It certainly didn’t seem like he was hacking, although he dodged many of my shots (probably lag).
Name: Epic Fail
Time: 8:18
Server: 1ctf 24/7 pinpoint
Sorry if wrong section
Please ban this guy? Hes ruining the fun of my favorite server.(I signed up just to post this)
Oh and match is about 2 mins in
Playing on the last team standing server in the afternoon of Sunday, May 26. We were in the office map. I went into a room and another player was there, whose ign was DCdecoded who started to make sexual slander comments. He continued with this for the next hour or so. If I tried to votekick him it wouldn’t of worked because everybody was starting false votekicks on two players who hadn’t done anything. Virus joined the server after that.
“Epic fail” is most certainly not an aimbotter, from my experience, at least.
You’re barking up the wrong tree…
Epic Fail is probably not an aimbotter.
You haven’t shown us ANY evidence whatsoever.
Aloha all,
There is an aimbotter on tower of babel right now,
Named >.Anonymus.<
Umm 50% accuracy is not aimbotting.
I didn’t say it was. However, he is.
The only evidence you give is accuracy which many of us get each time we play. I’m sorry but that isn’t much to go on.
Yup, please provide more information, or else we will ban the wrong person
The original post isn’t intended for players, it’s intended for admins. At the time that I posted, he was still playing; It was an invitation for admins to investigate. Also, even if they don’t catch him this time, this message starts a “paper trail” so to speak.
otter is a guard which is 1/3 of an admin
Anything above 45% is worthy of investigation, I’m not bad at AoS imo but I struggle getting anything above 30.
I agree with kodiak, I know it isn’t hard for pro players to get high accuracys and ratios, but anything over 40% is worth checking out.
Aimbotters can have very low accuracy, I’ve seen some with as low as 10-20%. They sometimes fire at nothing to hide their accuracy or try to hit people behind structures.
The accuracy script basically does [Targets hit]/[Bullets fired].
It’s really unreliable in smaller maps, since the hitscan tracer goes through targets and hits anything behind as well.
Accuracy is circumstantial evidence. It’s like fingerprints found on an object near a crime scene; pretty much worthless unless there’s something more direct in terms of proof.
He’s not hacking. I’ve gotten 58% accuracy befor and i dont hack. hacking is cheating and making the game boring. Anyways, I’ve seen players with 60 that definately do not hack
I have seen them shoot at the wall repeatedly…
Or we just wouldn’t ban until there is enough evidence. In court if someone is being charged with murder but the only evidence is an accusation you don’t give them the death penalty and hope you made the right call.