Hey guys, this is Monstarules. I recently saw a video on youtube of someone practicing with a bot in an AoS server. I figured I’d give it a try and yeah, my accuracy increased. But I also came up with some other useful tips that you need to keep in mind.
Start out by making slow shots. Try your best to line them up. After making several, you can try and speed up. Don’t go to fast, you want to build your skills up. Slow and very accurate is better than fast and innacurate. Always remember that, and build up your skill to your comfort level.
This gets everyone. Sometimes your team is kicking so much ass that the entire enemy team spawns in at once and low and behold, guess who has front row seats: You. The worst thing you could do is panic and start randomly shooting. It doesn’t work, it makes you look stupid, and it will (100% guarantee) get you killed. Don’t freak out when the enemy team spawns in. Think of it as a nice opprotunity to practice your sniping skills. Don’t give away your position. If the enemy does know your position, you can dig under a little and hide if you’re that scared.
When sniping, you need a nice scope. Now, it’s great to have a realistic one, but it’s also good to have an accurate one as well. A smaller scope is a better scope, but use one thats realistic. Don’t use some gargantuan blob as a reticle on your scopes. This is a nice scope and it is accurate.
This is an example of a bad scope…it’s innacurate, and it isnt even the right size.
The correct scope can do a lot for you
This isn’t Battlefield
There is no bullet drop. There is negligible bullet traveling time. Aim and shoot for the head. There is spread however, so keep in mind that you can miss longer shots (ones just barely in fog range). But don’t forget that spread can also be a saving grace. You don’t always have to aim on the head, although in shorter distances, you really should otherwise you’ll miss. I usually aim for the chest for longer distances. I’d rather have a few hits and a possiblity of a headshot than an angry enemy who starts shooting back at you because you keep missing their head.
Wallpopping, Jumpshots, Crouchspamming
Ok just because Spring or topo can do it doesn’t mean you should. It takes a lot of practice to perfect, and it should be more on instinct rather than on command. Wallpopping is when you peek out from cover and survey the area, line up a shot, and shoot the enemy before taking cover again. Sometimes you should peek, crouch down, move over a little and then shoot, just in case you got seen… Crouchspamming is repeatedly crouching and shooting at targets (this will attract the enemy to you because the color changes will catch their eyesight) at a fast rate, hoping that they can’t hit you because you’re all over the place. Jumpshots are self explanatory. You jump and shoot, although crouching midair does reduce recoil.