The new color in Babel is just as bad as the old.

I mean to stop debating which color is better, etc. We already have a (somewhat) functional game.

what do you guys think about map based team color changes?
This way the team colors could be changed to blend in very well (if desired) with the terrain on each map.

some examples: -brown and green for newfort
-grey and light blue for icedrift
-yellow/beige and blue for island

there is already a script available to do something like this Ace of Spades Forums • View topic - [Script] Team Name/Color

i didn’t even realize that script existed. yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

Damn, the gems you can find in the old forums.
Good job Lostmotel.

Yes. Yes. Yes. This would be perfect!

See-Through vs Transparent. Best team colors.

Time to get serious.

0 0 255
255 0 255

100 100 100
255 100 0

Both are good for visibility. There is one thing tho… grey color is a default block color. All players place grey blocks when they are building in a hurry. Also, grey is closer to green than orange is and grey are in a better position while in shadows/digging. This might affect the gameplay so I recommend purple/blue. Again… make a poll with all pros and cons for each color.



What about kill/death, server messages and team chat? if are camo colors, it would be impossible to read.
You could miss important team messages, votekicks and killfeed.

You can use modloader, as it has its background darker color to the mensages.

Now, if we ever want to make this game a bit realistic, we would make them actually blend IN to the background since no one in the real world would actually go to war wearing red or pink.

* Scipio waves his hands. I would lol

Urgent news bulletin: Soldier first to die in war because he wore pink.

To war!

Green vs grey would be ideal then.

i will agree with ferrari i guess i like the silver n gold :-\

Might want to consider that the “silver” (grey) in the gold vs silver is going to have kill-feed blending.
So might want to rethink that.

How about Bleu and Vert. The good old colors that have been WORKING.


We certainly need a poll here…

Dark blue vs dark red.
Easy to read, easy to see, no fog advantage, red text is distinguishable from red-killfeed.

Can anyone tell me a downside to this?
