The new color in Babel is just as bad as the old.

Hi Folks.

Anyone else who finds the red/yellow combination just as bad as the green/blue?

Seems to me that the person who decides the color doesn’t understand the importance of a equally dark/light color on both teams.
It’s the contrast to the background that is important, not the color itself…
On a snowy background, the yellow is twice as hard to see in a distance compared to the red. In a dark night the blue give you ten times better camouflage compared to the green.

My suggestion is to start a voting poll with different color combinations to choose from. And make sure you get the colors equally dark.
Then I guess you would get a more even game. :wink:

If the colors were similar then how would you know if a player was friend or foe from a distance?

If the player shoots back, and it hurts, then you know it’s an enemy. :smiley:

-The darkness of the color should be similar. Not the color itself.

Since friendly fire is disabled, there should not be any problems. It would just make the game a bit more “realistic”.

The map would also be a good help.

Ok, this seems to be a good idea. Sometimes I feel green has some advantage on grass.

A poll could be made to choose the colours and then it could be implemented in a server. Good idea. :wink:

Meh I could care less if the colors “camouflage”. I’m just pissed because the kill feed comes up as red whenever a person from the red team kills someone. Red is supposed to be the color which shows up when you kill someone…now I have to read the whole name to see if I killed someone and it sucks.
But if I am correct, the previous server config should be back after a restart so I wouldn’t sweat too much.

this is all Danke’s fault!

lol kidding. the team colors on babel is something i configured weeks ago thinking it would be a harmless, refreshing little change. had i thought a purely visual change like that would cause so much upset, i wouldn’t have done it. luckily Danke took all the heat for that though. joke again har har. poor Danke. :-\ anyway as said Danke already reset the colors back to default so they will be restored upon next restart.

at this point it’s probably best to just not use anything other than default team colors. but if you suggest specific RGB values and post comparable in-game screen shots of them, then that’s something we can discuss and maybe consider through a majority vote.

Let us know what color you thinks good! (click the blue part on the bottom)

Post RGB or screenshot or w/e of what you like

That seems to be good for me. :slight_smile:
Now I think we should be a poll or something like that.

EDIT: Was the server version config changed? Because my BnS launcher is always asking me to select version. :stuck_out_tongue:



But if you’re looking for change, maybe go with 128,64,0 (Wood brown) and 0,64,0 (dark green).
Both blend with the foliage making for an interesting battle. However, deciphering the colors may be a little difficult at long range, but that’s what zooming and having the ability to read colors are for.

Green and Teal.

Keep the blue and green, but how about a random fog/sky color for each new game?

  • Default light blue and light fog

  • And Dark sky (Night) and dark fog

hmmm not a bad idea it would be pretty cool

I’d say red and blue teams.

Red vs blue lel

I would say any color but red (unless you can change the color of your kills)


no naked ppl

Those racism tho xd