don’t rely solely on the accuracy/ratio/etc information because it’s far from perfect. it should be used only as reference to help you determine if a player is worth investigating. more often than not suspicious numbers means cheating but never assume so without actually watching the player in the game either as spectator or going invis and teleporting to him.
also Bucket i don’t know why you were being team switched but that someone shouldn’t be doing that.
yeah i was really annoyed in this faggot.I and Coolman was building the tower of babel when suddenly Anus came up and take down our house!take a look at this picture:
he didnt grief our tower yet in this picture but he brings down the house!!
tell me,what is in that picture you said?If so,if I have no proof you grief the building,I have the proof to say you are annoying and harassing?Is that it?Sure,why not?
Actually, Im on the side of ANUS on this one. The picture doesnt depict that anus actually destroyed anything. The picture only shows Anus Cursing, and this is comming from a source who supposedly DDOSed Aloha and admitted full responsability on another thead. So my question is if this so called imp of a hacker gets their feathers ruffled, why wouldnt they just go after the person who ruffled them?? As far as Harrassing goes, Yokai/Dark has done far worse by THREATENING to hack the servers and ADMITTING doing such once and I for one think your actions deserve the higher punishment than little griefing/cursing Anus.
Anus (Griefer Mastermind) Reward: $2,000,000.00 for evidence that leads to the banning of Anus.
Dark/Yokai (Alleged Hacker of Aloha Servers and conspiracy) Reward: $4,000,000.00 for evidence that leads to the banning and/or arrest of Dark/Yokai.
More to come…
There was a guy on Aloha Tug of War obviously aimbotting. He was just spamming the killfeed with headshots.
His name was wesley.
My problem was there were no admins on. None. Even his team thought he was aimbotting. But unfortunately no one voted to kick him. And I can’t figure out why.
So I did the totally inappropriate thing to do and fired up me aimbot and started aimbotting too. It actually worked, instead of the aimbots team winning every round in less than 5 minutes, they didn’t win as long as I was aimbotting.
But yeah, please don’t GBL me for what I did. It was completely stupid. But I can’t change what I did.
You did the right thing by admitting, but I would have just left the server. I can’t stand any aimbots or griefers and there is nothing I could do. Aimbotting would just tarnish my reputation.
Never ever do something like that.
If I, or another admin, would’ve entered the game at that point you both would’ve gotten a permban without hesitating.
Thanx for the tip though, I’ll be on the lookout for wesley.
EDIT: @Drebbel: The kicker is, there are no admins on TOW ever. You could aimbot as much as you stinkin want.
EDIT2: I play alot on your lesser popular servers (CTF, TOW, ClassicGen) more than your popular servers (pinpoint, Hallway, Last Team Standing) now because I find them more fun. But they are constantly ruined by aimbotters/hackers. You need more admins on them.