Spawn community build - iron farm

There has been a lot of recent discussion between many members of the server about the possibility of creating a new more efficient iron farm closer to spawn that would be for public use.

We decided to take a look at this design: The iron towers

We have also been looking at possible locations on where to build the farm:
[shadow=black,left]Two possible locations near spawn (within ~500 blocks)[/shadow]


[shadow=black,left]Possible location farther from spawn:[/shadow]


We want to get the opinion from both the community and staff on this big project. The farm will be public use equally for all members of the server and we will design it to be attractive and not ugly.

What are your opinions/ideas/comments/concerns?

Thanks for reading!

-shywolf91 (aka MrSnowyOwl)


Nice idea, my only concern is lag as usual so I would build it far enough away that its not loaded or have an off switch (I didn’t watch the video because I don’t have time atm)

I think that this would be great, a more efficient iron farm and out of the spawn chunks is exactly what i need, Iron for redstone.

The Iron Titan was another idea but never ended up somewhere + it needs to be in spawnchunks which is not really the appropriate place for it.

It would be good to have it near spawn so it’s Easy and quick to access But we can always make a nether path to the location that is a bit far…

The only thing about this is, It might ruin economy… I mean, not that i really care about it but lots of shop use Iron as prices cause diamond would make the price too high for some things.

Some people might say: I hate Farms and stuff, I like it when it’s all man made.
My answer to these people is : Just Don’t Use It

That is a great idea and the fact that it doesn’t requires spawn chunks makes it better! I hope people agree :slight_smile:

Well The farm already have an On/Off switch but i will test it on a private server with some friends to see if it cause some lags.

(ps sorry if I made any mistakes in this text, english isn’t my first language)

I am also concerned about lag. so this is something we will have to consider when designing/building

iirc most people use diamonds to barter. Those who use iron will need to switch to diamond (or raise prices to higher amount of iron block or even gold)

Just a rephrase of what I spoke with Twoday about.
If it lags the server I’m ok with having it on as long as the person running it is the ONLY one on. That is non negotiable


I can add one but don’t really see the point. From what i usually see people vote but seldomly post with their opinions/concerns on why they voted that way. Another reason i dislike polls is that it allows everyone to vote (even those who don’t play minecraft)

But if people really want a poll to get a general idea about who wants this or not i can add one:

I’m all for it, as long as we find any/all solutions to lag issues.

And if were also going to build it near spawn, then yes, we’re gonna have to make it look somewhat nice :wink:

I like the showcase version he did. We’ll take that and improve upon it

Have a lovely road leading up to it that is well lit and pretty

We have at least 3 mob towers on the server already. Do we really need a farm for iron too? Afaik there is: The Old Iron Farm, Twoday’s Mob Clusterfucker and my mob dredger.

Well not sure about the mob towers. But afaik there are 2-3 iron farms but they are slow/ineffective (stack of iron blocks in maybe 5-6 hours of afk)

They are also really far away from spawn (ie closer to oldspawn area or near MP)

The original idea about building a new iron farm sprouted up in a discussion between sukotto and twoday about the iron titian which required spawn chunks.

The design we are currently looking at, the Iron Towers, doesn’t require spawn chunks and has an estimated rate of 1300 iron ingots per hour.

If there are public iron farms this is the first I’ve heard of it. There are no big farms on the noob board. Perhaps that’s on purpose, makes sense.
But it’s funny to discuss the new one when you haven’t seen the old ones. But I look forward to it.

I’ve watched the video and done other research and I like the idea and predict it’ll have little impact on the server/gameplay for the simple reasons it’s outside spawn and has an off button. That’s it.

The downsides:
–It’s ugly? Two can make it look like the Taj Mahal. You know he can.
–It’ll cause lag? No, it has limits on it already to prevent that, and it isn’t even built. Off is off.
–The shops will fold? Well, a barter economy doesn’t need a central location. Run your shop from home! Free delivery! Labor could be our currency. “Help me widen this river; 1 dime.” “Need oak? Cut my lawn.” “I need to test this bow - hold still.” Teamwork and youtube opportunities. Planned economies don’t work on any scale.
–Iron is a bad choice as a currency because it has too many other uses. /home costs $100, diamonds are worth $500, why not ecash? There’s gotta be a way for two people to have a $10 = Popeye’s Chicken transaction. Let’s be vanilla, but we do have craftbukkit, so why get attached to our buggy whips?
–Since I’m often the late night guy, the only one here, like now, I offered to flip the switch. Nobody heard me, so that’s out. But really? 150 iron blocks an hour? There’s be an initial interest but then how often will it run? How many iron blocks do you need? it’ll gather dust for days 'til we all run out then Emperor Two will own us all. Seriously, nobody will even notice; I bet an iron block.

Especially now, trying to grow your flock. A nice incentive for new people; a, um, bribe? :slight_smile:


PS: And Two? Talk to me buddy, we got a youtube show for you!

Well Maybe not that much blocks for 1 hour since Server Spawn rates are lower so there is less lags. We calculated it, it will give 325 iron ingots per hour which is 36 Iron blocks in 1 hour, Better than any other iron farm built on the server

I’ll talk to you :wink: ;

That’s still a lot of iron. We could do the Chrysler Building in our spare time. 36 an hour. lol.

You’re going undercover as “Mr. Smith” to new shiny MC servers and act all naive and innocent. Then turn their server to slag with a few machines and a bit of redstone. All on video! Like Bum Fights, without the bums or the fights. Well, totally different, but you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

First, im not sure about it being outside spawn. We should determine where the spawn chucks end (or build it in location #3).

Secondly, The old farms are really far away from spawn. The one I go to is at least a 2 day travel from old spawn and the other one is a 5 minute rail travel in the nether to Machu Picchu.

How is this going to affect hostile mob spawn rates for the rest of the server, and do people care?

I’m not sure. iirc i think we have a mob spawn limit or something like that but ill let froe or scipio confirm.

The reason I ask- two years ago I would have been opposed to this idea. I don’t “harvest” xp by means of automated farms. I mine, cave, and fight mobs outside at night. When people would idle at an iron farm, fighting mobs outside in the open was useless for xp gathering. If I couldn’t hit the mid 30’s+ in two nights (old version), it wasn’t worth the effort. I can’t justify being opposed to this idea right now as I don’t play like I used to. But, I’m throwing this out here so everyone else is aware of a potential downside.

A lot of farms are automated and aren’t meant for EXP. Most of the mob farms currently are being used to get gunpowder for the canal, believe it or not.