the old REPORT topic

Supposedly there is one that fixes acc and ratio, not shows it. most dont however. This info, some of it comes from these 5 damn cheaters living with me apperently (my kids). I think in admin section there is a post FLO wrote about this… not sure, too tired to look. Come to find out, of 5 pcs in my house 4 of them freakin got aimbot and mine isnt the one without it ANyHOo ill be adressing that issue >:( Once my heathens show me how to operate this contrapion, I will post back.

You could always download the DLL and make it to a conver it to a .txt file and see how many degrees it does for headshot snap

I had AP US History last Friday and AP Stats and AP Lang and Comp both yesterday back to back with five minute lunch break.
What was yours?

AP Chemistry
AP Calculus BC
AP United States History
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

(Planned for) next year:
AP Biology
AP Computer Science
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP English Language and Composition

Damn, are you a junior, because I am. In our school, we dont have any AP Physics or Calculus BC. Nobody passed AP chemistry in our school, only two people three years ago. The teacher sucks and has been teaching for 35 years. English Comp is hard and has harder than SAT questions. AP US was OK for me but we can’t discuss the questions. :wink:

Senior year for next year:

AP Chemistry (taking my chances)
AP Psychology
AP US Government. (one semester class)
AP US Economics. (one semester class)
AP Calculus AB
AP English Literature

facepalm DLLs are encrypted.

If it was as easy as it sounds like, hackers would have known about ages ago and prevent admins from finding out.

this BDro guy? hes constantly yelling and gettnig map on the lastmanstanding server and he spams votekicks the time just cause people kill him . can you guys give him a warning or something? it get really annooying when he trys to votekick you after you killed him once :confused:

Thanks for the HOT TIP! I think you meant DBRO though, I got it anyhow and will be on the lookout. he/she currently inst there

on that note theres a guy named "a cat " whos constantly going outside the map and going on the roof in small fortress

Also, mojo and heracles, keep a eye on WizardChips, he glitches a lot through walls . i warned him, not sure if he listened

Blitz you dont have to worry about acat, hes been banned and virus thanks for the info.

I once glitched, It was starting a new map on the Office wars, I glitched out of the blue spawn and I walked down stairs, and this was when it was just starting so I had a great amount of time, I haven’t been able to do it again, because I had Major lag that day! Like every 2 or so minutes I would get a huge freeze up. But I found the problem and fixed it, I am just saying this to be honest.

Thanks for the honesty Gaming. Usually when we are referring to last team standing, there are alot of ways of glitching. (i.e. 3 block glitch where you can jump that high, glitch through walls, spading through walls) All fall into the catagory of cheating. Most of the locals that are in there know about the glitches and use them to advance themselves in game. There are sometimes when it happens to unsuspected useers who dont know about it as well. Each are handled differently so i will explain how I deal with the situation. the 'locals" are the ones i refer to as the normal users who are always in there and i see on a daily basis. Now, they know about these glitches all have been warned NOT to use these glitches whatsoever - over and over. Most i have had to kill them on at least one time or another., so they know better. some are more persistant that they feel like its not cheating its just a glitch of the game and continue to do it or find different areas to do it. Well they have been warned may times before, so then the next step is to ban them for 12 hrs. In the end, it can lead up to a more serious ban. Now for the ones who just find out how to glitch by a friend or figure it out for themselves, the process starts the same. Usually a kill and warning, if and when it persists a kill or kick , tempban , etc… The spading through walls glitch i treat totally different though, I usually dont do anything since anyone can do it but it is a grey area in my opinion, it really still is considered cheating due to how do you know a person is there. Some of us dont allow it at all so it depends on who the admin is. Now every guard, moderator, and administrator handle situations differently. Some may agree or disagree with one another on certain issues. Some are more leniant or tolorable to certain situations where others are not. In the end, we all have split decisions to make in an effort to make the most enjoyable game play possible. Sometimes we may make a judgmental call, but for what it is, we all care and volunteer our time to this community. So, if you are caught outside of spawn before the gates drop, dont panic thinking your gonna get banned, just stay close to the gates till they break and take off. Its when you take off before the gates break and run to the other team to grenade them all, will get you an automatic 12 hrs if im around , even if it is the first time. All these rules apply to needless votekicking, capsing, spamming as well. If you ABUSE, you LOSE. Hope this enlightened you on a few things, as well as i hope it does the same for oithers that may read this. All that i have said makes it more difficult for us to keep an eye out for the aimbotters, etc who really need the attention to be watched for.

Pretty big thread, I appreacheate that! Well thanks for this stuff, Now I know what you are talking about well most of it, and I have one thing, I know you said every guard/mod/admin Has different ways of dealing with stuff, Its like this, Say you go to a store with your dad, and you ask him for some candy or gum at the checkout… He says no the first time, but you whine and do a fit. Then he says Yes but only if you shut up, And then you go to the store with your mom and you do the same thing, but This time she says no, and you do the fit, and She still says no, and you Say But dad lets me get candy. Well the rules are different, I think you should Maybe make a thread in the Mods/admins/Guards I know you have one, Its hidden, anywho Make a thread with situation in it, and Make a consiquense To deal with it, So every New guard or Existing guards can know what to do, and We won’t have Different things with dealing with other things. I really think you should do that, but thats a idea its not up to me. Its up to the higher admins.

No problem

Found this guy with a ridiculous and impossible accuracy, tried to votekick him but as always the votekick was unsuccessful. I’ll just leave it for mods/admins to search through logs for his name and ip to deal with.

good quote i like that

You posted it in the right place, maybe it a glitch of the game

The accuracy script isn’t reliable at all.