your answer,


Gostaria de ver o video da hora do meu banimento, por favor. Estou garantindo que não usei esp!

Well, seeing that you do not recognize your error, we will go with the evidence, and I hope you will give me a good explanation for what we are about to see,

1:07 I want you to explain to me like out of nowhere, you found out that a blue player was going behind your base, and you had perfectly controlled where he was, you couldn’t have heard him, so don’t come up with this excuse.

1:44 Obviously you knew here that a blue player was coming towards you, perhaps you have heard it, so I will continue with the next evidence.

1:50 Here too, you always knew the position of the SMG player, and you aimed directly at him.

2:17 And this is the proof that you were using ESP, there is no way that you knew that Cookie was hidden in that corner, but you were already perfectly knowing his position, you were so calm that you did not even worry about looking up or if there was a player on the field at Spawn, because you already knew his position, so accept that you were using ESP, and you will make my job easier.


Momento 2:17 você afirma que eu uso o ESP, ok. No momento que eu estava indo a base, eu vi o companheiro de time dele adversário morrer e na mesma hora fui observar o local, entrei agachado, devagar e sem fazer barulho, para que se tivesse alguém naquele mesmo local, não me ouvisse. Entrei e vi que o Cookie estava agachado e olhando para a parede.

It doesn’t make sense what you just told me, you still don’t explain how you knew at the beginning that a blue player surrounded your base, and as you knew perfectly where Cookie was,

Sorry, but your appeal is denied.

By not accepting your mistake, and even with evidence, continuing to ignore the hack, you will remain banned,
I will give you the opportunity in 15 days, to do a Ban Appeal again, this time accepting your mistake,

Any evasion with or without hack will be penalized, and your banned days will increase, and the days you must wait to perform a Ban Appeal will increase,

I hope to see you here telling the truth in 15 days,


Venho me retratar do meu erro e não irei comete-lo outra vez, perdão!

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