the old REPORT topic

I am reporting a aimbotter he was on the “Aloha Tug of War” Server at 12:18PM Eastern standard time. He is deffenately a aimbotter, his name was LOLerul, I would like you to do somthing about that, since I have no authority, and votekicks don’t work, That is about it, His accuracy is a little low but trust me he is, anywho thats about it, Thank you, also 1 more thing, I haven’t seen much admins on the servers latley possibly because you have so many now. That is all,

                                                                                                 Thank you for your time,

The sooner I become an admin the less aimbots and griefers will be in aloha because I’m always here. Until then…

thanx for the message. He’s banned now.

It would have been better had you provided video evidence, we can’t just trust anyone on a ban for cheating.

Well, we can’t have eyes everywhere, but we do have eyes on the irc channel most of the time, so be sure to use /admin to attract the attention of one of the admins.

Drebbel your on a role!

I see, well I will have FRAPS ready so I can record more evidence. I will do that in the future

I barely see any admin on servers or IRC, I sometimes see [Mojo]Buckethead in last team standing or sometimes PXYC in IRC. I kinda am a “server guard” because I shoot the aimbotter/griefer who’s in the same team as me and then put blocks in their face and then they leave.

Guerrilla warfare…I don’t really approve. You really should spam the /admin command. Or go on the #AoS channel and try to query me, I’m usually on (when I’m home of course).

#aloha always someone there ALWAYS and they may be minimized so you have to ping/ring them or pm them.

If I have my browser up while I play I lag a ton.

Trust me there is nobody there on the channel when I’m usually on and I PM Jyromefedx when he was logged on to report a griefer, but didn’t respond. I just buried the person in blocks and after cussing left. I agree with HoboHob that my computer lags when the browser and AoS is open.

Do you seriously respond to every single thread AEM?

Like I said, I’m very active on these forums which is why I have justification that there rarely are admins. Why do you think I have over 300 post? :wink:

Because you have nothing better to do with your life.

Bro ive been so nice to you and now this… I guess HoboHob was right about you.

Over Killer has been griefing on Aloha Pinpoint:
Here are some picture to show some evidence

Also if you check the chat logs Dave has been extremly abusive to other players:
He also said he was the griefing King and started griefing (Couldn’t take screenshots as i forgot)

Please ban them or do anything which you think suits there actions.
Hope i helped you

I was just on the server now and this guy is spamming the killfeeds.
He is hacking:

I think you have seen plenty of images now.
Luckily i started a votekick and i think he got banned.
But i bet you he will be back.
Should he be GBLED?

got the aimbotter! watching the other thks for the info

Are you a admin?.
Also yes i thought the info would be nice for the Izzy to know about