The new color in Babel is just as bad as the old.

i wanted to mean it as vanilla vs chocolate
what do you mean by racism?

Oh i thought u meant white vs black :confused:

Silver vs. Gold

Old Colors

[details=Click for details]Old Colors


New Suggested Colors

[details=Click for details]New Suggested Colors



Silver looks cool, but I would like bronze instead of gold.

When I get the chance, I will try to make a bronze example, and see how that looks. Thanks for the suggestion Kiwi!

I don’t care too much, but my main complaint is the use of red.

Red is used to highlight your deaths and kills. I often chuck grenades and wait to see that flash of red in the kill feed to know if I got the guy. This doesn’t work when one of the teams is red. Other game text (server messages, etc) also comes across as red and conflicts with team chat. Thus I strongly oppose its use as a team color.

TL;DR, don’t use red pl0x.

128 64 0 vs 128 0 128

cant post screens atm sorry
but i think they’re pretty well balanced and p nice to look at too

below are examples from topo’s suggested colors. the RGB values are what we’re interested in.

I say keep it basic, 255 Red vs 255 Blue.

Both colors have the similar tone, similar contrast, not too bright, and they don’t have an unfair environmental blend when against eachother.

I’m highly against green, grey, brown, and any of the derivatives because not only do they belong to the same color family- they also act as camouflage, blending in with both the ground and the fog on most maps. I’ve used this to my advantage plenty of times, and many experienced players know this as well.

The only downside to red would be the readability of the kill/death indicators and team chat.

Side note: The colors for the intel and the sky blink colors when grabbing intel need to be adjusted to the current team colors, as they’re still green and blue


Red: R:168 G:12 B:12
Blue: R:35 G:20 B: 250
Balanced colors. How about dark purple for Server messages and kill / death?.

Purple: R:123 G:55 B:123

That one downside is a really huge one and I’m really strongly against using red as a team color.
Why is camouflage a bad thing? Making everyone stick out in all situations wouldn’t do much for gameplay imo

Nope’s suggestion would take a bit of getting used to but it could definitely work. I’m still in favor of duller/dimmer colors, though

I failed to mention that camouflage is only a bad thing when only one team has it and the other team doesn’t.

The red text legibility is really annoying, but I find that “one-team-having-camouflage-and-the-other-team-sticks-out-like-a-sore-thumb” is an even bigger problem, as it handicaps the other team.

Anything green, brown, or grey has a small but noticable and effective advantage of camouflage on standard maps: light colored fog and natural green terrain. The mix of those two diminishes player silhouette and makes them really hard to spot at long distances. There are times where I can’t even see a good shooter on Green, even with my laptop screen tilted all the way back for additional contrast.

There is an opposite effect when the sky is dark. Blue team ends up being the one with the greater advantage and often winning those games where maps have dark skies.

If green were to be used, the only fair solution would be to have the other team have a grey/brown color influence as well.

This is all my opinion, for what it’s worth

How about blue vs green?


I am still for gold and silver…


i agree